Chapter 1375
In the opinion of Oda Nobunaga!He can come up with 100 troops, which is already a super army, in the island country! Wars with more than [-] men are large-scale wars, let alone tens of thousands of troops.

Therefore, the blind and ignorant Oda Nobunaga pressed the sword in his arms, stared at the very arrogant Han Shizhong, pulled out the sword in his arms, and said solemnly: "Xiaodao people! Put down the weapon in your hand, I see Your valor! You kneel before me! I forgive you your great disrespect!"

"In front of our tens of thousands of troops, you are all vulnerable. Surrender is your only way out!" Toyotomi Hideyoshi behind Oda Nobunaga held the sword in his arms!He stared at Han Shizhong with both eyes, as if he was demonstrating.

"Damn it! You're looking for death!" Han Shizhong was also so angry that he immediately took off the longbow in his hand, and suddenly shot three arrows to kill him!Oda Nobunaga looked cold, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi had no time to dodge, and immediately pulled a soldier to stand in front of him. The soldier who was hit by the arrow looked painful, and looked at Toyotomi Hideyoshi, regretful: "Why...!"

"Hmph! It's the honor of your life to be an arrow for the majesty!" After Toyotomi Hideyoshi finished speaking, in order to prevent Han Shizhong from shooting a cold arrow, he held the corpse of the soldier in his hand and kept stepping back to prevent being shot.

"These damned barbarians! They are so rampant! Majesty, give me 100 people! I will lead the boats to smash them!" Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was beside Oda Nobunaga, pressed the sword in his arms. Every time he moved, the armor on his body would There was the sound of metal being pulled out, and at the end, Tokugawa Ieyasu bowed his head directly.

Oda Nobunaga stroked his chin, pondered solemnly, waved his hand for a while and said: "No! This is a fierce tiger, he can help us take this city!"


"Needless to say!" Oda Nobunaga waved his hand and said calmly, "Tell Sakai Chuji, Ii Naomasa, Sakakibara Yasumasa, Honda Tadakatsu, Tachibana Munemo, Naoe Kanetsugu, and Date Masamune to let them kill this tiger." Surround them, fierce tigers are no match for wolves, remember to catch them alive!"

"Hi!" Toyotomi Hideyoshi no longer hesitated, holding the weapon in his hand, he went down to call for orders.

On the two warships next to Oda Nobunaga's ship, there was a young general wearing heavy armor, holding a sword in his hand, with his hands folded in front of his chest, and said calmly, "This group of trash! The majesty needs to answer in person. Command! Sure enough, I am the Majesty's right-hand man!"

"Honta Tadachi! There is nothing wrong with being careful!" A young man dressed in black armor and holding a spear said with a smile in his eyes.

"Hmph! How could a tiger be with you hungry wolves! Charge!" Honda Zhongsheng snorted softly, and countless water splashes splashed from the warship behind him.

"Pfft...plop...!" Honda Tadakatsu hadn't moved yet, but was startled by the two corpses thrown into the air, and saw a black shadow jumping into Honda Tadakatsu's warship, The long knife in his hand is still bleeding!Who could it be if it wasn't Zhang Shun, and who could the two dead bodies behind him be if it wasn't Uesugi Kenshin and Uesugi Kenshin.

"Bah..." Zhang Shun spit out a mouthful of phlegm, looked at Ben Duo Zhongsheng, and said to Han Shizhong, "General Han! Hurry up and take the brothers aboard, and rush back first. We don't have many big ships, so we are at a disadvantage!"

"Touch!" Just as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Han Shizhong jumped onto the warship. The wind is still relatively strong, and it is blowing towards the opposite bank. Han Shizhong glanced at the sea of ​​blood around him, and immediately said: "Sail Set sail! Go back to the other side, spot the enemy ship, and hit it for me!"

"Yes!" Only a greeting was heard, and dozens of people suddenly pulled up the sails, and the wind blew!The speed of the warship is much faster.

And the general of the enemy ship was Tachibana Zongshige. I saw this short and big man suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms, and shouted: "For the sake of the majesty! Hit me!"

"Hi! Bang!"

How can the power of nature be compared with manpower? When two warships collided, sawdust flew all over the place!The bow of Han Shizhong's warship is made of bronze, in order to increase the power of the battle in the water battle. It is conceivable that Tachibana Zongshige was directly wiped out by this blow.

Without the watchdog Tachibana Muneshige!Han Shizhong's warship is not a little bit faster.

"Rockets! Tung oil! Burn their warships! Hurry up!" Han Shizhong's face was serious, since he wanted to fight!Then hit hard.

"Get ready for throwing stones! One, two, three! Let it go!"

"Boom... Boom...Boom!! The lit tung oil was smashed out one by one! I could only hear: "Crack... Ding Dang! "Scattered warships! Adding the burning of tung oil! For a while, the sea of ​​flames raged.

"Where did the water ghost come from! Looking for death!" Honda Tadakatsu's eyes were red, when he learned that the two corpses were Uesugi Kenshin!Uesugi Constitution, the anger from his chest, prompted Honda Tadakatsu to kill this guy.

Zhang Shun glanced at Ben Duo Zhongsheng, and said calmly, "Let's see who dies first! Ha!"

Zhang Shun suddenly swung his saber up, Honda Zhongsheng looked solemn, swung his saber suddenly, and shouted: "Yan Zhan!"

"Ding! Honda's Tadakashi Hachiman attribute activates, the force value instantly increases by 8, the base force value is 100, and the current force value is 108"

"Hoo! Kacha!" Zhang Shun's face was startled. When he looked at it, there was a knife mark on his chest, and the armor on his chest had been cut in half.

Zhang Shun's face was shocked, he suddenly made a move to explore the sea, jumped into the water, splashing countless water splashes!Disappeared in front of Honda Tadakatsu.

"Baga! Where are you going!" Honda Zhongsheng was about to chase after him!And a rocket was shot, blocking his progress, Honda Zhongsheng was stunned, and immediately rolled over with a move of carp, looking back, Zhang Shun had disappeared without a trace, Honda Zhongsheng Sheng immediately cursed angrily: "Cunning barbarian!"

"Hoo hoo... hoo hoo!" Three large ships in a row were burned by the fire. At this moment, Oda Nobunaga's face was solemn. Looking at the raging fire, Oda Nobunaga finally let out his most frustrated sigh. He said solemnly: "Hurry up and save people! Warriors can't just die like this!"


A hundred meters away from Oda Nobunaga's warship!Zhang Shun suddenly stood up and let out a heavy breath!Looking at a piece of wood from a warship fragment, he immediately climbed up!Looking back at the burning warship!He spat out the seawater in his mouth, was tired and out of breath, and cursed angrily: "Son of a son of a bitch! It's quite ruthless! Fortunately, I run fast! If I were here, I would have stayed there!"

"Don't swim, Xiaobaitiao, those who drown will be able to swim!" I saw that the big man jumped on the boat and dared to come!There are seven or eight panting big men behind him, with many wounds on their bodies."

"Stop fucking nonsense! Pull me up!"

(End of this chapter)

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