Warring States Call

Chapter 1381 Shuluping

Chapter 1381 Shuluping

Han Sui's head fell to the ground like a ripe melon, and Han Ming didn't even follow through with a move.

As the hungry wolf continued to find its own children, and soldiers continued to strangle them, the hungry wolf gradually withdrew from the battle circle.

Han Ming's [-] cavalry headed straight for Han Sui's main force. Most of the tens of thousands of soldiers were wiped out by a round of cavalry charge. A surprise attack without any resistance at all.

Liang Lin was drenched in blood, staring at Han Ming with the double hammers in his hands, and exclaimed, "What a plan!"

"Yue Yun, lead your troops to the west to encircle and suppress! I'll go to the east and destroy the enemy's vital forces!" Qin used a copper hammer stained with blood, greeted Yue Yun, and rushed to kill the enemy with [-] cavalry. go.

"Understood!" Yue Yun didn't dare to be negligent, and charged forward directly. The soldiers around him were in high spirits.

"Er Niang is not good! Enemy troops are coming! What should I do!" Among the panicked crowd, a ten-year-old child wearing a gray fur mouse hat trotted into the big tent, watching his mother really put on the battle coat. A, the whole person was slightly stunned, staggered, and fell directly to the ground.

And the woman in the armor is the wife of Yeke Abaoji... Shuluping, this woman is an incredible woman in history. She is decisive, resourceful, and flexible. Quartet.Later, Yeke Abaoji died, and Shuluping came to the court as the regent and took charge of military and state affairs.When Yelu Abaoji was about to be buried, he cut off his right hand and put it in the coffin as a funeral object.

"Li Hu, why are you panicking? Where are your eldest brother and second brother? Shuluping looked dignified, picked up the helmet he had prepared for a long time, put it on suddenly, and grabbed a scimitar casually. One can clearly see her face, there is a lot of heroism between her brows and feathers, her face is upright, full of the pride and wisdom of the grassland, her eyes are as bright as pearls at the bottom of the lake.

"My eldest brother and my second brother broke up! I don't know where they went!" Ye Lihu looked crying, but because of his mother, he held back, and suddenly changed his mind: "Mom, are you okay!"

Immediately, Shu Ping pulled up his son on the ground, took out the dagger from his arms, handed it to Ye Ke Lihu, and said solemnly: "You are the son of Ye Ke Abaoji, you should go like a warrior. Fight! Be a wolf! Not a powerless sheep, quick! Go!"

"Mother! I...I dare not!" Ye Keli Hu looked flustered, holding the dagger in his hand at a loss.

"Slap!" Shu Ping slapped his son suddenly, and said with a gloomy expression, "Are you awake?"





"Ah...!" Ye Lihu covered his reddened lips, held his dagger tightly in his palm, looked at the soldiers fighting in front of him, and charged forward suddenly.

It just so happened that this Yegu Li Hu was out of luck, and directly bumped into Han Ming's hands. Looking at the teenage boy, Han Ming suddenly clamped the horse's belly, and raised his own hooves with his blue-faced hooves in pain. , stepped directly on Yegu Lihu's chest, the little child could clearly hear his broken chest body, the dagger in his hand was also at a loss in panic, his eyes were full of tears, and he could see that Shu Ping prayed in his eyes: "Mother, save me! I am in so much pain!"

"Li Hu!" Shu Yuping loved his youngest son the most. Now that he was captured alive, Shu Yuping frowned, and immediately swung his machete to kill him.

"Woo...!" Han Ming suddenly clamped the horse's belly, as a reminder to the horse under his crotch. The painful horse immediately opened its hooves and rushed forward. The Qingming holding the halberd in his hand showed no mercy. The slapping down, if this halberd goes down!Dead can be transparent.

"Your Highness, don't want it! He is of great use!" Deng Yu who came from behind greeted him immediately, and when Han Ming heard this, the Qingming Qingtian Halberd in his hand fell three points downwards, and hit Shu Ping's lower abdomen with one blow. In one move, Shuping Ping flew into the air and fell to the ground, excruciating pain.

"Take it!" Deng Yu waved away, and three or four soldiers behind him urged their horses to take their guns, and pressed them against Shu Ping's throat.

"Drive!" There was only a shout!Dozens of big men jumped on their horses suddenly, glanced at the homes that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and urged their horses to leave without the slightest hesitation.

"Drive!" Yue Yun chased after him with two or three cavalrymen, and shouted: "The enemy should leave!"

The general who turned back was a seven-foot-long boy, holding a spear in his hand. Looking back, he saw three or four scattered torches chasing after him. He felt his pride being crushed to pieces. He returned to his horse abruptly, and immediately shouted: "I, Yelubei, will definitely kill you! Drive!"

"Drive!" Yue Yun was not afraid at all, the silver hammer in his hand made one move, the tiger stared at Yelubei, and hit him in the lower abdomen with the hammer, blood!Bile spewed out of Jabibe's mouth.

Yue Yun looked at Yelubei who looked like a dead dog below, and put him directly on the horseback, his expression was extremely indifferent, he didn't even look at the soldiers, their bodies would be buried in the snow when the heavy snow fell.

With the arrest of Yelubei and Yelu Lihu, Yelu Deguang was finally caught by Liang Lin from a woman.

The flames of war began to dissipate under the falling snow in the sky. After a night of fighting, there must be fish that slipped through the net. Han Ming's 8000 people can only catch a few leaders, and they really can't stop those small fish and shrimps.

"Hoo... huh... huh...!" Inside the tent, the captured slaves hugged each other, most of them were women, and there were only a few dozen men. Han Ming's eyes focused on Everyone seemed to be thinking about what to do.

"Fourth Highness!" Deng Yu killed a soldier outside the tent with his own hands, came to Han Ming's side, and said out of breath, "The 6 main force of the enemy army! They have all been wiped out, beheading more than [-] resisters! Also ran away Tens of thousands of people! The remaining more than [-] people are all surrounded!"

Han Ming got out of the big tent, the black sky gradually began to dawn, Yue Yun and Qin Yong!The three of Liang Lin hurried over, among them, Liang Lin and Yue Yun were holding Yelubei, Yelu Deguang, and Qin Yong was holding a woman, whose appearance was somewhat similar to Shupiping!Watching in horror as these intruders added the already half-dead Yelu Lihu and Shuyuping, Yelu Abaoji's sons, wives and daughters were complete.

"You damn Central Plains man! My father won't let you go!" Ye Zhigu scolded Han Ming with his clear eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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