Warring States Call

Chapter 1362 The Strongest God of War

Chapter 1362 The Strongest God of War
"Your Majesty the Fourth Highness is mighty! Charge up to me from left to right!" Zhao Chongguo laughed loudly, and followed behind Li Yuanba!Commanding the soldiers behind him to charge straight up, the soldiers on both sides hurriedly stopped the defense, lest they break through the defense.

"Ding! Yu Wenqing! Cao Hong! The three of Xiahou Dun died in battle! The host got 27 summoning points, and the current summoning point is 2277 summoning points! Yu Wenqing's force value is 99, Xiahou Dun's force value is 97, Cao Hong's force value is 90, and the system is about to burst the table 6 People, please host, get ready!"

"Damn it! The man who killed Lao Tzu! Don't even think about leaving today! Dian Wei!" Han Yi's eyes were red!He may not care about Cao Hong and Xiahoudun, but Yu Wenqing can't. If Yu Wenqing and Dian Wei hadn't blocked Tai Shici's reinforcements, Han Yi would have died long ago, let alone escaped from death. Wang Ye, there is no big reward!But how could Han Yi forget the dark-skinned, smiling middle-aged general.

"Your Majesty!" Dian Wei looked at Han Yi nervously!Now the news of the death on the front line has reached him!It's just that I don't know how to say it.

Han Yi's face was ashen and said: "Quick, follow me to kill Li Yuanba! Let's go!"

"My lord, you already know!" Dian Wei asked weakly, and Han Yi was obviously a little bit taken aback!Immediately scolded angrily: "When the lonely king is blind! Go!"


At this moment, Li Yuanba was looking for the figure he wanted to see, but he didn't know that the danger had come, and the figure of Han Ming also appeared in front of Li Yuanba. Li Yuanba laughed when he saw Han Ming: "Yes! It's you ! I want to catch you back!"

"Looking for death!" Han Ming's face darkened!Holding a knife in both hands, he strode out suddenly, and smashed Mount Tai with an axe!
"Ding, Han Ming Pluto's attributes are activated, the force value is instantly increased by 10, and the politics is reduced by 10. The current Han Ming politics is 54 points! The force value is increased by ten, and the force value of the Tiger Tooth Golden Sword is increased by 1! The current force value is 111!"

"Ding! The second attribute of King Han Mingming is activated! The aura of dominance! Who will fight for the front! The force value will instantly increase by 10. If you fight against a general, you will be a prairie! Reduce the enemy's force value by an additional 5 points! Your own force value will increase by an additional 5!"

"Ding, Han Ming activates the second attribute! Qing Ming! The son of luck! I am ordered to be with the heavens, and the ghost flows for three thousand miles! Who dares to do my best! The base force value will be permanently increased by 3, and the commander will be increased by 1! Everyone's force value will be increased by 3 , the enemy's force value is reduced by 8, and it is specially reminded that advanced skills can be immune! Such as Overlord! Very strong!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba is immune to the three-hammer attribute! The current strength of Li Yuanba is 126!"

"Ding, Han Ming's basic force value is 97, and the force value will be permanently increased by 3. The current force value is 100. Affected by the two attributes of Qingming! Hades, the force value will be increased by 18, and the current force value is 129!"

"Yes... yes... yes... that's it" Li Yuanba seemed like an excited child at this moment!The next second it turned into a bloodthirsty monster!

"That's it! Excited! So excited!" Li Yuanba suddenly picked up the hammer in his left hand with both hands, and muttered, "One!"

"Ding, the current force value of Li Yuanba's first hammer is increased by 4, the current force value is 126, the force value is increased by 4, and the current force value is 130!"

"Kangdang... Dingling" under one hammer!The golden sword turned into fragments all over the sky, and Han Ming only felt his arms go numb.

"Second hammer!" Li Yuanba laughed suddenly!Turning over is another hammer drop!But this time it was the hammer in his right hand that condensed a stream of scarlet blood around the hammer.

"Ding, add 5 to Li Yuanba's force value, and the current force value is 135!"

"Come here!" There was only a shout!Han Ming felt another huge force behind him pull him back.

"Ding, Han Chen's bloody battle attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and can be activated twice. When facing the enemy general, an additional 3 points can be added. When facing thousands of troops, the force value of the surrounding generals will be increased by 3 points!"

"Ding, the current basic force value is 99, and the force value of the enemy general will be increased by 3. This is the second time, and the force value will be increased by 13!

"Ding, Han Chen's basic force value is currently 99, and Chiyan Longyin's force value is increased by 1! Yulong Wuya's force value is increased by 1! The current force value is 115!"

"Ding, Han Chen is good at using attributes to activate, good at using... Pluto...!"

"Ding, Pluto is not currently on Han Chen's side! Can't use it!"

"Ding, Han Chenmeng gun fires the 8th shot, and the force value is increased by 16! The current force is 131!"

"Ha!" Han Chen pulled Han Ming away!The red blood gun in his hand went straight to kill!Han Chen, who was fully fired, felt a destructive force at this moment.

"Boom!" There was only a bang!Han Chen stepped back dozens of steps.

"Bastard!" Han Ming was about to step forward!Han Chen pulled Han Ming suddenly, and said solemnly, "Go! Go!"

blood!The blood from the tiger's mouth seeped into Han Ming's clothes along Han Chen's tiger's mouth!Han Ming ignored it, and said indifferently, "Get lost!"

"You... bang!" Han Chen seemed to be unable to hold on!Throw the Chiyan Dragon Yin in your hand on the ground!Put your hands in the snow!Only then did I feel that the pain was relieved a lot.

"Yeah! Another one! It's fun! It's fun! Hahahahaha! It's hitting me!" Li Yuanba finished speaking!Suddenly holding his own golden hammer for beating the drum and urn with both hands, he said calmly: "The third hammer"

"Ding! Li Yuanba activates the three hammer attributes! The force value of the first hammer increases by 4, the force value of the second hammer increases by 5, and the force value of the third hammer increases by 6!"

"Ding, the current force value of Li Yuanba's third hammer is 6, the current force value is 135, the force value is increased by 6, and the current force value is 141!"

"Fuck you!" Han Ming suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms!This blow was not intended to hit the stone softly, and it was also the longest sentence Han Ming had ever said.

"Kangdang!... Tear!"

The difference from before is that there is no sound of fracture!What I heard was a heavy sound of gold and iron delivery.

Han Ming was also hooked by Fei Lian's belt with the sickle in his hand... Pulled back suddenly!Looking back at Fei Lian who was wearing a mask, he said disdainfully, "Midget your own business!" After speaking, Han Ming looked at the person in front of him who could take the hammer from Li Yuanba.

I saw Xing Tian holding a heavy shield in both hands!Forcibly carrying Li Yuanba's full blow!The veins on both arms popped up!Like bright red earthworms, the moment the giant hammer falls!Xing Tian could feel that he almost failed to resist.

"The strength is good! Come again!" After Xing Tian finished speaking, he punched the shield suddenly!With such a huge force, even Li Yuanba was forced back three steps.

Avoid Li Yuanba!Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put down his sore arm.

Li Yuanba was taken aback for a moment, surprised and pleasantly surprised: "I caught it, who are you?"

"Xing Tian continues!" Li Cunxiao suddenly threw Xing Tian's battle ax over!Xing Tian caught it with one hand, grinned, looked at Li Yuanba and said, "My name is Xing Tian! The strongest God of War"

(End of this chapter)

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