Warring States Call

Chapter 1380 Wolf Calamity

Chapter 1380 Wolf Calamity
"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

A wolf howl came from all directions, and Qin Yong and Yue Yun, who were recuperating, immediately stood up, and said with ugly expressions: "Deng Yu blames you! It's okay to pick up some wolf cubs, and now they are all attracted!"

Deng Yu smiled bitterly, as if he didn't care about my business, it was His Royal Highness who asked me to do this.

The howls of wolves came one after another. Liang Lin felt his scalp tingling as he listened. Hearing that there were at least a hundred of them, Liang Lin looked at Deng Yu anxiously and said, "How many wolf dens have you dug out! Listen! There are at least hundreds of voices!"

Deng Yu scratched his head, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I almost picked out all the things around here!"

"You have caused a catastrophe, you beat wolves but not cubs! You have violated their taboo." Liang Lin got on his horse helplessly, looked at the soldiers behind him, and immediately greeted: "What are you doing in a daze! Protect the Fourth Highness!"

"Hush!" Han Ming greeted everyone suddenly, staring straight ahead, Han Ming said calmly, "Quiet!"

"Ah Ula... Ula...!" I saw a few men dancing beside the bonfire, and there were other men playing huqin and beating war drums. Although their voices were obscure, they were the source of their happiness.

"Woo... woo...!" When the howling of wolves came, the grassland people had long been accustomed to it, and they would not pay too much attention to it, and continued to entertain themselves here.

But the men guarding the door were in a terrible situation. Dozens of hungry wolves rushed straight up, opened their bloody mouths, and bit directly towards the man's throat. With this first The victim, the man who just realized it, immediately took the weapon, but there were too many wolves, and there was only a click, and the blood melted.

The men in the prairie who came to their senses were still lying on top of the woman, and they didn't even have time to lift their pants. They were about to run away, but they were thrown to the ground by the hungry wolves behind and bitten directly. The hungry wolves came to bite them, and finally died in Huangquan. Perhaps when the soul was separated from this dirty body, it was their desired destination.

Not only soldiers, but also a few cunning hungry wolves mixed into Shanrong's sheepfold, and began to bite the sheep continuously, and several female wolves were looking for their wolf cubs, watching them dying beside the sheepfold. The little wolf walked away with one end in its mouth, and the surrounding male wolves kept biting the sheep!They don't eat!Just bite and kill these sheep blindly, revenge!Take revenge on humans for hurting their children.

The prairie people count on these cattle and sheep to survive the winter. Without these cattle and sheep, they will suffer a very difficult winter.

"Ahhh...!" A hungry wolf with brown hair and a slightly white belly, its size is not a little bigger than the two female wolves behind it.He has a pointed head and palate, a long face, protruding nose, pointed ears and erect ears. He licked the corner of his mouth with his scarlet tongue. When he entered the big tent, he saw a strong man, naked, overwhelming on a woman.

When the woman saw the hungry wolf, she immediately screamed in fright, picked up the quilt to cover her body, but the man wanted to draw the scimitar, but the yellow wolf immediately bit him, and the female wolf behind him immediately rushed forward. Going to help, within a few breaths, the man was bitten to pieces. His hoarse voice before he died finally woke up the entire tribe. Once the man died, the woman would not live long, and eventually she died , died in this snowy day, seeing that the yellow wolf had dealt with these two humans, relying on his keen sense of smell, he rolled around in the tent, and finally found his own wolf cub in a cloth bag. Holding it in his mouth, he fled under the escort of the yellow wolf.

"My mother! Help me!" I saw a boy who was not as tall as a wheel running up crying, followed by two she-wolves chasing him.

"Wu Na! Come here quickly!" The woman who was watching on the real bonfire was shocked immediately, got up suddenly, picked up the torch beside her, and protected the boy behind her. The big men around immediately drew their swords to deal with the hungry wolf, These people, the two she-wolves ran away immediately, and disappeared in a flash.

"Mother! Our sheep have been killed, what should we do! Mother!" The boy was in tears.

"What!" The woman looked ugly, and immediately grabbed the knife from the big man!He cursed angrily: "The wolves killed today! I will fight with you!"

"Mother, don't be impulsive! Beware of wolves!" The sweat on both sides was extremely worried, and immediately chased after them with torches and machetes.

As the incident got bigger and bigger, the military also knew about it.

Outside the tent!A thick-backed Khan pressed the scimitar in his arms, and said solemnly: "What's going on! How could there be so many wolves attacking the tent all of a sudden!
"I don't know! A lot of wolves came all of a sudden! Find this wolf cub in the tent!" The lieutenant at the side took out a submissive little wolf cub with an ugly expression on his face.

"Bastard! It must have been done by the grasslands in the east! These wolves must think we did it. Quickly, find it! Throw it out! Otherwise, these hungry wolves won't let it go! Quick!" The leading general also He was very angry, and he couldn't explain this matter because of the fight.

Han Ming in the distance rubbed his wrist and said calmly, "Get ready!"


Hearing Han Ming's tiger roar, eight thousand cavalry charged straight up, everyone wearing scarves, Han Ming took the lead, with a calm expression on his face.

Because there were hungry wolves clearing the way, they almost didn't encounter any resistance, and rushed to kill them directly. When they encountered some remnants and defeated generals, they were terminated by the sword before they had time to hemp.

"The general is not good! The enemy is attacking!" Wu Dang pressed the sword in his arms, his expression extremely embarrassing.

And who could the leading general be if it wasn't Han Sui? Han Sui frowned, secretly calling for death, and immediately said: "Huhu, you lead the troops to fight in person!"

"Promise!" Huhu did not hesitate, rode up, and galloped away with the soldiers under his command. Looking at the menacing Yue Yun, he immediately shouted: "The enemy will not be rampant! Han Changlai!"

"Looking for death!" Yue Yun urged his horse up, the weapon in his hand turned into a shooting star, and fell head-on towards Hu Hu.

"Ding, Yue Yun's startling hammer attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 5. Special reminder, the young veteran has the posture of shocking the clouds, and the current Yue Yun's basic force is 105!"

"Boom!" With one blow, Huhu turned into a corpse, his brain burst and he died.

Han Ming rubbed his wrists, stared at Han Sui with tiger eyes, lightly caressed the horse under his crotch, his green face and hooves turned into a breeze, Han Ming shot down with a halberd, and as soon as the cold light passed by, Han Sui only felt the pain in his throat. As soon as the light came on, the whole person rolled back and forth in the air, and finally fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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