Chapter 1376
"Ding, Mao Liyuan will die in battle! His intelligence reaches 95, and the system will explode 3 people!"

"Ding, Kenshin Uesugi died in battle! His force value has reached above 95, and the system needs 3 people to explode!"

"Ding, Uesugi Xianzheng died in battle! His force value reached 87 points, rewarding the host with 8 summoning points, plus the first two summoning points, a total of 26 summoning points! The current host still has 1902 summoning points!"

"Tsk tsk! Although the force value is not high, a mosquito is still a piece of meat. Come on! Let's explode!" Han Yi exhaled!Those who should come will always come, and those who should go can't be kept. Since the last time the system reminded, Han Yi has noticed, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

"Ding, currently No. 1 on the list, Qi Jiguang of the Ming Dynasty: force 95 commander 98 intelligence 93 politics 88 special attributes, external force value plus 1 commander plus 1, water warfare commander plus 1! The current implantation status is the school promoted by Han Shizhong Captain! Make him responsible for the defense of the seaside"

"Huh...huh...!" Han Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!Fortunately, Qi Jiguang did not fall into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands!Otherwise, Han Yi's intestines will be regretful. With Qi Jiguang, Oda Nobunaga will suffer a lot this time.

"Ding, Zhu Zhen, the second person on the list of five generations and ten kingdoms, has 95 military power, 93 intelligence, 90 intelligence, and 72 politics. He is Zhu Yuanzhang's younger brother! He is currently guarding his family in Wu!"

"Ding, the third person on the list, Black Teeth Changzhi, has 97 military strength, 96 intelligence, 92 intelligence, and 72 politics. The current implantation status is a general recruited by Li Shimin! Entrust him with a heavy responsibility!"

"His grandma's! This Li Shimin's luck is really not ordinary!" Han Yi looked a little dignified, Li Shimin's team has been expanding crazily these days!Han Yi has a certain feeling that if this war ends!Li Shimin is not dead!He is likely to compete with Temujin for the position of the overlord of the grassland. After all, Li Shimin is not a person who is content with the status quo.

"Ding, Nian Gengyao, the fourth most popular general of the Qing Dynasty: force 99, commander 96, intelligence 90, politics 64, currently implanted in identity, a slave promoted by Nurhachi! Although talented! But take credit for pride! How crowded!"

"Wait a minute!" Han Yi's eyes lit up, this year Gengyao is interesting, maybe the breakthrough of the grassland is here.

"Ding, Xie Daoyun, the fifth person on the current top list: force 43, commander 51, intelligence 93, politics 70. The current implantation identity is a captured Central Plains woman! She is currently a slave and has been decompressed back to the grassland!"

"Ding, the last person who hit the list is full of Gui: force 94, commander 89, intelligence 61, politics 43, and the current implantation status is Wei Qing's general who was promoted by Wei Qing during the war!"

"Hahahaha! This is interesting!" Han Yi guessed at the beard, and now Han Yi is no longer the boy he used to be, he also has a goatee.

Han Yi rubbed his temples!Looking at the heavy snow outside, it is noisy and chaotic, but it is very comfortable inside.

"My lord! It's been arranged! You can go now!" There was only a blast!Originally, Dian Wei and the others were busy with work, so all the tasks of changing shifts fell on Meng Zhan.

Han Yi glanced at Meng Zhan, unknowingly the young man had grown up, Han Yi patted the dust on his body, strode out, and stood with his hands behind his back!Looking at Meng Zhan with a puzzled expression, he said, "Meng Zhan! How old is this year!"

"My lord! I'm 26 this year!" Meng Zhan sighed and said calmly.

"I have a wife and children," Han Yi said calmly.

"Wang Yanzhang is not dead! Where is his wife and children!" Meng Zhan said solemnly.

"Hmm!" Han Yi groaned heavily, stopped his steps slowly, looked at Meng Zhan with a solemn expression, and said, "Your brother Meng Yuan's death, Gu Ye is very sad, but you can't Wrapped in hatred, if you have fought all these years, if you don't leave offspring for your Meng family! How can Gu be worthy of your big brother Meng Yuan.

"Thank you, King, for your care! I will repay you by shrouding your body in horse leather!" Meng Zhan immediately knelt down in the tunnel.

Han Yi looked at Meng Zhan, and said calmly: "Among the three generals! The Dugu family has been destroyed! The Cao family is a foreign relative! After two generations, they will definitely not hold power again! Just relying on the Yang family can't support much! I want your Meng family to become a general! It’s a pity that your Meng family’s heirs are rare! At present, there are only two of you brothers, you have to understand Gu’s painstaking efforts, after all, our older generation is gone, and the next generation needs you to support the scene !"

"Thank you for your great love! The minister must do his best!" Meng Zhan couldn't help being more excited when he said this. Han Yi said everything he should say. As for whether Meng Zhan can listen to him, he doesn't know. It can only be said to take one step at a time.

Great Hall
Many princes and kings arrived as promised
Han Yi was sitting in his seat, staring at the princes with tiger eyes and said: "My lords! I won't fight for three days now! Why!"

"Han Wang, why don't your white horse Yicong and the tiger and leopard rider leave?" Ying Zheng's face was indifferent, and his words were sharp.

Han Yi smiled slightly, looked at Ying Zheng and said, "You need a pretense for sending troops alone!"

"What does King Han mean?" Zhao Yong asked with a puzzled expression.

"No one knows how many enemy spies there are outside the city! There is only one battle! To attract the attention of the enemy! In addition, in order to maximize the initiative on the battlefield! Sun Bin under my command has a plan, so why not listen to it together? Take a look!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"Oh! Junior Brother Sun still has a brilliant idea! As a senior, you should listen carefully!" Zhang Yi, who was sitting behind Ying Zheng, smiled lightly.

"Hahahaha! How can there be any clever tricks! It's just that Mr. Jia next to me! He has a clever plan! I don't know if I can get into the eyes of my senior!" Sun Bin smiled slightly and pointed to Jia Xu behind him. He looks ordinary, but there is a huge conspiracy hidden in his smile. The first impression of this guy is like a poisonous snake.

"Everyone agrees!" Jia Xu stood up slowly.

"Where did the cat and the dog come from! Is there no one in King Han's tent?" Zhang Yi seemed disdainful.

"It's true that there is no one! Master Zhang Yi might as well listen to it first! After all, the strategy of Shu State to attack Qin State's rear! It was also proposed by this gentleman!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"You!......!" Zhang Yi was about to get mad, but was stopped by Ying Zheng, looked at Jia Xu, and said calmly: "Sir, please say"

"Hehe! I'm being presumptuous!" Jia Xu bowed and saluted, and immediately said: "At the time of the war! You can send a cavalry to raid the enemy's food and grass! Although the effect is minimal, you can definitely gain something! Grasslands are mostly respected by water. , do not wash clothes, all rivers are drinking water! If you poison the water! Or throw sick and dead animals...!"

(End of this chapter)

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