Warring States Call

Chapter 1370 Recommended by Sun Bin

Chapter 1370 Recommended by Sun Bin
Han Yi frowned slightly, and after a long time, Yingzheng's purpose was here. Han Yi slowly picked up the cup in his hand and pretended to say: "Where did King Qin hear the news? There are two elites!"

"Tiger and leopard riders! White horse righteousness! The two cavalrymen of the king of Han are like thunder! Doesn't the king of Han know, Zhongshan! The demise of the Wei State, these two elite troops did their best. I don't think anyone is better than the king of Han." It is more suitable for this task!" Ying Zheng looked calm, holding a bamboo slip from his arms, and looked at it carefully.

As soon as this remark came out, most of them were princes and kings, and their hearts were shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that there were such cavalry.

really!This state of Qin also has its own internal news, Han Yi thought to himself, although the two troops of the Tiger Leopard Cavalry and the White Horse Yicong had made great achievements in battle, Han Yi tried his best to suppress the demeanor of the two troops. Two troops were exposed, but this guy Yingzheng......

This is undoubtedly hiding two cold arrows, preparing to kill the opponent by surprise, but the enemy directly saw through.

"King Han is at a critical moment of life and death. You must not hide your selfishness!" Zhao Yong also stood up at this moment. Since the last conversation with Lin Xiangru, Zhao Yong realized that Han Yi should not be allowed to sit on the throne. Something has to be done, and now is a good time.

"Yeah! King Han! Most of us here are infantry! Not many cavalry! Since King Han has cavalry......!" front teeth.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist, stared at Ying Zheng and said, "Since all the kings are interested! Then I will not say more! This soldier is alone, but I have two requests, and I hope you agree!"

"King Han, please speak!" Zhao Yong is not easy to live with and suppress, as long as Han Yi agrees to send troops.

"First! I will decide the day to send troops! What do you princes and kings think!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"No! If King Han keeps procrastinating, wouldn't it be endless!" Zhu Yuanzhang himself stood on the same path as Ying Zheng, and naturally wanted to speak for Ying Zheng.

"Everyone, don't worry! After ten days! Gu will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. After all, food, horses, etc... all need to be prepared," Han Yi said indifferently.

"Yes!" Zhao Yong stood up and nodded before waiting for the princes and kings to speak.

"This is the second! Kings don't want to grab the loot that I got alone!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"Naturally! This is natural!" All the princes have their own ghosts, but each of them secretly underestimates them!Let's talk about it if you two cavalrymen can come back alive.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food!The princes and kings went back one left and one right!Ying Zheng stood behind him, followed by the two generals Zhang Tang and Zhang Xiu, who stood with their hands behind their backs and said, "How about the people you sent!"

"Those two troops have been stared at by us! If there is any change, we can report it to the king!" Zhang Tang immediately said with a serious expression.

"Very good!" Ying Zheng nodded immediately!Immediately said: "Withdraw!"

"No!" Zhang Tang nodded immediately, but when he thought that he seemed to have misheard, he immediately raised his head and said, "What did the king say!"

"Withdraw!" Ying Zheng said flatly.

"Your Majesty! Why is this! As long as we leak the news to the grassland, the two troops of Han Yi will fall into the jaws of wolves! There will be no return!" Zhang Xiu looked puzzled. Timing.

"There is loneliness! Han Yi is not enough of a threat to Daqin! But the grassland is different! The city going south is barren for eighty miles! The enemy in front of you is the grassland! Not Han Yi, and with the character of Han Yi's old fox! It is impossible to catch him without a fight, It's better to let nature take its course!" Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, in his opinion, defeating Han Yi was decided by two little cavalrymen, and to defeat Han Yi, one must be upright.

Zhang Xiu and Zhang Tang both looked troubled, looked at each other and said, "This...Master Zhang Yi took such painstaking efforts to come up with this plan! Why, Your Majesty...!"

Zhang Tang immediately waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty can't bear it! We just don't listen, and we can do whatever Master Zhang Yi wants us to do!"

"But if your majesty knows it! Aren't we decapitated?" Zhang Xiu's face turned pale.

"For Daqin, for the king, it's worth it"

If it is civil war!Ying Zheng will not hesitate to trick Han Yi, but this is a battle between two clans after all!Don't do this kind of intrigue!Once it is known by the people of later generations, it will be infamous for thousands of years. Besides, Ying Zheng doesn't bother to do it, and he doesn't need to do it.

Han camp
Han Yi is sitting in the hall!With a stern face, he said, "You have all heard what happened in the hall!"

"The king of Qin is not interested in drinking, I'm afraid he will break both of the king's arms!" Jia Xu stroked his beard and said solemnly.

"This trick is a bit like Senior Brother Zhang!" Sun Bin said calmly with his hands folded around his chest.

Han Yi frowned, looked at Sun Bin and said, "Is that Zhang Yi?"

"Senior Zhang Yi is good at deception, and although senior Shang Yang is also good at using it, but besides Senior Brother Zhang Yi, I can't think of anyone else who can use such a harmful trick!" Sun Bin pinched his chin and analyzed it carefully. road.

"There is a way to crack it!" Han Yi said solemnly.

"Yes! Your Majesty needs to mobilize the horses in the army to form an armored cavalry of 8000 men. The white horse will follow! The tiger and leopard cavalry cannot move! We can only use these [-] iron cavalry, otherwise we will be tricked by our brothers! "Sun Bin said this, and immediately added: "Also! Your Majesty, you need to dispatch troops and horses to send troops overnight! Senior Brother Zhang cannot be given a chance to react! The chief general in the army cannot be dispatched, otherwise Senior Brother Zhang will be suspicious!"

Han Yi looked at Yuwen Chengdu on the side, and immediately said: "Quickly draw all the horses in the army except the tiger and leopard riders! Except for the white horse Yi Cong! Call [-] cavalrymen who are good at fighting! Find it with Bai Mayi!"

"No!" Yu Wencheng said before leaving.

Han Yi immediately thought of something, quickly called Yu Wencheng to stop, and immediately said: "Be quiet!"


"Xie An! Hurry up and prepare dry food, and remember to control the amount used for the previous month!" Han Yi said with a serious expression.


"Your Majesty has someone in mind!" Sun Bin said calmly, stroking his beard.

"Not yet!" Han Yi was a little flustered at the moment.

"There is another person next! It is very suitable! It depends on the king's reluctance." Sun Bin said indifferently.

"Who!" Han Yi suddenly raised his head to look at Sun Bin, his expression a little anxious.

"Fourth Highness!" Sun Bin stroked his beard and looked at Han Yi's increasingly cold expression!Sun Bin immediately said: "Your Majesty's martial arts skills are superb! And he does things calmly! The most important thing is! The famous generals in the army must be monitored, and the prestige of His Highness has not been widely spread yet! This battle must be Your Highness! Please, my lord. decision!"

(End of this chapter)

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