Warring States Call

Chapter 1364 Emperor Ran Min

Chapter 1364 Emperor Ran Min
"Be careful!" Ran Min and Li Yuanba haven't fought yet!From behind came the shouts of Jiang Song and Gao Chong.

And Han Yi's brain also sent a reminder from the force value of the two of them.

"Ding, the high-favored sharp gun attribute is activated, the force value instantly increases by 7, and the base force value is 105! The force value of the chiseled golden tiger head gun increases by 1! The current force value is 113!"

"Ding, the second attribute of the high-favored gun is activated. Li Yuanba currently activates the skill 5 times. Every time the force value is activated, the high-favor force value increases by 2! The high-favor force value increases by 10! The current high-favor force value is 123"

"Ding, the super pet giant power attribute is activated, the force value is instantly increased by 10, and the current force value is 133"

"Ding, Jiang Song gun's absolute attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, the force value of the Babao Linglong Spear is increased by 1, the base force is 105, and the current force is 113"

"Ding, Jiang Song encounters a strong attribute activation, every time the enemy's force increases by 1, his own force value will increase by 0.5, the maximum can be two people, the current setting is Li Yuanba! Li Yuanba removes the base force value of 109, and Jiang Song's force value increases by 16 points , the current strength of Jiang Song is 129!"

"Ding, Jiang Song's spear attribute is activated. Facing his teammates with guns, he can increase his force value by 2 points, reduce the enemy's light weapon cover force value by 5 points, and use heavy weapons by 2 points. Everyone's force value will be increased by 6! Current force value It's worth 135!"

"Ding, the high-favorite Jiang Song has no influence on the force value, the force value is increased by 2, and the current force value is 135!"

"Ding, Ran Min is affected by the attribute of Jiang Song's gun! Add 2 to the force value, and the current force value is 138!"

Han Yi listened to the reminder of Jiang Song's unique attributes, no wonder Jiang Song could easily separate Li Yuanba and Luo Shixin, two unrivaled fierce men in the novel!Simultaneously absorbed the force value bonus of the two!Li Yuanba's force value was 141, Jiang Song absorbed 16 points, and Luo Shixin could absorb 10 points, plus everyone's force value bonus!Separate the two with ease.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" The three cold spears shot towards Li Yuanba, Li Yuanba frowned, with a solemn expression, and shouted, "You guys are so annoying! I don't want to play with you! Get out!"

The two golden hammers in Li Yuanba's hands suddenly smashed against each other, clamping the weapons of the three men, and then pushed back suddenly, and the sledgehammer flipped upwards!The three powerful men were sent back by Li Yuanba.

Ran Min was fine, he took three steps back to stabilize his figure, but the tiger's mouth was bleeding profusely, staining his soldiers red, Jiang Song and Gao Chong were directly knocked to the ground, just about to turn over Suddenly, a mouthful of old blood was spit out, obviously injured.

"Take the two generals down quickly!" Han Yi frowned!Immediately said.

"No!" Dian Wei and E Lai, who were watching from both sides, embraced Gao Chong and Jiang Song who were lying on the ground, one on the left and the other on the right!Pull them back.

Han Yi looked at Li Yuanba, and sure enough, once the force value exceeded 130, the difference in force value of 5 points could be reached in seconds!If Ran Minru hadn't been blessed by Jiang Song in the end!I'm afraid the three of them will be unlucky, and it seems that they can only rely on Xing Tian for now!Assisted by Li Cunxiao!Ran Min sneaked up next to him!See if you can kill this Li Yuanba.

Li Shimin in the distance looked at the vast battlefield, and because he was really worried about Li Yuanba's safety, he sent out three scouts, but there was no news at this moment.

"Report! Tiger!"

The first scout sent out finally came back!Li Shimin said solemnly, "How's the situation?"

"My lord! Your Highness is surrounded by the generals of the Han army! General Zhao Chongguo can't get in at all!"

"Oops! Rumor has it that King Han's powerful generals are like clouds! We can't wait any longer!" Li Shimin thought to himself, and after a short pause, he suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Where is the Xuanjia Army!"

"Here!" The Xuanjia Army of three thousand people suddenly stepped out!They are all heavily armored infantry.

"Follow me to kill! Hurry up!" Li Shimin is now very worried about Li Yuanba's safety!Immediately took a horse boring, clamped the horse and charged!Hundreds of thousands of infantry behind!Oncoming.

"Boom!" It was another hit!Li Yuanba resisted Xing Tian's fierce ax with one hand, and before he could catch his breath, Li Cunxiao's King Yu came straight to kill him, and Li Yuanba immediately crushed it with a hammer.

Responding!Ran Min's double-edged spear stabbed Li Yuanba's calf!Blood flowed from the wound!Li Yuanba, who was in pain, broke free from Li Cunxiao and Xing Tian's shackles, swung a sledgehammer and hit Ran Min, shouting fiercely, "I want you to die!"

Li Cunxiao and Xing Tian, ​​who were shaken away, retreated three steps in a row!There is no time to estimate Ran Min at all.

"Let's see who dies first!" Ran Min's eyes were red at the moment, he was an extremely proud person!When would someone tarnish his own dignity like this.

"Ding, Ran Min's Hu-killing attribute activates! The force value is increased by 2, and the commander is increased by 4! The troops commanded are beggars! Facing aliens, the force value is forced to increase by 5! There are no prisoners against aliens! Only death!"

"Ding, because Jiang Song withdrew from the battlefield! Ran Min's force value has recovered to 136, the current force value is increased by 2, the force value is 138, the commander is increased by 4, and the current commander is 95!"

"Boom!" Two divine soldiers stabbed at Li Yuanba's double hammers!Gradually squeezed by gravity!Ran Min's hands have become bloody hands!The weapon in his palm was bent, but Ran Min was holding his breath!Suddenly put both hands in Li Yuanba's double hammers!He took a deep breath and shouted: "The Central Plains is not a place for you to be presumptuous! Get out!"

Ran Min supported Li Yuanba's sledgehammer with both hands!Suddenly kick down!Kicking Li Yuanba's lower abdomen!Go down with this foot!Gathered all of Ran Min's strength.

"Crack!" Li Yuanba was like a kite with a broken string!It fell heavily to the ground.

Ran Min was able to catch his breath!Suddenly fell to his knees, Ran Min's hands were bloody!Don't even think about using knives and guns in half a month.

"Ahem... Puff...!" Li Yuanba knelt down in the crowd!Clutching his abdomen, he vomited blood violently!A pair of eyes stared at Ran Min!Li Yuanba looked a little annoyed!His reddened eyes were bloodshot: Li Yuanba was staring at Ran Min's enemy!Looking at Li Cunxiao and Xing Tian!Immediately stood up with difficulty, cried and said angrily: "It's not fun at all! I want to sue my second brother! You bully the few with the more! Bully the small with the big!"

"Damn...!" Countless crows flew by in everyone's mind now!I just want to scold my mother!Is this dog difficult to deal with?The key people say is also reasonable.

"Don't let him go!" Han Yi immediately stood up, killed several of his generals, and wounded three more!I really think that I am Cao Cao and he is Zhao Zilong!Now that we are here!Then leave a whole body!Kill a tiger without killing it!Endless troubles.

"Stop going!" Xing Tian and Li Cunxiao were bold with their high skills!Immediately caught up!Although Li Yuanba was seriously injured!But the strong desire to survive still made him rush out!It's just that Li Cunxiao rode his own Zhu Longma!faster!If you mount a horse, you will intercept it.

(End of this chapter)

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