Warring States Call

Chapter 1367 Summoning Armor

Chapter 1367 Summoning Armor
"Ding, Xiahou Dun died in battle! The system needs 3 people to give to Li Shimin! Host, please get ready!"

"Come on!" Han Yi threw away the broken brush in his hand, he picked up the last one, exhaled softly, and tried to calm himself down. It wasn't that he wasn't big enough, it was just too irritating Yes, Li Cunxiao!Ran Min!Xing Tian still has Gao Chong!The joint efforts of Jiang Song and the five made Li Yuanba run away. The one who hurt Han Yi the most was Yu Wenqing. Although this guy had mediocre martial arts skills in this troubled world, he was the first to fight with him in the north and south.

Xu Chu!Meng Yuan!Shin no harm!Wu Song!Yan Liang!People like Wen Chou are all dead, and only these old bones are left, persisting for the obsession in their hearts until now.

"Ding! Current No.1 Quan Li: Force 95, Commander 94, Intelligence 87, Politics 72. The current implantation status is Li Shimin's school lieutenant, a general who was promoted because of his outstanding performance!"

"Ding! The second person on the list, Jin Shimin: Armed Forces 94 Commander 90 Intelligence 70 Politics 70 The current implantation status is Li Shimin's school lieutenant, because of his outstanding performance, he was promoted to be a general!"

"Ding! Sui and Tang Dynasties are currently the third person on the list An Xinggui: force 97, commander 94, intelligence 89, politics 72. The current implantation status is a soldier promoted by Li Shimin! Let him gather the remnants!"

"Yes, yes!" Han Yi nodded slightly, and wrote An Xinggui's name with a brush in his hand. This bamboo slip has been written on several must-kill lists, and the most eye-catching ones are Li Yuanba's three glowing red letters. big characters.

"Ding! Zhao Chongguo is currently dead! His commander-in-chief ability is over 95, and the system will provide a three-man list!"

"Come on!" Han Yi said impatiently.

"Ding, the current No. 1 Ming Dynasty Liu Xian: force 100 commander 94 intelligence 75 politics 70 is currently implanted as a child of the clan promoted by Liu Bang! Liu Ting's younger brother, the two brothers are called double tigers!"

"Ding! Deng Yu of the Ming Dynasty, the second person on the top list: force 99, commander 95, intelligence 87, politics 64, currently implanted as Deng Zilong's younger brother! Because of Han Ming's excellent performance! I am alone as the personal bodyguard of General Han Ming!"

"Deng Yu! System, you finally know how to be a man!" Han Yi's face was flat, and Han Yi was relieved that there was someone beside Han Ming, at least this happened today!Someone can stop him, so as to give Han Yi a buffer time.

"Ding, Wu Qingzhi is currently the third person on the list: force 76, commander 58, intelligence 83, and politics 89. The current implantation status is a small official of Yan State! Follow the army to record this famous battle through the ages!"

"Ding, now Daxi Changru is dead! His ability has reached above 95! The system needs three people to explode!"

"Today is endless!" Han Yi exhaled helplessly. There were more and more scumbags, and it was almost impossible to kill them. It seemed that the first thing to do after the grassland battle was over was to destroy the country of Wu!Reduced the frequency of explosions.

"Ding! No. 1 on the list! Zhang Yan of the Three Kingdoms: Force 81 Commander 88 Intelligence ***** 51 Currently implanted as a general of Yan State!"

"cannon fodder!"

"Ding, Xue Yong, the second most popular person in Outlaws of the Marsh: Force 81 Commander 82 Intelligence 65 Politics 44 The current implantation identity is Xue Ju's son! Xue Rengao's younger brother!"

"cannon fodder!"

"Ding, Sun Guan of the Three Kingdoms is the last person on the list: force 86, commander 73, intelligence 66, politics 76. The current implantation identity is Sun Ce's younger brother!"

"cannon fodder!"

Three cannon fodder!Han Yi raised his brows lightly, finally feeling a bit safe, Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, and then said: How many summoning points and summoning cards do I have in the system! "

"Ding, the current host has 2287 summoning points! Three mount cards! Two weapon cards! Two clan children cards!"

"Oh!" Han Yi pinched his chin. Although the current Huzhe Army has many elites, to be honest, there are no generals in command!This is really too dangerous, Han Yi exhaled: "The summoning cards of the clan children! Use them all!"

"Ding, use the clan disciple summon card now!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Han Lingkun, a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty: military power 97 commander 95 intelligence 71 politics 70 currently implanted in the identity of the leader of the Tiger Army! The host's cousin!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Han Chongyun, a famous general of the Northern Song Dynasty: strength 99 commander 96 intelligence 82 politics 57 The current implantation status is the deputy general of the Huzhe Army, currently succeeding Xiahou Dun and Yu Wenqing's subordinates! Reorganized into an army.

"Well! It's not bad!" Han Yi nodded, but when he thought about today's battle, Han Yi couldn't help being angry. Ran Min still lacked a horse, and Xing Tian was an infantryman. Bear his weight, so only work hard on weapons.

"The system summoned three war horses and another weapon for me!" Han Yi was thoughtful, Xing Tian already had a magic weapon, and he couldn't use it again!After thinking about it, Han Yi immediately said: "Can the weapon card be exchanged for armor?"

"Ding! No! But the host can use the summon point to switch!"

"How many summoning points!" Han Yi stroked his beard and calculated carefully.

"Ding! One hundred and one!"

"Come three!" Anyway, Han Yi is rich and powerful now!Don't be afraid of this, a proper nouveau riche mentality.

"Ding! May I ask what type of weapon the host chooses!"

"Halberd!" Han Yi said immediately, he actually saw how fast, ruthless and domineering Han Ming was in fighting!This halberd method is the most suitable.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Qingming Qingtian Halberd! The force value is increased by 1!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Chiji! The current implantation status is a war horse recovered from the battlefield! It is currently placed in the stable"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the flame horse. The current implantation status is the horse recovered from the battlefield! It is currently placed in the stable!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the green-faced ghost hoof. The current implantation identity is a war horse recovered from the battlefield! It is currently placed in the stable!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Tiger Roaring Dragon Armor... The special attribute force value is increased by 1! It is currently in the warehouse!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Yazi chain mail! The special effect force value is increased by 1, and it is currently in the warehouse!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kui Niu Golden Armor! The special effect force value is increased by 1, and it is currently in the warehouse!"

"Ding, the current summoning is over! The host still has 1987 summoning points!"

Han Yi caressed, although there were some losses in this battle, but meritorious service must be rewarded, this is an eternal theorem!Otherwise, who will work hard for you.

"Dianwei!" Han Yi shouted suddenly.

"The last general is here!" Dian Wei suddenly entered the tent!The sight in front of him stunned him!There were broken pens all around, and the remaining anger on Han Yi's face disappeared slightly.

"Pass my order! Call all the generals! Come to the big tent and wait for the general's order!" Han Yi waved his hand weakly!The whole person looked exhausted.


"and many more!"

"What orders does Your Majesty have!" Dian Wei said cautiously.

"Clean up here!" Han Yi waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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