Chapter 1359
Although Lu Bu has the courage of all men!But he has another feature!That is fear of death!Know what danger is!He already felt that he couldn't take Li Yuanba's next blow!Even if he tried his best, he couldn't catch it.

Know Lu Bu's red rabbit horse!Turn around and run immediately!The four horseshoes are fully fired!In less than a second, the distance between Li Yuanba and Li Yuanba was two meters.

No one resisted Li Yuanba's blow!At this moment, Li Yuanba could no longer take back his strength!I can only let this giant hammer fall to the ground!I only heard: "Kang Dang!"

"Boom...!" The whole ground began to shake!white snow!Dust!gravel!Accompanied by this shocking blow, it fell into this piece of heaven and earth!

Everyone stared at Li Yuanba in astonishment!Lu Bu heard a loud noise behind him!Turn back quickly!Look at that shocking hammer!Lu Bu swallowed his saliva!He can be sure!He couldn't take the hammer.

Han Yi also stood up suddenly!Looking at Li Yuanba ahead!The force value reached 141, such a fierce general!Han Yi involuntarily looked back at the generals behind him!Xing Tian!Li Cunxiao!Ran Min!Yuwen Chengdu!Who can stop Li Yuanba's three hammers!A full 15 points of superimposed attributes!Terribly strong.

Han Yi rubbed his brows, his complexion gradually darkened a lot!This Li Yuanba really couldn't hold back!Han Yi still remembers!The last time the system ever said!Xing Tian!Xiang Yu!The three of Li Yuanba are on the same level. Judging from this situation, Xing Tian and Xiang Yu's force value should also be around 141, and they can break through to 140 at the worst. There is nothing wrong with it. If they can hunt Li Yuanba this time kill him!It was a fatal blow to Li Shimin.

Thinking of this, Han Yi involuntarily stroked his beard, thoughtfully, there are not a few generals under his command who can besiege and kill Li Yuanba!If Hou Yi can be used, there is almost an 80.00% chance of instantly killing Li Yuanba!But Hou Yi had a deep hatred with him, so he was obviously not willing!And he has Xing Tian under his command!Li Cunxiao!Ran Min!Guan Yu!Zhang Fei!Huang Zhong!Yuwen Chengdu!Jia Fu!If it is matched with the sniper Xue Rengui!I don't know if Li Yuanba can be killed.

Unlike Han Yi's embarrassing expression, Ying Zheng!Zhu Yuanzhang!Zhao Yong!Even Xiang Yu stood up!Staring at the young general with the hammer with an ugly face!This guy is too dangerous!Ma Yuan and Ma Chao will be in danger at any time!Can't care too much!Zhao Yong immediately said: "Hurry up and ask them to come back!"


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the tee drum!Ma Yuan and Ma Chao are about to take down Ao Bai and Wanyan's gold marbles!But with Li Yuanba's shocking hammer!The two involuntarily pulled out their horses and left!The remaining generals naturally dare not love to fight!Withdrew again and again.

A strange smile appeared on Temujin's gloomy cheeks!Pull out the scimitar in your arms!With his hands in front of him, he shouted loudly: "Warriors who charge into the grassland! The proud wolf god will protect you in the sky! Kill!"

"Kill!" A tiger roared!Everyone moves!

Wanyan Aguda's eyes are like a tiger!Spit and said: "Golden Wushu!"

"The end is here!" A man wearing a yellow velvet cap and heavy armor was holding a heavy ax in his hand!His expression was extremely arrogant, and he obviously had great confidence in his Iron Buddha!Jin Wushu suddenly took off his hat!Instead a helmet armed with both teeth!Only one pair of eyes can be seen in the entire helmet!The heavy armor on his body wraps his vitals!Not even the excess iron sheet can be seen.

"I order your three thousand iron stupas to be the vanguard! Smash Zhao's troops for me!" Wanyan Aguda's eyes were red, and his scarlet eyes looked like evil ghosts eating people.

"Understood." Jin Wushu clasped his hands together and strode out!And his war horse was also surrounded by iron sheets!Jin Wushu turned around, his whole body was like a walking tank, with [-] sets of armor and [-] horses.

Although there are only 3000 people in Iron Buddha Tu, that refers to [-] sets of armor!And there are two thousand archers behind, they will be responsible for shooting cold arrows behind, once the people on their side are dead!The people behind will rush forward, take off their battle armor, put it on themselves and continue fighting!till the end!What is terrible about Iron Buddha is not his defense power!It's the shrewd cooperation of the soldiers and the spirit of not fearing death!This is the biggest fear of Iron Buddha.

Yeke Abaoji held his own horse rope, looked at the powerful tiger army under his command, Yeke Abaoji said indifferently: "The leather chamber army is attacking!"

The short five words represent the whole of Yeke and Abaoji. The Pishi Army is not a special heavy armored unit, but a group of murderous soldiers and horses!Their equipment is just better than ordinary soldiers!Even some soldiers don't even have horses...but they are fearless, they only obey the orders of their masters!Forward is their vow never to retreat.

Temujin has a whip in his hand!Looking at the shining soldiers behind him, the saddle is dripping with the whip in his hand!Temujin looked indifferent!But he is not in a hurry to charge first!Looking back at Tuo Lei, he immediately said: "Tuo Lei! You lead the troops to charge yourself!"

"Understood father!" Tuo Lei held the whip!Riding a war horse!Suddenly pulled out the scimitar in his arms!Hoarsely said: "Warriors of the grassland! Come with me!"

The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers!Naturally, Li Shimin couldn't neglect it either!But he is the same as Temujin!But I don't want to expose my strength too much!In addition, Li Rusong was injured!The Xuanjia Army can't show its true strength at all!Li Shimin immediately looked at Zhao Chongguo who was standing aside!With a calm expression, he said, "Protect Fourth Highness! Don't let him get hurt!"

"Subordinates understand!" Zhao Chongguo nodded immediately!Look respectful.

Tens of thousands of cavalry are overwhelmingly overwhelming!This momentum is like a flood!Gives a depressing atmosphere.

"Everyone, let's do it!" He only heard a greeting, and he was on the general platform!In vain!Han Xin!Li Mu!Le Yi!Xu Da!Li Cunxu!Sun Ce!Liu Xiu!Gou Xi!Pang Shigu!Li Dingguo!The eleven generals gathered together first, their faces resolute.

Bai Qi shouted suddenly: "20 former troops! Advance one hundred steps!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Hundreds of thousands of soldiers walked quickly.

Han Xin also neglected!With a calm expression, he said: "The guns are in front!"

"Hu... huh!"

"The archers of the Chinese army are ready!" After Han Xin finished speaking!Xu Da made a decisive decision immediately!mixed together


"The war chariots of the vassal states are ready!" Li Mu looked dignified!This time he brought together a total of [-] vehicles from various countries!This will be a sharp weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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