Chapter 1385
Fang Tian's painted halberd in Jia Fu's hand turned into shadows of halberds all over the sky, facing Oboi's throat and lower abdomen!Kill three vital points on the chest.

Aobai frowned, the three halberd shadows kept appearing in his eyes, his face was a little startled, he was about to fight back, Jia Fu had already urged his horse to come to him, only to see a cold light flashed like thunder.

"Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, force increases by 5, the base force value is 106, the force value of Yinji Xue Taisui increases by 1, the force value of Chasing Wind Horse increases by 1, and the current force value is 113" the system said! "

Aobai couldn't feel any pain for a while, holding his big tiger head and sword, he laughed and said: "Another rat who is dying, don't go! Take my knife!"

Obai urged the horse to kill him!The body moved violently, and with this movement, Oboi only felt a dull pain in his lower abdomen, and when he turned around, there was already a deep wound on his lower abdomen.

Jia Fu's silver halberd, Xue Tai Sui, was still dripping with blood, Jia Fu stared at Oboi indifferently, and said with disdain: "You rat hit a rock with an egg! Don't be so arrogant! Die!"

"Ding, Jia Fu's Yonglie attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 8, and the current force value is 121"

At this moment, Jia Fu's aura is rising steadily, and the ethereal energy pervades Jia Fu's weapons, like a Mount Tai, pressing towards Oboi overwhelmingly.

"You...!" The lower abdomen was injured, and Oboi felt unable to mobilize his strength, so he could only let the silver halberd Xue Taisui in Jia Fu's hand grow bigger and bigger, and finally deprived him of all vitality. The sword cut off Oboi's head, grabbed his whip, put it on the horse's back, and roared, "Kill! Kill!"

"Ha!" The cavalry behind seemed to be infected by Jia Fu, and rushed forward. The three thousand cavalry were like a sharp sword, splitting the mountain army in front of them.

"Ding, Oboi died in battle! His basic force is 100, and there are currently 6 people on the list!"

"Lag!" Han Yi's face was solemn, and he didn't care much about breaking the watch.

"March into the gun array!" Qin Qiong held a four-edged golden mace in both hands, and commanded an army of [-] to march on the right side of Jia Fu. None of the scattered soldiers who rushed into the battle with Jia Fu became Qin Qiong's prey.

"Come on!" As they moved forward, hundreds of cavalrymen were charged and killed. They looked at the infantry behind them with a fierce look in their eyes, and suddenly called out to the cavalrymen behind them, "Kill!"

Qin Qiong's eyes were solemn, and he secretly calculated the distance of the enemy army in his heart. Within five steps, Qin Qiong suddenly shouted: "Shoot!"

Thousands of long spears stabbed straight ahead, only to hear the neighing of war horses, people turned on their backs, and smoke billowed. Some prairie cavalry directly hit the shield forcibly, opening the way for the soldiers behind, and pretended to be a huge hole for a while. Immediately, the crowd was devastated, at a loss, and the survivors picked up their weapons one after another and continued to resist, but it was the soldiers who rushed in from behind and robbed their lives.

Qin Qiong's face turned angry, and he shouted, "You're courting death!"

Say it's too late, it's too soon!The four-edged golden mace in Qin Qiong's hand was stuck in his waist, he picked up the shield on the ground, and suddenly shouted: "Bump!"

"Boom!" There were many barbs on the shield, which hit the horse, and the painful horse retreated again and again, and a poor horse stumbled. Qin Qiong immediately drew his sword with one hand, looked at the soldiers behind him, and greeted: "What are you doing in a daze! array!"

Dozens of soldiers immediately gathered together and gradually began to make up for the gap just now.

"Report to the leader! Obai warrior died in battle!"

"What!" Yeke Abaoji was like thunder, and the whole person was silent for a while. The angry look on his face only increased. Yeke Abaoji immediately shouted: "Who will lead the army! For our army! Kill this beast!"

"I'm waiting to go!" Hearing a greeting, a tiger general urged his horse out, staring solemnly at the front, only to see his black and vertical hair, his handsome sword eyebrows flying obliquely, and his slender and sharp eyes. Her dark eyes are like a long eagle in the night, her thin and slightly pursed lips, and her slender, tall but not rough figure make her look indifferent and aloof, like a lively hungry wolf.

And there is a military general beside him, who looks very similar to the man in front!The only difference is that the man's aura is unpredictable, like a beggar, people dare not ignore his existence easily!Although plain, it is very dangerous.

Ye Ke and A Baoji looked at the two of them with suspicion in his eyes, stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "In that case, you two should try it!"

These two people are Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou, they are so-called young and vigorous, if they don't try it, how can they be worthy of their prime years.

"Decree!" The two got the order and got on their horses. Xiao Tianzuo had a pair of good eyes, like an eagle, and could only see the enemy clearly. Xiao Tianyou had a good voice, and only heard him cry , Like thunder, said: "The whole army is arrayed! Outflank the left and right, and face the enemy cavalry! Divide the left and right cavalry, and entangle the enemy infantry."

There was a loud noise, Xiao Tianyou greeted, and soon the chaotic Shanrong soldiers were calmed down by the two. Xiao Tianzuohu stared straight ahead and said: "The cavalry charge, to wear down the energy of the enemy cavalry."

"Follow me!" Xiao Tianzuo roared, and personally led his troops towards Jia Fu's formation.

"The enemy will beg for death!" Jia Fu personally led his troops to charge forward, the weapons in his hands turned into shadows of halberds all over the sky, with one move, several people were killed.

With the lessons learned from Oboi, Xiao Tianzuo knows that he is not Jia Fu's opponent. After all, Oboi is the most capable warrior in Shanrong!Even he is no match for Jia Fu!I can only outsmart myself!Invincible.

"Bastard!" As time went by, Jia Fu also found that something was wrong. Although there were not hundreds of soldiers who died under Jia Fu's halberd, there were fifty, but the enemy army was like the sea. It will come up again, which is very troublesome.

Jia Fu's physical strength was also limited, he breathed heavily, stared at Xiao Tianzuo, unwillingly said: "Withdraw!"

"The enemy general is scared! Leave your name!" Xiao Tianzuo sneered, in fact, he just wanted to provoke Jia Fu, and when he was exhausted, it was his death.

"Ding, Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou's embarrassment attribute activates, embarrassment, special effect, every time the enemy general kills ten people, the force value is reduced by 0.5! The effect lasts! This skill starts when two people are in charge of the army formation!"

"Ding, currently Jia Fu has killed 87 enemies, now Jia Fu's force value is reduced by 4 points, and Jia Fu's current force value is 117 points!"

"You fucking court death!" Jia Fu couldn't help being furious, beheading dozens of people suddenly to vent his hatred.

"Ding, the current force value of Jia Fu has dropped by 2 points, and the current force value is 115!"

"Not good!" Han Yi frowned, looked at Yang Ye beside him and said, "Recall General Jia Fu quickly! Quick!"

"The end will be ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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