Chapter 1360

"Rush!" Jin Wushu strode out!Riding a war horse suddenly slammed into Zhao Guo's formation!
In the overall situation, these eleven generals speak the truth!Because the total troops given to them by the various princes reached 50!The rest of the princes lined up in front of their own formations!
Zhao Yong narrowed his eyes!Look at the poised Lian Po!There was a trace of indifference in his eyes.

Lian Po pressed the sword in his arms!This time, he asked Zhan to lead [-] infantry to wait for the command of the general!Veteran already grizzled!The aura on his body is like a sleeping tiger!Lian Po suddenly said: "Ma Dai, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie, and Qian Zhao are resisting head-on! There must be no mistakes!"

"Decree!" The four young generals urged their horses up!Look at the heavy armor walking like a pagoda!Ma Tie, who had experienced many battles, immediately shouted: "Shoot!"

"Ha!" Tens of thousands of spears came out together!Just bang bang bang bang!In addition to leaving a not deep and not shallow mark and spark on this heavy armored cavalry!The rest is nothing.

Jin Wushu held the ax in his hand!Look at Ma Tie in astonishment!Haha laughed and said: "Kill them to death!"

"Boom!" Jin Wushu's heavy ax slammed down on Ma Tie's head and face!Ma Tie looked shocked!Immediately, he waved the weapon above his head, only to hear: "Kangdang!...Kacha...Kacha!"

With this loud noise, the weapon in Ma Tie's hand snapped!And there is that deep ax mark on his chest, robbing him of all his vitality!The breastplate in front of his chest has been shattered into fragments.

"Hahahaha! Vulnerable!" Jin Wushu snorted coldly!He looked disdainful.

"Don't be insane, the enemy general! You're here!" There was a loud shout!A middle-aged general with a height of seven feet!Holding the iron broadsword in his hand, he came slashing.

With one move and an ax to chop Mount Tai down!Jin Wushu is totally inappropriate!Suddenly raised his left hand!I saw Qianzhao's big knife chopped into Jin Wushu's hand!It's just leaving a not deep and not shallow mark!Qianzhao looked stunned!Just about to escape!Jin Wushu did not agree!Suddenly took the ax and hit the horse on the shoulder!The painful war horse threw off the pulling move directly!Jin Wushu sneered!Grab a long gun casually!Straight down!There was only blood and flesh flying.

The Iron Buddha is almost the nemesis of infantry!In this crushing situation!Zhao Guo's infantry had no chance to fight back!Ma Dai and Matthew were shocked!Ma Dai is still awake!He glanced at Matthew behind him!Immediately said: "I can't stop it! Let's go!"

"I can't go anymore! Leave it to me!" Jin Wushu suddenly urged his horse up!Wield the big ax in your hand!Although this war horse is wearing heavy armor!But it's as if he didn't wear it on him!It was still as fast as the wind, Ma Dai saw it!His face was shocked!Immediately waved away.

How can a force value of 87 and Ma Dai meet each other with a force value of 99 Golden Wushu!The big knife in the sack's hand was crushed by Jin Wushu, and there was no room for retaliation.

"You stay too!" There was only a slap!The drum-beating golden hammer the size of a lion's head met Jin Wushu's big axe and hit it!I only heard: "Kang Dang!"

Jin Wushu retreated again and again in shock, staring at Ma Yuan with a pair of deep eyes!There is a look of fear in the eyes.

Ma Yuan repelled the Golden Wushu as if playing a game!Riding a war horse to stand in front of Ma Dai and Ma Xiu!Look at the tragic death of horse iron underground!Ma Yuan's face darkened!Suddenly clamped the horse's belly!A hammer came crashing down!Jin Wushu looked shocked!Immediately he pulled out his horse and jumped away, but Ma Yuan didn't chase after him either!Grab Ma Tie's body with one hand!Throwing it to Ma Xiu and Ma Dai who were behind, said: "How can I, Ma's son, be exposed to the wilderness! Wrap it up!"

"No!" The two dare not speak to each other!Immediately retreated with Ma Tie's body.

Jin Wushu hesitated slightly!The pain of falling palms!He stared at Ma Yuan with an unkind expression!He sneered and said, "Old man! You have a lot of strength!"

Ma Yuan carefully glanced at Jin Wushu!Looking at the Iron Buddha who killed the Quartet behind him!Ordinary weapons hardly have much effect on them. Ma Yuan shook his hands and looked solemn: "My son from the Ma family is not easy to kill! You must pay some price today!"


"Ding! The attribute of Ma Yuan's shrouded body is activated! Fighting on the battlefield with the determination to die! The force value is increased by 7, and if the enemy is a foreign race! The effect of the attribute is doubled!"

"Ding, the current matchup is Golden Wushu! It's a grassland tribe! Ma Yuan's force value is doubled! The force value is increased by 14, the basic force value is 105, the force value of the drum and urn golden hammer is increased by 1, and the force value of Huang Zongma is increased by 1. Force value 121"

"Boom!" Scarlet blood appeared on Ma Yuan's silver hammer!Jin Wushu only felt that his expression was getting colder!The tiger's eyes stared at the hammer that was getting bigger and bigger!Get your ax in both hands now!Suddenly shouted: "Open!"

"Ding! The attribute of the Golden Wushu Stupa is activated! The force value is increased by 3, if you lead the Iron Buddha" the force value will be increased by 5!Add 1 to the force value of the mace, add 1 to the force value of the floating slaughter horse, and the base force value is 99. Currently, I think the force value is 109! "

"Ding! Golden Wushu's external attributes are activated! If you are against the enemy! You are not a member of the tribe! Add 6 to the force value, and add 1 to the commander! The current force value is 115!"

"Bang Dang!" The hammer and ax sang!Jin Wushu sneered!But not yet!I can only hear the sound of hammer wind in my ears!Ma Yuan swung the sledgehammer in his left hand.

Jin Wushu flew up!The whole head was barking, and Jin Wushu who fell on the ground shook his head!Holding his head hard, he finally heard only: "Crack!"

Jin Wushu fell to the ground!In a coma!Obviously this blow was too heavy.

The Iron Buddha around looked at it, and immediately went to help Jin Wushu up!There are also two who are desperate to rely on their thick armor!Straight up.

Ma Yuan is about to accomplish the Golden Wushu!But it was stopped by two people!His face turned cold!The two silver hammers hit the heads of the two like a pumpkin hitting the brain!This blow only heard: "Kang Dang!"

"Crack!" The eyes of the two were stupefied!Blood could be vaguely seen sliding down the cheeks of the two of them, this move could be described as deadly.

Ma Yuan was watching!Jin Wushu has been carried away by several soldiers!Ma Yuan looked a little embarrassed and stared at the armor of the two dead iron stupas, the defense power is really thick!If it weren't for this armor!The move of Jin Wushu just now was sure to kill him.

The two sides fought, although the death of Jin Wushu did not make the Iron Buddha retreat!But because Ma Yuan killed two iron stupas with one hammer, this greatly weakened the power of the iron stupas!But the infantry is in front of the heavy cavalry!Still get what a bargain!Only the crushed portion.

Han Yi watched the battle!Take a breath!But his eyes were always looking for Li Yuanba, this terrifying weirdo.

(End of this chapter)

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