Warring States Call

Chapter 1372 Han Feng questioned

Chapter 1372 Han Feng questioned
Han Yi looked at the entangled Liang Lin. In order to prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Han Yi still wanted to hit him with a stick. Han Yi rubbed his wrist and said, "Gu is not someone who is difficult for the strong! Well, as long as you protect Gu When your son comes back, whether you are going or staying alone, you will never be blocked, and I will give you a carload of gold to reunite with your wife and son. If you want to continue to make contributions, as long as you have enough credit, Yanyuan Pavilion will definitely have your place! You see how!"

Han Yi has already offered his biggest bargaining chip, and if he is still unwilling, it is the same to change to Bai Wenbao!And Han Yi is not worried that Liang Lin will deal with Han Ming, let alone Luo Ren!Yue Yun and Qin Yong alone are enough for Liang Lin to drink a pot, and Han Ming's force value is not low.

Liang Lin pondered for a while, then cupped his fists at Han Yi, showing a strange smile: "Isn't King Han afraid of going cold-blooded again?"

"I believe that the general will not fail to understand this simple truth in terms of the righteousness of the family and the country! And...!" Han Yi said this, took down the wine glass in his hand and handed it to Liang Lin: "Since the general has said this, let's talk about it again." You know the general will never do this!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Liang Lin laughed wildly

"Hahahahaha!" Han Yi looked at and laughed.

Liang Lin suddenly picked up the cup in Han Yi's hand and drank it in one gulp. Immediately, he shouted happily, looked at Han Yi and said, "If you are my first lord! I don't need to bear the title of general! Don't worry! Hand it over!" Give it to me!"

After Liang Lin finished speaking, he suddenly got out of the big tent and rushed forward. The moment Liang Lin left, the calmness on Han Yi's face disappeared!Instead, his face was pale, and only when he became a father would he know what courage is called.

The mother was worried when the son traveled thousands of miles, and Han Yi understood this sentence thoroughly.

It is already early morning!Goose feather heavy snow is coming!Han Ming was wearing heavy armor and a scarf around his neck!There is a bear skin on the back, and even the horse is wrapped in thick fur!So as not to be frozen by this cold weather.

Fei Lian wore a mask, looked at Han Ming and said, "Be careful! Run if you can't beat him!"

The many soldiers behind Han Ming were slightly stunned, they had heard of Fei Lian's name before!In the Battle of the Three Jins, this guy forcibly earned the title of a god of death!Usually taciturn, never take the initiative to speak, today this......

Han Ming took a look at Fei Lian, his cold eyes were rarely warmed up for a moment, of course only for this moment, Han Ming stared at Fei Lian, and said half aloud: "Thank you!"

"Let's go!" After Han Ming greeted him, he hurried up his horse. Yue Yun and Qin Yong didn't think it was a big deal, but a young general behind Han Ming was dumbfounded. This was the first time he had known Han Ming for so long. Once heard a little warm words.

"Drive!" A group of war horses came out of the tent, and this cavalry, which seemed to have only 8000 people, embarked on their journey.

The long black lines left their own footprints in this universe. Every breath of war horses and people turns into clear water vapor, which shows how cold the weather is.

Fei Lian was also stunned. At that time, he even suspected that he had heard wrongly. His tiger eyes stared at Han Mingyuan's back through his cheeks. He went for the obsession in his heart. I hope he can succeed.

"Fei Lian!" Dian Wei held the sword in his arms, staring at Fei Lian with tiger eyes.

However, Fei Lian returned to his usual expression, looked at Dian Wei without saying a word, as if waiting for his next sentence.

Dian Wei had already gotten used to Fei Lian's problems, so he immediately said, "Your Majesty told you to come over!"

"En!" Fei Lian softly responded, and walked over.

Inside the big tent, clusters of bonfires burned out!The temperature of the surrounding air is slowly increasing!It's not a little warmer than outside, Han Yi is sitting by the campfire and warming his hands!There are fine wines on both sides. When Han Yi saw Fei Lian coming in, Han Yi pointed to the seat in front of him and said, "Sit down!"

"No!" Fei Lian didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so he did it directly.

Han Yi glanced at Fei Lian, and said calmly, "Ming'er, let's go!"

"Let's go!" Fei Lian said truthfully.

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded, looked at Fei Lian with tiger eyes and said, "Go down! Get rid of the tail behind! You can do this alone at ease!"

"No!" Fei Lian strode out immediately!Thousands of wolf shadows were dispatched that night, and anyone who was suspicious, whether he was or not, could be killed.

"Dianwei!" Han Yi picked up the big wine on the side and said solemnly.

"The end is here!"

"But people are arranged beside Ming'er!" Han Yi said calmly.


"Very good! One day every three days! One day every five days! Unstoppable!" Han Yi said calmly.


"Get back!" Han Yi waved his hand.

Dian Wei is not hesitating either!Immediately retreated, although the big tent is very hot at the moment!But Han Yi felt like walking on thin ice.

"Father!" Hearing a cry, Han Yi suddenly raised his head, and it turned out to be Han Feng, and said immediately: "It's cold! Come and sit down!"

"Thank you, father!" Han Feng was about to untie the sword in his arms!This is the rule, approach Han Yi in front of Dian Wei!Fei Lian!Everyone other than the three of Elai untied their swords and approached them. Han Feng was about to throw the sword, Han Yi waved his hand immediately and said: "Come here! No need to untie! It's easy to catch a cold because of the strong wind outside!"

"Thank you, father!" Han Feng couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he said this.

Han Yi glanced at his son!In a blink of an eye, this son has grown into a very burly man, but he has a sense of forbearance and stability.

Han Yi stretched out his hand and patted his son's forehead. Speaking of how big they are, Han Yi has been fighting outside all year round!There are really not many words to get close to these sons!

Han Yi took out a side of strong wine, smiled slightly and said, "Do you dare to drink?"

Han Feng didn't speak to each other. He took it with one hand and drank it all in one gulp. Immediately, he only felt that his internal organs were burning and extremely comfortable.

Han Yi smiled slightly, looked at Han Feng's ears, immediately laughed, rubbed his head and said: "These years, you are by your mother's side, and you still have some manly blood! It's rare! It's rare!"

"Father! You haven't been close to the fourth brother all these years to protect him, right? The monthly salary of the fourth brother in the annual palace is the least! This is also a way for the father to protect the fourth brother! In other words! All of us brothers! The king's father really prefers the fourth brother!" Han Feng used the alcohol to make him cowardly!He asked the question that troubled Duo Nian, and it seemed that the words were on the verge of his mouth, and he suddenly raised his head and said: "Father gave the righteousness of monarch and minister to the elder brother! The love of father and son is given to the fourth younger brother! What about me? I have nothing! After all! I You and my mother are just political victims of the Sanjin Alliance!"

(End of this chapter)

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