Warring States Call

Chapter 1371 4 fierce 8 sledgehammers

Chapter 1371

"No!" Han Yi didn't even think about it, and immediately refused. He couldn't let Han Ming out of his control anymore, it was too dangerous.

"Your Majesty! Now is not the time for children to love each other. We only have one hour to prepare for such a big transfer in the army. Once this hour is over, it will be even more difficult for Zhang Yi's dog-nosed brother !" Sun Bin was also a little anxious for a while, this time he was not only fighting against Zhang Yi, Shang Yang was obviously also a participant in this mission, fighting with these two seniors who had been famous for a long time, the pressure on Sun Bin was not the slightest bit ah.

Han Yi frowned, and said calmly: "If you say no, you can't! Let's send Mengyan this time!"

"Why not!" Just after Han Yi's words fell, Sun Bin was about to continue persuading, but there was a questioning voice from the gate of the camp. Like a mother! Do you imprison me too?"

"You bastard! You...!" Han Yi stood up abruptly, strode out, came to Han Ming, and suddenly raised his hand, but the slap couldn't come down for a long time.

The surrounding air is terrifyingly quiet!Under the blowing of the cold wind, the bonfire made a whirring sound. With the light of the fire, Han Yi looked at his son carefully. With a heavy breath, Han Yi suddenly turned around and walked towards the big tent. go!Pretending to be annoyed: "Go! Go! Go to death! I won't stop you! Get out! Get out of here!"

"Wait!" Han Ming wore a black armor!A pair of dark eyes looked at Han Yi's back, holding the sword in his arms, with a stubborn face.

Han Ming also has his own plan. Once this credit is made, he is entitled to ask Han Yi to make a condition, and his condition is very simple, let his mother's spiritual seat, her name, appear in the clan's ancestral hall in a dignified manner Here, instead of being buried with Han Yi after death!I can't even keep my name!As if there is no such person in this world.

"Great... Great King!" Sun Bin seemed cautious at the moment, and everyone knew that Han Yi was in a bad mood now, so he must not provoke him.

"System! Hurry up! I want to consume 120 summoning points! Summon a fierce general! Designate the identity as the guard next to Han Ming! Hurry up!" Han Yi was so angry that he pressed the chopping board with his whole body, without looking at him, with a serious expression on his face.

"Ding, the current host consumes 120 summoning points, and the current host still has 1867 summoning points!"

"Ding, Luo Ren: Force 104 Commander 77 Intelligence 67 Politics 64"

"Ding, Yang Jizhou: Force 104 Commander 90 Intelligence 76 Politics 74!"

"Ding, Chang Mao: Force 101 Commander 91 Intelligence 67 Politics 77!"

"Ding! Please the host get rid of one person!"

"Get rid of Chang Mao!" Han Yi's face was serious, and it was important to save his life now.

"Ding, Chang Mao is now removed, congratulations to the host for getting "Ding, Luo Ren: Force 104 Commander 77 Intelligence 67 Politics 64 The current implantation identity is Han Ming's personal guard!" "

"Ding, special reminder! Four fierce and eight sledgehammers are launched! The current host who meets the requirements is Yue Yun! Liang Lin! Bai Wenbao! Qin Yong! Luo Ren and five people!"

In other words, as long as there are four people together, plus this kid has extraordinary martial arts skills!No one should be able to hurt him, Han Yi thought to himself, finally heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Fei Lian aside and said, "Yue Yun, the son of General Yue Fei! Qin Yong, the son of General Qin Qiong! Call me the three of Liang and Lin!" "

"Decree!" Fei Lian didn't dare to neglect, got the general order and rushed over quickly, Han Yi was sitting on the throne, looking at the trembling Sun Bin, he took a breath, took a sip of water from the wine glass in his hand, Said to Sun Bin: "It's cold! You go down first! Have a good rest!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Sun Bin felt relieved and ran away in a hurry like a hungry wolf with its tail between its legs.

Han Yi shook his head slightly, and after a while, Fei Lian brought the three of them.

It goes without saying for Yue Yun, the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms in the past!Yue Yun held a pair of hammers and fought Wang Yanzhang to a tie!Although there is nothing too famous about it, his strength is unquestionable. Looking at him wearing the crimson battle armor, he is already eight feet tall at a young age.

Qin Yong is also very imposing, his figure and body shape are almost the same as Yue Yun's, he is wearing black armor, his complexion is darker than Yue Yun's, but Qin Qiong's sternness and fortitude appear on his face, and he even blocked Chi You for Qin Qiong The killing blow, after Han Yi saw it, he clapped his hands secretly and applauded, good two young men, given time, this world will be theirs.

Naturally, Liang Lin didn't need to say much!They are old rivals. When Han Yi looked at the two of them, the two also looked at Han Yi. They saw that he was wearing heavy armor, a belt with a sword, and his aura was incomparable.A smile is amiable.

"I have seen the king! Long live my king, long live, long live!"

"Okay! Don't show off these vain gifts anymore!" Han Yi helped the three of them up. Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the three of them and said: "This time, I will let you follow the Fourth Highness. For the time being! I won’t blame you if I can’t stand down! But there is a task you must complete!”

"Your Majesty, just give orders! We will definitely do our best!" Yue Yun said solemnly.

"Bring me back Han Ming intact! Your mission is to protect him!" Han Yi said calmly with a heavy breath.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay!Yue Yun and Qin Yong agreed without even thinking about it, but Liang Lin remained silent. Han Yi saw Liang Lin's doubts, looked at Qin Yong, waved his hands and said, "You two go down first. Get ready! After the matter is completed! Solitary will seal the general for you"

"Decree!" The two stepped back immediately!Look very excited!Worship!This is almost the same treatment as their father.

Two people retreat!Han Yi glanced at Liang Lin, who was sitting there!Relying on this side, Han Yi stared at Liang Lin and said, "General Liang! If you have anything to say, open up and say it!"

"The king of Han will still surrender! Please choose someone else!" Liang Lin clasped his hands and began to flirt with Han Yi, or Liang Lin wanted to negotiate terms with Han Yi.

"General Liang's ability is still known! If the general is a high-ranking official in this battle, he will definitely not be stingy! If the general is really unfortunate to die in battle! Isn't the general's wife and son in Ludi no longer care about him!" Han Yi smiled Looking at Liang Lin carefully, he was the best at playing psychological warfare.

"King Han...!" Liang Lin was taken aback, his original stubbornness disappeared completely at this moment, even a powerful man has his own weaknesses, and his wife and son are his weaknesses.

(End of this chapter)

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