Chapter 1363

Li Yuanba stared at Xing Tian!A hint of excitement from the prey flashed in his eyes!Looking at Xing Tian, ​​he laughed and said, "It's fun! It's fun! I'm taking my third hammer!"

Li Yuanba looked crazy!The illusory energy rushing out of his body!The double hammers in his hands were also infected by this red smell at this moment!The whole person was like a hungry ghost rushing out of hell. Based on Li Yuanba's thin body, no one could have imagined that this thin and small man could burst out with such amazing strength.

Xing Tian shook his sore arm!With a ferocious smile on his face, he said calmly, "It's interesting!"

"Boom...Boom...Boom!" The aura on Xing Tian's body was also rising steadily. At first it was illusory energy, but in the next second it covered Xing Tian's whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally covered it in his hands. on weapons.

"Ding, Xing Tian, ​​the god of war attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 108, the force value of the Pangu ax is increased by 1, and the current force value is 119!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Xingtian God of War is activated, repeating a skill attribute, immune to all negative attributes, the current Xingtian force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 129!"

"Kang Dang!" At this moment, Xing Tian suddenly threw the shield in his hand, in his opinion!A real warrior can only attack without defense or retreat.

"Ding, Xingtian's fighting spirit attribute is activated, combined with the God of War attribute, when the fighting spirit is strong, give up the shield in your hand, there is only surprise attack, no defense! Add 6 to the force value, and the current force value of Xingtian is 135!"

not enough!This is not enough!It's not hot enough!It's not explosive enough, it's not enough......Yah
Xing Tian strode forward suddenly!The Pangu ax in his hand changed dramatically at this moment!The red blood on Xing Tian's body was all condensed on the ax at this moment, and Xing Tian strode forward suddenly!With an ax in both hands, there are not too many moves at all, and some are just a surging fighting spirit.

"Ding, the second attribute of Xingtian's fighting spirit is activated! The force value is instantly increased by 5, and the current force value of Xingtian is 140!"

"Come on!" Li Yuanba laughed loudly!Suddenly he swung his hammers, and in the open snow field, he heard a sound: "Bang Dang!"

Countless snowflakes and mud splashed around the two of them!After one move!The two were shocked by the huge counter-shock force and took several steps back, but this did not affect the next move of the two of them. Both of them seemed to be possessed by demons, and neither of them obeyed the other!The tomahawk splits the mountain like thunder, and every move has the power of ten thousand catties!In the hands of Xing Tian, ​​it is like playing with the wind, it is easy.

Li Yuanba weighed more than 400 jins, but the sledgehammer was choppy. The sledgehammers of the two soldiers were like waves pushing back waves, endlessly, which meant mountains and seas.Originally covered by the cold snow, the soldiers could clearly feel the air rising rapidly at this moment.

Between the two of them, Li Cunxiao!Ran Min and the two came first!Huang Feihu!The vast sea!Jia Fu!Yuwen Chengdu!Guan Yu!Zhang Fei!Jiang Song!Xue Rengui!High pet!Nangong Shi!Already arrived before the war!Surround Li Yuanba.

Han Yi is wearing heavy armor!There is also a piece of black bear fur behind him!To resist the cold wind and snow, when everyone saw Han Yi, they quickly saluted: "My lord!"

Han Yi rubbed his palms!With a stern look, he said: "Li Cunxiao! Ran Min! Jiang Song! Gao Chong! The four of you step forward and help General Xingtian take down this beast!"

"The last general has an order!" The four of them couldn't help but say it when they heard it!Come with a weapon in hand.

"Mountain-opening ax!" Xing Tian suddenly took the hammer with both hands!His eyes were blood red, his expression was solemn, and he immediately slashed down with his axe, the original heavy blood red battle axe!At this moment, it is even more colorful.

"Come down!" Li Yuanba suddenly waved the windmill!There is only a bang, and it is also a one-hit fight!Li Yuanba only felt his arms go numb!Xing Tian also retreated several steps in a row before he stabilized his figure, at 140 and up!Every breakthrough point!It has an absolute advantage, not like 130!It takes more than 4 points of strength to create a disadvantage.

"Don't be mad, the enemy general! Li Cunxiao is here! Eat me!" Li Cunxiao didn't ride a horse today, but the blades of his hands were hanging down on the ground!With big strides, scarlet blood continued to emerge from his body.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao is bold to launch! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points and increase your own force value by 5 points. When facing an army of ten thousand people, reduce the enemy's force value by 1 point and increase your own force value by 8!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba is affected by the bold effect! Ding! The current Zhensan Hammer attribute is immune! Li Yuanba's force value is 141!"

"Ding, we are facing an army of millions on the grassland! Li Cunxiao's force value is increased by 8, weapons Yu Wang's and Bi Yanluo's force value are increased by 1, the base force is 107, and the current force value is 116!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao added 5 to the force value of the dual attributes, and the current force value is 122!"

"Go away! Don't play with you! You are too weak!" Li Yuanba looked very angry, obviously blaming Li Cunxiao for disturbing his battle with Xing Tian.

"Ding! The second special effect of Li Cunxiao's Shuangjue is activated. It is activated according to Li Cunxiao's personal anger. Every time he faces a dangerous situation, the force value will be increased by 2. It can be activated up to 3 times. It will be the third force value plus 6! The current force value is 128"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao's divine power attribute is activated! Five horses don't distinguish their corpses, and they are eternal warriors! The king is no more than Xiang! The strength is no more than bully! The general is no more than Li. Li Cunxiao's force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 138!"

"Boom!" The cold wind shot fiercely!As fast as lightning, Li Yuanba, who was still very impatient before, suddenly regained his spirits!Immediately laughed loudly: "It's fun! It's fun! Go back to me!"

"Bang!" Li Yuanba went down with the hammer!Li Cunxiao didn't plan to take it hard either!Immediately, the left hand of King Yu dragged!Bi Yanluo with his right hand stabs out!Li Yuanba immediately swung his hammer in front of the vital point, only to hear ... ... sparks flying everywhere, but Li Yuanba couldn't be hurt in the slightest.

"I'm coming!" Only a deep voice was heard!Like a sleeping tiger, Ran Min suddenly ran out in small steps!Holding a double-edged spear in the left hand and a hook in the right, the cold light is sharp.

"Ding, the attribute of Ran Min's double guns is activated, the force value is increased by 4, the current force value is 110, the force value of the double-edged golden light spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 111"

"Ding, when Ran Min's martial mourning attribute is activated, the negative attributes of the enemy's skills can be exempted, and the force value is increased by 10. Affected by the martial mourning, the current Ran Min's force value is 121!"

"You can't!" After Li Yuanba finished speaking, he hit him with a hammer indifferently!In his opinion, Ran Min is just a clown.

"Ding, when Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute is activated, in the face of dangerous situations, the force value will be increased by 5, the maximum activation is 3 times, and the current force value is 126"

"Ding, when Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute is activated, in the face of dangerous situations, the force value will be increased by 5, the maximum activation is 3 times, and the current force value is 131"

"Ding, when Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute is activated, in the face of dangerous situations, the force value will be increased by 5, the maximum activation is 3 times, and the current force value is 136"

Because of Xiao Hei, Li Cunxiao's skills are lacking. Xiao Hei would like to say sorry to all readers. In addition, the must kill will be changed to divine power. Thank you for your support. Thank you Xiao Hei.

(End of this chapter)

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