Chapter 1379

The strategy discussed by Han Yi and the princes and kings was decided, but the preparation of the poison took a lot of time. These days, the card of avoiding the battle was raised high, just to delay the time.

It is said that Han Ming led eight thousand iron cavalry into the hinterland of the grassland, and it took seven days to calculate the time.

A group of people were on their way, their faces were full of wind and snow, their eyebrows turned into white snow, and the black armor on their bodies was covered with a layer of white snow under the influence of rain and snow. Han Ming was riding a war horse, staring at the front There is a snowy field, and snow falls from time to time. A few scattered tents can be seen indistinctly in the sky. There is a faint light of fire. This place is like walking on flat ground. If it is not covered by white cloth, it is extremely easy to be captured Discover.

"Huh!" Every time the soldiers behind them let out a heavy breath, it would turn into water vapor and dissipate in the world.

"Your Highness the Fourth! This is already the eighth tribe! Don't do anything!" Deng Yu behind Han Ming pulled back his scarf, exposed his mouth, and asked Han Ming's opinion. Some blood trails, apparently killed a few tongues.

Han Minghu stared at the front, holding the Qingming Qingtian Halberd in his hand, his eyes seemed to be thinking about something, and he said half aloud: "Food!"

"Ah...!" Deng Yu was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and immediately said: "There are still three days of reserves!"

"That's not right! Didn't you say that there is half a month's supply? How could it be so little!" Yue Yun looked puzzled, this matter is serious, what kind of battle is there without food, so Yue Yun's voice is not too loud , did not alarm more people.

"Quantity!" Han Ming looked at the tribe in front of him, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"The enemy is still me......!" Deng Yuzheng was about to finish speaking, but when he saw Han Yi's murderous eyes, he immediately choked up, and then said: "The enemy has more than 3 soldiers! There are more than 30 herdsmen , Our army is eight thousand!"

Han Ming frowned, the difference in the ratio of the number of people is a bit big...

Liang Lin put his hands in his clothes, and said with embarrassment: "It's hard to fight! There are too many enemy troops, and we can't gain the advantage?"

"Not necessarily!" Han Ming was riding a war horse, staring at the tribe in front of him with a calm expression, and turned to Deng Yu behind him: "That tribe!"

"Okay! It seems to be... Shanrong!" Deng Yu said calmly.

"The gap between the enemy and us is too obvious! Almost everyone in the prairie becomes a soldier, and there are a lot of wolf cubs here, so don't act rashly." Liang Lin looked at Han Ming's fighting spirit!His complexion looked extremely solemn, maybe there would be a big move tonight.

Han Ming glanced at Deng Yu, took out a fluffy thing from the bag in his arms and threw it over to Deng Yu, Han Ming said calmly: "Catch"

Deng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately picked up the furry thing to see, it turned out to be a little wolf cub waiting to be fed!black hair!With helpless eyes and restless little paws scratching Deng Yu's big rough hands back and forth, Deng Yu looked puzzled and said, "This...what's the use of it!"

Han Ming suddenly turned his head and stared at Deng Yu with tiger eyes. Deng Yu, who was about to tease him, shuddered. He immediately shut up, looked at Han Ming and said, "Leave it to me!"

Han Yi rubbed his wrist, glanced at the soldiers behind him, and said calmly, "Rest where you are!"

Yue Yun and Qin Yong wanted to break their heads, but they didn't know what Han Ming was used for, and how big a few wolf cubs were.

But it was a pain for Deng Yu, digging in the snow one by one, if he was unlucky, he would run into a few she-wolves guarding their cubs!It can be said to be as embarrassing as you want. In the winter, many hungry wolves start to gather in groups to catch large prey. At night, they will bring back the robbed food. They have survived this difficult winter. .

The night is gradually rewarding, and the world that was originally white is polarized at this moment, and the land is white!The sky is dark, and you can still see stars from time to time.

That night, the women in the prairie took out the dry firewood they had prepared long ago, piled them together, and roasted the plump sheep. Today is a festival for them to pray, bless their husbands to return safely, and bless their children to grow up quickly Da, ride their war horses and gallop across the battlefield, bless pregnant women to give birth to children smoothly, and bless their lovers to return.

On the outskirts, hundreds of soldiers were eating food around the bonfire, and beside them were dozens of chained women slaves in ragged clothes pouring wine for them. Women, in this cold snow field, express their bestiality to their heart's content. Some women resist desperately and cry heart-piercingly, but it only stimulates the bestiality of men, while some women are accustomed to it and let it go. Ravaged by others, when the man climbed up from the woman, the woman seemed as if nothing had happened, put on her clothes, and poured wine as usual.

Some prairie men saw it, and couldn't help laughing at that man as useless, he couldn't even conquer a woman, the humiliated man was very angry, if he was lucky, he would whip him a few times, but if he was unlucky, he would be slashed to death by the man's machete. And those women walking dead, only when they face death, will they show a little humanity and pray for their lives.

Over time, in order to survive, these women have to cater to the tired people in their hearts until they no longer have any illusions about life.

With a pair of black pupils, Han Ming stared at the continuously rising bonfire in front of him. He was riding a war horse without knowing what he was thinking, and the blue-faced Ming hoof under his crotch did not dare to make too much noise.

"Your Highness Fourth!" Deng Yu came behind Han Ming, breathing heavily.

Han Ming didn't look back, took out the jerky from his bosom, and put it into his mouth. Although he chewed slowly, he found that Han Ming didn't chew at all, and swallowed it directly. This is a habit developed in the palace. , every New Year's banquet, in order to eat enough, not to go hungry, but at the same time to ensure politeness, not to gobble up jujubes, Han Ming has practiced this kind of kung fu.

"Send it in!" Deng Yu rubbed his wrists, sat down on the snow, and breathed out heavily, as if he was relieved.

Han Ming stretched his waist!Lifting the weapon with one hand, he said calmly, "Get ready!"

"Okay!" Deng Yu immediately got up and patted his buttocks.

Qin Yong looked a little embarrassed and said: "What the hell did the Fourth Highness buy! I'm so anxious!"

Yue Yun rubbed his wrist, and said calmly: "What are you afraid of! It's a big deal, it's just a hard fight!"

"Quick! Get ready! Don't stand still! Hurry up!" Deng Yu greeted immediately.

"What's wrong! Deng Yu! Why did you suddenly send troops!" Qin Yong asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

(End of this chapter)

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