Chapter 1366

Murong Ke stared at Wei Qing who was leading the charge, nodded and said: "There are very few people at his age who can be so calm!"

"Siege!" Bai Qi saw that the time was almost up, and waved his hand suddenly, Le Yi and Pang Shigu nodded immediately and said: "March!"

Most of the soldiers and horses on the grassland are infantry!And the thick steel defense line built by Bai Qi is specially designed for cavalry!If there are few people in this large formation, it will definitely not be able to stop the cavalry!But in the case of a large number of people, as long as the enemy troops hold back the vanguard and outflank the two wings, it is like making dumplings!The enemy can't even run away.


Hear the deafening sound!Temujin rode his horse and watched the battle!Slightly exhaled!There was a tinge of purple on his reddish cheeks, Temujin exhaled and said: "Send the order! Withdraw the troops!"

"Tiemujin, did you make a mistake! Victory is just around the corner!" Tuoba Tao saw that his vengeance was about to be avenged!Temujin actually ordered the withdrawal of troops, how could he agree! "

Temujin stared at Tuoba Tao, his expression was a little annoyed, he stared at Tuoba Tao with a pair of deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "This is war! War can't care about the gains and losses in front of you! If Tuoba Tao is not willing to withdraw troops, you can Stay here and continue fighting! I, Temujin, will not stand by me!"

After Temujin finished speaking, he waved his hand suddenly!Only the horn sounded slightly!Nurhachi!Li Shimin!Wanyan Aguda and the others didn't want to fight, they originally thought that they could crush the enemy with cavalry!But now it seems that I think too much, and this battle needs to be done slowly!After all, one bite cannot become a warrior of the grassland.

"Woooo...!" The horn for retreat gradually sounded!Everyone is relieved!The soldiers on the prairie took advantage of their horses and escaped quickly!So much so that the encirclement has no form yet!The enemy has all retreated.

Bai Qi looked at the fleeing cavalry!His face was a little helpless!The movement speed of the enemy army is too fast!They really don't have an advantage.

Tuoba Tao was still staring at the coalition forces of the princes unwillingly!Look resentful!If he has one hundred thousand soldiers and horses!Why bother to look at Temujin.

"Leader Tuoba, don't be angry! There is a saying in the Central Plains! It's called don't care about the immediate gains and losses! Look at the future!" Only a greeting!Boyan came behind Tuoba Tao with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and signaled him not to be angry anymore.

Tuoba Tao glanced at Boyan, and said with disdain on his face: "You fake prairie man, what nonsense are you talking about here! Your wolf cub was killed! Don't you see your enemy and don't want to take revenge?"

"Hahaha! Understood! Understood." Boyan didn't make a fuss, looked at Tuoba Tao, and then pointed: "Look at the surrounded remnant army! If everyone here is surrounded! What do you think! What do you think?" Is there any chance of revenge?"

Tuoba Tao rolled his eyes, looked at Boyan, and pressed the scimitar in his arms!Looking at Boyan carefully, he was very annoyed, but unable to refute, he immediately waved: "Withdraw!"

"Withdraw the troops!" Hearing only a tiger's roar, Tuoba Tao led his troops back to the camp with less than 2 troops!He wants to restore his former glory!No decades are impossible cold!Or from the moment his tribe perished, those beliefs that were engraved to the bone!It's just his obsession.

Night gradually fell.

Han Yi sat on the throne, wiping the sword in his hand!And the sound of exploding watches began to appear in my ears.

"Ding! Lu Zhishen is currently dead! The system has exploded 3 people, and Lu Zhishen is in Liu Yu's camp! There is no fateful opponent! Currently, 3 people are scattered!"

"Ding! No. 1 Luo Yanhuan: force 97, commander 93, intelligence 85, politics 78. The current implantation status is a young general promoted by Zhao Kuangyin! Entrust him with a heavy responsibility!"

"Ding, the second person on the list, Sun Sheng of the Sui Dynasty, has strength of 99, commander of 95, intelligence of 95, and politics of 90. He is currently implanted as Li Shimin's Xuanwu captain! Temporarily succeed Daxi Changru's remnant army and rectify military affairs!"

"Ding! The third person on the list, Dorgon: strength 99, commander 95, intelligence 93, politics 95. The current implantation identity is Nurhachi's son! Huang Taiji's younger brother!"

"Good boy! This is Li Shimin's hair!" Han Yi let out a sigh of relief, thinking that the eldest Sun Sheng was not counted among the six people Li Shimin killed Xiahou Dun and the others!In other words, Li Shimin got seven talents in one go this time, which is a naked enhancement! "

"Ding, the function of the bald tree is dead! There are five people on the list, the current No.1 He Tengjiao has 80 military strength, 93 intelligence, 88 politics, and 86. The current implantation status is the talent obtained by Goujian!"

"It doesn't matter!" Han Yi frowned slightly!Such a character does not have much effect.

"Ding! Pucha Shijie, the second person on the list: force 100, commander 81, intelligence 71, politics 54. The current implantation status is a fierce general recruited by Nurhachi!"

"It's interesting!" Han Yi frowned slightly!It seems that I also need to summon some talents!To make up for Yu Wenqing's Xiahou Dun!The talents of Cao Hong's three deaths are broken!It is really impossible to adjust the gimbal twenty generals up!Directly launching the cloud platform array, Han Yi was in a bad mood because of the loss of Yu Wenqing.

"Ding, the current third person on the list is Duduo of the Qing Dynasty: Force 97 Commander 96 Intelligence 81 Politics 81 The current implantation identity is Nurhachi's son! This is the first time he participated in a war! Because of his excellent performance, he is extremely loved by Nurhachi.

"Ding, the fourth person on the list, Yang Yan: Force 54 Commander 61 Intelligence 94 Politics 95 The current implantation identity is Yang Shiqi's younger brother! His talent is favored by Liu Yu! Recruited to serve under his command!"

"Ding! Liao Yong'an of the Ming Dynasty, the fifth person on the current list: force 99, commander 95, intelligence 74, politics 58 implanted into the identity of the general recruited by Zhu Yuanzhang! Entrust him with a heavy responsibility!"

"Ding! Yu Wenqing is currently dead in battle! The system exploded with 3 people!"

"Damn..." Han Yi frowned!I could only hear: "Crack!" The writing brush in his hand was broken by Han Yi, and Han Yi suppressed his resentment!Suddenly threw the brush in his hand!Pick up another brush at will.

"Ding, No. 1 on the current list: Liang Shitai of the Sui Dynasty has 100 military power, 80 commander, 67 intelligence, and 49 politics. The current implantation status is a fierce general recruited by Li Shimin!"

"Goofy" Han Yi still couldn't help but broke the brush in his hand!His complexion gradually became gloomy, don't kill Li Yuanba!Han Yi is sorry for Yu Wenqing!Since you are rushing to court death!Then wash your neck and wait.

"Ding, the second person on the list: Li Cunxin, the younger brother of Li Shimin, who has 97 military strength, 92 intelligence, 87 intelligence, and 54 politics. He joined the army! He performed well and was promoted by Li Shimin!"

"Ding, the third person on the list is Zhang Chengye: force 77, commander 64, intelligence 93, politics 91, implanted identity is the counselor recommended by Changsun Wuji to Li Shimin."

"Very good! Very good! Wash your neck and wait"

(End of this chapter)

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