Warring States Call

Chapter 1377 Digging a Pit

Chapter 1377 Digging a Pit
poison!This is really poisonous. Once this thing is used, it can indeed quickly end the entire battle situation. Maybe it will kill or injure a large number of grassland enemy troops, but the battlefield is a place where the plague is rampant. If there is no one left, it may harm people. To myself, this is Zhang Yi's current opinion. This move is really ruthless, but the effect is obvious.

"This plan is not right!" Before Zhang Yi could reply, Xu Da stood up behind Zhu Yuanzhang. Han Yi looked at this general, and saw him wearing a golden Kai, with a dignified complexion, eight feet in length, and round angry eyes. Staring at Jia Xu with open eyes, he held the sword in his arms and said, "This plan is against the virtue of heaven! Using this plan will definitely harm others and yourself! Once the plague spreads! The gains outweigh the losses!"

"Soldiers are deceitful! Although this is not a clever method! But in the end it is a solution, or do you have a better solution?" Sun Quan, who had never shown his face, stood up at this moment.

The longer this battle drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for small countries like them. After all, the national strength of a big country can withstand the consumption of time!But a small country like Sun Quan can't last long.

"This king thinks this is a good way, you can consider it" Liu Bang laughed immediately!He is eager to end the war as soon as possible. After all, the more chaos in the Central Plains, the better for him. What Liu Bang wants now is no longer his own one-acre three-point land. He is 42 years old this year. If he doesn't consider going south, he will have to Where are you stuck.

Zhao Yong was also lost in thought at the moment!This is indeed a solution, but after all, it is a bit too dangerous, and there are too many uncertain factors.

Yan Xi looked at Han Yi and Jia Xu on the side, thinking that after all, the Boshui is an inland river in his own country. Although he didn't get it back, he will get it back sooner or later. Thinking of this, Yan Xi immediately interrupted: "Gu Ye Think the matter is too dangerous! Don't be rash!"

Han Yi frowned. As expected, biochemical weapons would not work. Jia Xu looked at the kings and said with a slight smile, "Your kings are worried, but it is possible to poison the river. Once the enemy has no water source! We have to change positions again! And our army can get rid of the current predicament, and there is no achievement here!"

"Poisoning...!" Yang Jian stroked his beard, paused for a while and said, "This is also a way! Although the lethality is a little less! But it will eventually cause some damage to the enemy!"

For a while, most of the kings in the world agreed to this method temporarily, Ying Zheng looked at Jia Xu, and said seriously: "Tell me, sir!"

Han Yi looked at Jia Xu, waved his hand and said, "Go!"

Jia Xu immediately stepped forward, bowed to many princes and kings, came to the map, and said calmly: "It's winter now! It's snowing heavily, and the rivers are mostly frozen, so the best way to poison is on the Shangzhong River. The upper reaches of the river are relatively easy, but the middle reaches are indeed in the center of the enemy's formation. During this period, a cavalry is needed to lead troops to charge and kill the enemy, pretending to sneak attack on food and grass to attract the attention of the enemy. Go ahead and poison the horses, and the horses must have hay for the winter! The grassland people regard the horses as their lives, as long as they throw poison on the horses and add some bean drums, the grassland people without the horses have nothing to fear!"

"Serial trick!" Zhou Yu, who was standing behind Sun Quan, looked at it and frowned!First use the large army to hold back the main force of the enemy army, then sneak attack on the enemy's food and grass, and then poison the river, but Jia Xu's real purpose is the horse, and the others are accessories. The latter three strategies, no matter which one is successful , this strategy is considered successful, that is to say, after this battle, Jia Xu will definitely become famous!Since the advent of this strategy, Jia Xu has already received his name.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu involuntarily took a deep look at Jia Xu, his expression was not so natural, and Jia Xu did not expect that Zhou Yu was the first to see through his plan, and immediately bowed to Zhou Yu and said: "The more you are wrong! Zhou Yu Lang Gu! Nice to meet you!"

Zhou Yu glanced at Jia Xu, and said calmly, "Mr. Jia! Great plan!"


After Zhou Yu's on-demand broadcast, everyone realized that Jia Xu's strategy was very ingenious.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Han Yi said with a calm expression, "The two elite cavalrymen in the lone hand have already been released, and this mission requires a small number of people to be feasible! Bring out all the elite soldiers and generals you have! Don't come here again. Hidden and tucked away, you don't send troops, how will my tiger and leopard cavalry and white horse righteousness enter the hinterland of the grassland?"

"This...!" The king who had encouraged Han Yi to send troops was dumb for a while, but Zhu Yuanzhang could see that Han Yi was going to take revenge on Ying Zheng for digging a hole last time. Looking back at the scene, Zhu Yuanzhang felt relieved when he thought of this!This time it has nothing to do with him.

Han Yi glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang, who was pretending to be innocent, and smiled ghostly. Is it a ghost that Zhu Yuanzhang ran away today?
Ying Zheng frowned. He knew that Han Yi was coming for him. Looking at Han Yi's smiling eyes, Ying Zheng even wanted to tear Han Yi himself.

Han Yi looked indifferently, staring at Yingzheng. This guy made Han Yi have to send his son to fight. If he didn't hold this grudge, then he wouldn't be Han Yi. Han Yi cleared his throat and said calmly, "King Qin! Yan under your command Don’t hide the Eighteen Cloud Knights! It’s the last time you fought against our army! It’s powerful! It’s very suitable for this mission, and the Iron Eagle Rider is also good! It can also be used to drop poison in the river!”

"What are you thinking? Tie Yingrui is an infantry soldier! How can he surprise the enemy!" Meng Tian glanced at Han Yi with disdain.

"Presumptuous! Talk to the King of Qin alone! Can you, a miscellaneous general, get in your mouth?" Han Yi suddenly slapped the table, looked at Yu Wencheng behind and said, "Why are you still standing there! Cut him off!"

"Decree!" Yu Wencheng strode forward suddenly, stretched out his huge palm, as if Meng Tian was grabbing it, Meng Tian is also a veteran general, immediately drew his sword, and cursed angrily: " It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you go wrong!”

"Looking for death!" Yu Wencheng saw the opportunity, and suddenly kicked down!This blow hit Meng Tian's lower abdomen, and Yu Wencheng took advantage of the opportunity to lift Meng Tian up.

"King Han! This soldier came out alone! But you grabbed the commander of my Meng family army, and this Meng family army has no commander! How can we fight!" Ying Zheng suppressed the anger in his heart, Meng Tian is the general of the army, he If he dies, the next generation will lose a general to support the scene, so Ying Zheng must stabilize the scene, at least Meng Tian can't die.

"Stop!" Han Yi waved his hand, looking down at Meng Tian who looked like a dead dog, Han Yi said disdainfully: "Forget it! Give King Qin a face!"

(End of this chapter)

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