Chapter 1374
“Hoo… hoo… hoo!”

"Hahahahahahahaha! I heard that the Central Plains is vast and rich in natural resources! The products are abundant! Women's buttocks are extremely big, when will we arrive, majesty!" Only a sweat was heard, with clogs on his feet, hungry ghost leather armor on his body, Take a long gun!They don't even have a knife in their waists. If they weren't dressed in strange clothes, those who didn't know would think they were some bandits.

"Mao Liyuan put away your wild boar appearance! How can you be a warrior with this appearance!" Hearing a greeting, I saw a general holding a rough bronze sword in his hand, another Holding a wooden shield in one hand, this general is six feet tall. Among all the generals, this guy is the tallest!And his name is Takeda Motoshige.

"Hahahaha! Good! Go! Kill them! Steal their wealth! Tell Sakai Chuji, Ii Naomasa, Sakakibara Yasumasa, Honda Heihachi, Tachibana Munemo, Naoe Kanetsugu, Date Masamune, let the seven of them take the lead Rush up! Get ready for us to wait for the boat!" Only one head with armor was heard!Holding two bronze swords in his hand!A man with a firm face!With mandibular cheeks, the whole person looked extremely excited, and he almost said something.

"Come on!" Dozens of soldiers charged forward, like a group of hungry wolves fighting a fierce tiger!Biting the opponent fiercely.

"General! There is a boat on the opposite side! Look at the flag, you are not from the Central Plains!" Only a small soldier greeted him loudly.

Han Shizhong, who was building a seaport at sea, practiced troops for a few days from time to time, and Han Shizhong immediately stepped forward to check!The purpose of training the navy in Ludi was to guard against Xiang Yu!But since I have Yu Dayou as my right-hand man!Han Shizhong handed over Dazhai to Yu Dayou with great reassurance, and began to build warships on the sea. The warships that were just built with great difficulty today never wanted to be snatched by this unexpected disaster.

The sea is full of oceans, and the sun is shining on the sea, which makes people look lazy, but Han Shizhong has no interest at the moment.

"What's wrong with my husband!" Liang Hongyu said solemnly, wearing a battle robe and heavy armor.

"Someone wants to pick peaches! Don't even look at whether I agree or not!" Han Shizhong suddenly grabbed a long spear and carried the quiver on his back. Han Shizhong looked at the few people beside him and cursed angrily: "What are you doing in a daze! Hold the weapon! Get on the boat and rush over there! Teach these grandchildren a lesson!"

"No!" The soldier started trotting immediately. As soon as Han Qinhu spoke, he saw a water shadow, and jumped down with a thud, with a big knife in his mouth, followed by three or five brothers, who were steering the boat .

"Zhang Shun, what are you doing!" Han Shizhong asked in a daze.

Zhang Shun suddenly challenged the warship!Holding a rope in hand, he tied up his wet hair, and said calmly: "General Han! I'll go first! Brothers, let's go! Let's go!"

Zhang Shun doesn't care so much!Directly led the troops to rush up, and there were three or four small boats passing by behind him!There are at least 100 people scattered here and there.

"The general is ready!" Only a greeting was heard.

Han Shizhong jumped onto the warship immediately!Looking back at Liang Hongyu, he said, "Tell Zheng Chenggong! Hold the port! Let's go, brothers!"

"it is good!"

There was only one greeting, followed by sporadic responses from behind!Densely packed boats shrouded the front, about 100 of them.

Liang Hongyu frowned, and immediately said: "Order! Tell General Zheng Chenggong to guard Dazhai! Others follow me to beat drums and cheer!"


"Ah! It's his grandma's!" Zhang Shun twisted his nose and said sarcastically, "It's winter! It's so fucking cold!"

"Hahaha! Xiao Baitiao! Kill a few today!" The big man behind joked.

"Look at how many I killed today!" Zhang Shun wielded the big knife in his hand, looked at the soldiers behind him, and immediately said, "What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up!"

"Come on, brothers!" Han Shizhong yelled suddenly, and hundreds of sailors were shocked.

"Ding, Han Shizhong in the Southern Song Dynasty was good at launching with water. During water battles, the basic commander is 98. Commander plus 2! The current commander is 100!"

"Ding, Han Shizhong's water warfare attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 3, and the force value of the soldiers under his command is increased by 1 to 3 points! Han Shizhong's basic force value is 97, and the current Han Shizhong's force value is 100!"


"Ding, the attribute of Liang Hongyu's beating drum is activated! Husband and wife follow! Increase the force of the soldiers under his command by 3 points. Currently, Han Shizhong is affected by Liang Hongyu's attribute of beating drum, and his force value is increased by 3. The current force value is 103!"

"Hurry up, damn it! Don't let Mrs. Han get tired! Otherwise, General Han will feel distressed!" Zhang Shun laughed loudly.

"Ding, Zhang Shun accepts Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu, the force value is increased by 6, and the basic force value is 95! The current force value is 101!"

"Ding, Zhang Shun's special attributes are activated. During water battles, the force value will be increased by 5! The current force value is 106!


On the warship, a big man with a scar on his face, seven feet long, holding a long gun, stared at the soldiers who kept climbing onto the boat, and immediately shouted: "Where did you come from! Kill me!"

"Baga! You're looking for death!" Hearing a loud shout, Mao Liyuan pressed his ax and killed the big man.

"Get out!" The big man raised his head suddenly, but before he could react, he was pierced by a spear, and his face was stunned, only to see Takeda Motoshige piercing his throat with a bronze sword in his hand.

Mao Liyuan laughed involuntarily and said, "Stupid pigs! They are all stupid pigs!"

"Looking for death!" Han Shizhong suddenly took off the bow and arrow in his hand, staring at Mao Liyuan, who took off the head of the big man, and immediately shot away, turning into a black shadow.

After the extremely arrogant Mao Liyuan was pierced by an arrow, he stared at Han Shizhong in surprise, only to hear a "plop"!Jump into the water and become a floating corpse! "

"Han Shizhong is here! Who dares to be presumptuous!" Han Shizhong shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Majesty! Look!"

Oda Nobunaga pressed the sword in his arms!The tiger stared at Han Shizhong, narrowed his eyes, and immediately said: "Samurai! Give him a fair death! Kenshin Uesugi! Kenshin Uesugi killed him!"

"Hi!" The two young generals immediately picked them into the sea. Zhang Shun saw it and immediately laughed and said, "Grandson! Grandpa is here!"

"Plop!" Zhang Shun jumped into the water!The whole figure is like a tiger shark, swimming towards the place where the two entered the water.

Han Shizhong took off the longbow in his hand, aimed at the direction of Oda Nobunaga, and snorted coldly: "Medium!"

"call out!"

"My lord, be careful!" The tiger general behind Oda Nobunaga suddenly pulled Oda Nobunaga, which barely avoided the arrow.

Oda Nobunaga frowned. This time he only brought more than 3000 people. He never thought that the number of enemy troops was also quite large. Oda Nobunaga immediately shouted: "Don't be afraid! This is all their troops! Give me Rush over! Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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