Warring States Call

Chapter 1382 Pluto

Chapter 1382 Pluto
Han Ming stared at Ye Zizhigu with a pair of eyes, his expression was calm, he pressed the sword in his arms, and tapped the hilt with his index finger bit by bit, as if he was thinking about what to do.

"Shut up, you are arguing that I will throw you into their pile!" Qin Yong threatened Ye Zhigu, and most of these slaves showed wolfish eyes. It was obvious that they had been slaves for so long, and they had long been like Like a hungry wolf, wanting to tear them apart.

"Young man! My husband is the king of this mountain Rong! The pastures with a radius of a hundred miles belong to us. You have offended us! You only want to die!" Shu Ping still maintained his proper calm, staring at Han deep.

Han Ming rubbed his wrist, glanced at Shubiping, took off his scarf, revealed his face, stared at Shubiping with tiger eyes, and said calmly: "Remember my appearance! I will be the whole film Nightmare of the Prairie!"

"You...!" Shu Yuping frowned, stood up suddenly, and said, "I swear in the name of the wolf god, as long as we are still alive! I will never die with you!"

"Don't worry! You will live!" Han Ming patted Shu Ping on the shoulder after speaking, and strode out.

"What should I do with these people! To kill or not to kill!" Liang Lin came to Han Ming's side and looked at Han Ming's hesitant eyes. After all, he was still immature and could not kill decisively. He gave Han Ming a sentence: "They don't die! We can't live. There is a rule in the grassland. Women are not killed! Men who are not as tall as wheels are not killed!"

Han Ming was taken aback for a moment, and came to the prairie people under guard. Some women here were in ragged clothes, showing gray skin, and some children showed horrified eyes, and began to cry loudly.

At this time, Han Ming saw a child hiding in his mother's arms, a pair of clear eyes filled with fear, the mother honestly protected the child behind him, at this moment Han Ming recalled his past life, so How similar the scene is.

Han Ming casually took out a dry pancake and threw it in front of the mother!After a night of worry and fear, these people have long been exhausted!The child thought he was really hungry, so he got out of his mother's arms, so he went to pick it up!The male captives on both sides saw it and rushed up immediately!To compete for the only food, regardless of the child's life and death, pushed it aside, the child's mother immediately went to defend, holding her child, would rather let those people hurt herself than let the child in her arms get hurt!Pain, grievance, and fear prompted the child to make a fuss.

Han Ming frowned, stepped forward suddenly, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and swung the sword forward, blood accompanied by pain, finally made these crazy people wake up, the blood stained the last half of the cake, Han Ming Ming slowly picked it up and placed it in front of the mother and child!Then turn around!Rubbing his wrist, the remaining good thoughts were wiped away at this moment.

"Those who exceed the wheels... kill!" Han Ming finally gave his order.

"Decree!" Liang Lin echoed, looked at the cavalry behind him, and waved abruptly.

Knowing the cavalry, they immediately escorted one wheel-high teenager after another, hacked and killed them in the snow-covered fields, and the blood merged into rivers!The heads piled up like a mountain!The cries of bitterness continued like thunder.

Maybe it's painful, but how do you grow up without experiencing pain and cruelty?
Killing prisoners, this terrible word appeared in Han Ming's eyes, but war is like this!Either you die or I die, not to mention the current situation, once Han Ming is soft-hearted, 8000 of them will die, and he will be responsible for these [-] lives!At least Han Ming didn't kill them all!woman!women!children!Old people don't kill.

"No! My son!...You god-killing demons, the wolf god will punish you...My son!" The heart-piercing pain of each mother, and those who survived also felt the pain. With distress, the whole sky is full of sadness.

In another place, a large pit was dug out here, and more than 80 corpses were put into it one by one!Their bodies were buried in the soil and turned into nutrients, waiting for the arrival of spring to turn into new vitality.

Han Ming came to this burial place, looking at the unfamiliar but familiar faces, Han Ming's heart became more heavy, Han Ming slowly squatted down, stroked the soil, patted the earth and said: " rest in peace!"

Deng Yu came to Han Ming's side, and said solemnly: "Your Highness, the war horse has been replaced! The dried meat and goat's milk are ready, you can go!"

Han Ming took a look at the scorched earth, most of the men who had been strong all night were dead, and the herding horses ran away!The cattle and sheep are dead!Running and running, women are silent, they are thinking about how to take revenge!How to survive this winter.

"Bad guys!" I saw a child holding a stone and throwing it at Han Ming.

"Looking for death!" Deng Yu was about to make a move, but Han Ming stopped him.

Han Ming looked calm, glanced at the child, patted his forehead and said, "Let's go!"

In Han Yi's view, it is hard to compare with the barren grass on the border of Zhao State!He was kind enough to Yehu Abaoji, Karma!cause and effect!Where does the fruit come from if there is no cause?

Then someone asked, why are you not afraid of this fruit?
Because I am the cause, I cannot bear the result, because I do not believe in the cause and effect.

When Han Ming's soldiers and horses withdrew, heart-piercing screams began to be heard. Those slaves who had been suppressed for too long broke through the shackles, and enslaved those masters who used to be aloof!Insulted their masters, knocked down!Rip their clothes!Occupy their bodies!Use their painful and desolate voices to vent their inner pleasure and express their inner pain.

A woman is violated and insulted!They have been treated with contempt by them in the past, and they can only eat the leftovers rewarded by the slaves in order to live. They have only one belief in their hearts, to live!Just wait for my man to come back!When my father comes back, I can be relieved!When the time comes, they will take revenge on these slaves!Let them die without a place to bury them.


The white sky gradually turned green, Han Ming raised his head, looked at the distant and vast grassland, put on his hat slowly, and said calmly, "Next!"

"Ding, Han Ming's Pluto attribute activates Pluto, every 10 people killed will add 2 to all attributes! Currently, Han Ming killed 12 people from the Shanrong tribe, and all Han Ming's attributes will be increased by 2!"

"Ding, current thinking of Han Ming: Force 102 Commander 90 Intelligence 95 Politics 66!"

Han Yi, who was preparing for the war, was stunned. What happened, did the 12 people say they were gone? "

(End of this chapter)

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