Warring States Call

Chapter 1368 Rewards

Chapter 1368 Rewards
Many generals came to the big tent in less than half an hour. Looking at Han Yi with a livid face, he didn't dare to breathe too much.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Han Yi exhaled heavily, "Liu Ji!"

"My minister is here!" Liu Ji immediately stood up with a respectful expression.

"Huh!" Han Yi took a deep breath, rubbed his hands, and immediately put his hands into his sleeves as quickly as possible. Han Yi said calmly, "I said you write!"

"The humble minister takes orders!" Liu Ji quickly walked to Han Yi's table, and everyone didn't know what Han Yi was planning.

"Yu Wenqing...!" Han Yi muttered slowly, and Yu Wencheng, who was standing behind, was stunned. This is his own younger brother!After living for most of his life, he did not expect to be here. Yu Wencheng's eyes were full of anger. He wanted to kill Li Yuanba to avenge Yu Wenqing. If Yuwen Chengdu hadn't been trying to retrieve Yu Wenqing's body today, he would have gone all out with Li Yuanba. .

"Yu Wenqing! There is a savior of the dead! The work of destroying Zheng Xianfeng! The righteousness of the Shangdang to seize the corpse! He has been guarding Wang Ye for decades with Yue Fei! Today he is named Wu Yonggong! Enter Yan Yuan! He is called Zhongyong" Han Yi shouted Finish it in one breath.

Liu Ji wrote immediately, and asked after a while, "What is the meaning of the name Your Majesty?"

"This is a summary of his life's deeds! Yan Yuan's other titles! Gu Lai Ri will add them one by one!" Han Yi breathed out!He said calmly.

"Chen Yuwen Chengdu thank you for your grace!" Yuwen Chengdu had tears in his eyes, and his eyes were red!A scholar dies for his confidant, and it is worth giving up his life on this battlefield.

Jia Fu can be considered an old man!He and Yu Wenqing love to bicker when they have nothing to do!There was another one missing today, and a sense of helplessness involuntarily rose in his heart. Han Yi simply didn't count as cold, and treated them favorably.

"Xiahoudun! Cao Hong! You have worked so hard! You have been named Uncle Anlie! Uncle Gong Yi, whose portrait entered the Heroic Soul Pagoda, Cao's family is a general, and he can build an ancestral hall for him! Enjoy the incense and worship!" Han Yi helplessly kissed the two of them. Canonization, the position of Yanyuan Pavilion cannot tolerate the slightest mistake!Military generals are not allowed to enter without military achievements, civil servants are not allowed to enter without meritorious service to the community, Cao Hong and the others are not strong enough, and entering the heroic soul is the greatest encouragement for them.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" Xia Houyuan said with red eyes!The eyes look dull!Who would have thought that the Cao family lost two generals, and Cao Ren also kowtowed and thanked him with red eyes.

Han Yi nodded, looked at Liu Ji and said, "Is it finished?"

"Okay!" Liu Ji immediately put down the brush!Pass it to Han Yi to have a look.

Han Yi looked up and down!Found no problem!Immediately hand it over to Dian Wei and said, "Leave it to Li Ru! Let them do it!"

"No!" Dian Wei saluted and took it with both hands.

Han Yi waved his hand!With a calm face, he said: "You generals have worked hard in this battle! You generals are beheading the generals in front of the battle! I have nothing to reward you, so I will give you a few weapons!"

"Ran Min!" Han Yi was sitting up!Sniffed some noses and coughed a few times dryly.

Ran Min strode out with a layer of cloth wrapped around his hands to stop the bleeding.

"You are fighting against Li Yuanba with your combat power, Gu will see it today! Even though you are defeated, I will give you a chain mail armor. I hope you will not forget what happened today. In the future, you will find this scene for Gu and kill him Li Shimin A few confidantes and beloved generals! To reduce the hatred in Gu Gu's heart!" Han Yi suddenly became serious, and he waved his hands with the look of a hero.

When Ran Min heard this, his blood boiled, and he kowtowed immediately: "I will definitely do my best to kill the enemy generals for the king!"

"Very good!" Han Yi stretched out his hand to pinch his beard, stared at Ran Min, and said indifferently: "Gu Guan has no good horses under your crotch! Gu got a red flame horse on the battlefield! I will reward you today !"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ran Min bowed his head immediately, and outside the big tent, Eilei was already leading a red war horse, and there was a soldier coming with clothes and armor beside him. This war horse was deeply attracted.

"Don't go and see it! Don't wait!" Han Yi said with a smile.

The eyes of the generals all around became much more eager. Good things like good horses are hard to find on the grasslands, not to mention that there is an extreme shortage of war horses in the Central Plains. For a while, the generals' eyes shined brightly but they dared not say anything.

"No!" Ran Min rushed out immediately!Regardless of the pain in your hands!Pulling the rope is to tame the fierce horse, but Ran Min's legs are like vices, he can't break free no matter what!In the end, he had no choice but to give up, and honestly became Ran Min's mount.

"Li Cunxiao!" Han Yi saw that although Li Cunxiao's eyes were not hot!But his gaze was on the Yaizu chain mail on Ran Min's body, and he immediately called his name.

"My humble minister is here!" Li Cunxiao couldn't help being overjoyed immediately!It seems that there are still good things for him today.

"Today you beheaded Zhao Chongguo! I will give you the Tiger Roaring Dragon Singing Armor! Please encourage me!" Han Yi took a sip of hot water!Said calmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Cunxiao was overjoyed when he heard this, and thanked Han Yi a thousand times.

"Xing Tian!" Han Yi looked at the eight-foot man, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes. This is the strongest general under his command, with the blessing of the battle armor!It should be able to draw with Li Yuanba.

"The minister is here!" To be honest, Xing Tianchang is not bad, but he is still a little rough!If the skin is smoother, he is still a big man.

"I'll give you the Kui Niu Golden Armor! I forgot to encourage you!" Han Yi looked at the iceberg Xingtian, but couldn't find a topic to continue chatting!He had no choice but to let it go, and Xing Tian thanked Han Yi, but he didn't talk to him.

Han Yi looked at Han Ming at the side, frowned slightly, and thought to himself, hoping this kid would show some face today...: "Han Ming!"

At this moment, everyone focused their eyes on Han Ming!I don't know if it will happen like last time.

Han Ming strolled out and came to the big tent, silently, saying nothing!Just looking at Han Yi quietly like this.

Han Yi frowned involuntarily, looked at Fei Lian who was at the side, and immediately shook his hands and said, "Take him to get it yourself!"

"No!" Fei Lian led Han Ming out of the big tent, as soon as he came out!Fei Lian suddenly threw a green and black halberd to Han Ming, and said in a cold voice, "This is a reward from the king!"

"Got it!" Han Ming played with his hand!It's easier to find!Just stayed.

"And this!" Fei Lian slapped his ass, only to see a green face and a dark hoof rushing towards him!His temper seemed very irritable.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......He rushed towards Han Ming.

Han Ming's expression was calm!He suddenly picked up the Qingming Qingtian Halberd, and slapped the horse's face with it!The entire war horse fell to the ground, and all the generals around looked at it with heartache!This is a good horse!Won't your heart ache?
But what they didn't expect was that this horse had a mean temper, and he became much more peaceful after being beaten!Carrying Han Ming honestly!I'm afraid that I will be hit by a halberd unexpectedly.

It turns out that horse training can still be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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