Warring States Call

Chapter 1384 Tibetan Mastiff Soldier

Chapter 1384 Tibetan Mastiff Soldier

The cold wind is blowing!Rain and snow fell slowly, and the river was frozen, but this did not hinder the pace of this war.

In the early morning, black clouds and smoke floated out slowly, and many clouds of smoke condensed together to form a large black area, like a dark cloud.

"Blow the horn! Pull the war drum...!" Only one general shouted!Hundreds of soldiers hammered the drums!Just listen to the boom all day long!Resounding through the positive world.

"woo woo woo woo………!"

"Boom... Boom... Boom...Boom!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers walked out of the city walls, holding weapons and shields in their hands, this is what they eat and the only thing that can keep them alive from this Colosseum.

"Ula... Hurrah... Urla... Hurrah!" The wooden swords and torches that some witches on the city wall had brought from nowhere!Painted his cheeks colorful and naked, praying for the departed soldiers in this cold winter, praying for them to win.

"Woo...!" When the sun shone on the land, these praying witches thought it was a manifestation of the gods, knelt on the ground, and prayed silently with tears in their eyes.

"Hoo... Ho... Ho Ho...!" Rows of shields joined together to form a thick defensive wall, heading straight for the battlefield. one slice.

tribes of the prairie

Genghis Khan slowly got on the carriage, opened his big hands suddenly, faced the sun, and shouted: "The wolf god grants us strength! Let me pierce the enemy's chest with a spear! Use a shield to resist the enemy's spear, please let us Bring victory to the entire grassland!"


"Hoo... ph... ph... ph... ph...!" The incantations chanted one after another like the Sanskrit sound resounding through the entire sky

"Beat the drum...!"

"Boom...Boom...Boom!" The sound of the war drum was like thunder, deafening and deafening, inspiring every warrior in the grassland.

"Let's go!" When the last drum was beaten, Genghis Khan yelled loudly, and the soldiers behind him took a deep breath and blew it out, only to hear: "Woo... woo... woo..."

The sound of the horn sounded slowly, and a special unit appeared in the eyes of everyone. There are thousands of chariots here, and each chariot will have dozens of chains on it. There are dozens of soldiers on the chariot. Some were holding whips, and some were holding the meat in the drums, throwing them around, and the beasts under the chariot began to snatch them.

These beasts have different fur colors, including yellow and black chests and slightly white hairs on the limbs. Just by listening to their barking and fierceness in snatching prey, you can know how powerful they are and how agile their movements are. At first glance, there are more than 3 heads, almost occupying a small area.

And this is Genghis Khan's trump card... Tibetan mastiff soldiers.

Even Li Shimin can't help being jealous and excited when he sees those fierce and loyal dogs.

"Wow woof woof woof woof woof!" The wild Tibetan mastiffs barked one after another, and some grassland men who loved dogs even wanted to pet them, but what greeted him was torn to pieces. These Tibetan mastiffs have eaten human flesh!Except the master!Everything you can eat!They can be used to wrap their stomachs, which also makes this army independent.

Holding the sword in his hand, Zhao Yong stared at the hundreds of thousands of allied forces in front of him. Zhao Yong immediately said: "Listen! Quit Yandi! Let the past be forgotten."

"Hahahahahaha!" Genghis Khan, who was sitting on the carriage, laughed, glanced at Tuo Lei beside him, and laughed loudly: "It's a boring dispute! Kill!"

"Kill!" There was only a roar of a tiger, and a general in red armor was riding a horse, staring at the front with tiger eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Charge..."

"Kill...boom...boom!" The black enemy army came overwhelmingly.

Lian Po pressed the sword in his arms, and said solemnly: "Zhao Kuo, you personally lead [-] soldiers to fight!"


Han Yi rubbed his forehead, and fixed his eyes on Yebu Abaoji. Han Yi stretched his waist. Since he was completely offended, he had no choice but to completely crush him in the dust.

Holding the sword in his arms, Han Xin stared at the front with a flat face, and suddenly took out the command flag and said: "General Jia Fu! You personally lead three thousand cavalry to charge forward! Yuchi Gong! The two generals of Qin and Qiong led fifty thousand soldiers each. Form a momentum of horns, and after General Jia Fu charges into the formation, lead the army to charge and kill the remaining cavalry."

"Design" sent out three command flags in a row, Han Xin pulled up the fourth command flag, slowly sat on the handsome seat, staring at the front!It seems that he intends to watch the military formation he arranged.

Although the countries are united!But there are also clear enemies!Yan Guo fought against Li Shimin, Zhao Guo fought against Temujin for the lord, Ying Zheng cleaned up Yan Aguda, Han Yi came to deal with this Yehu Abaoji, and the remaining small fish and shrimps were directly divided equally.

"Charge for me!" Ye Ke and A Baoji took revenge for his calmness, looked at the generals under his command, and said, "Oboi! You personally lead the [-] cavalry to charge there, and charge all the way! Let them know that our army is strong!"

"Obey!" Hearing a muffled grunt, a tiger general came out, his hair on both sides was tied into small braids, he was wearing a tiger leather ox armor, a pair of eagle claw leather four-seamed yellow boots, and he was riding a Hei Yunju was born with a round face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, and a raccoon beard on his cheeks.Eight feet long.The waist is ten circumferences wide, the back of a tiger is thick, and he is a good general, but it is daunting.


Stop the drum!Three drum beats, morale is high!Under the leadership of Obai, the soldiers under his command rushed straight to the enemy.

"Hahahahaha! Kill!" Oboi held his own tiger-headed broadsword and rode a horse, majestic and majestic, and with the hooves of tens of thousands of cavalry behind him, it could be said that the earth was shaking.

"Ding, Oboi's tiger and leopard attribute is activated, use life to fight to increase force by 7, each time a life-and-death crisis occurs, the force value will be increased by 1, and it can only be used 3 times. Currently, the basic force value of Oboi is 100, and the force value of Heiyunju is increased by 1. Add 1 to the force value of the head sword, and the current force value is 109!"

"Every man begs to die!" There was only a sound of explosion, Lei Tong held a sledgehammer in his hand, seeing Oboi coming to kill him, he suddenly swung the hammer in his hand.

"Kang Dang!" There was only a loud noise, and the sledgehammer in Lei Tong's hand fell to the ground. Aobai laughed loudly, looked at Lei Tong, and slashed down.

"Crack!" Only a crisp sound was heard, and Lei Tong was directly chopped off his horse.

Jia Fu was riding a war horse, staring at Oboi and Lei Tong with tiger eyes, he couldn't help being furious!The silver halberd in his hand, Xue Taisui, waved airtightly, looked at Oboi and shouted: "Looking for death..."

(End of this chapter)

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