Warring States Call

Chapter 1387 Ditu Raccoon

Chapter 1387 Ditu Raccoon

Ye Ke and A Baoji stared fiercely at Jia Fu, who was getting more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, his brows became solemn involuntarily, he stared at the soldiers on both sides and said: "Shi Le, Yeluhui, Ma Qiu, Dong Zhuo, you three, hurry up and help Xiao Shi A helping hand brother! Quick!"

With the general order of Yegu Abaoji, the four generals behind him couldn't sit still immediately, and hurried away. Among the four, Dong Zhuo was riding a big horse, holding a tiger's head golden sword in his hand, and wearing a leather armor , while Ma Qiu and Ye Yuhui on both sides were dressed like barbarians, appearing ordinary.

The only one who is different from the three is Shi Le who is on the far left, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, eyes like a hungry wolf, although greedy but very wise, holding a long knife in his hand, and the three who are not afraid of death. Compared with Shi Le, he was much smarter. He stopped his horse, picked up the bow and arrow on his body, took off the cold arrow in his hand, stared at Jia Fu's direction, and snorted coldly: "Zhong!"

"call out"

The weapons in Jia Fu's hands danced like tigers and tigers, almost pressing down on Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou to fight, without the negative blessing of the embarrassment attribute!The two of them struggled very much for a while, under Jia Fu's halberd, it was almost dangerous, and in the chaos of the army, Jia Fu also grew a mind, seeing Shi Le shooting an arrow, Jia Fu turned his eyes sideways, and suddenly waved his hand The weapon in the middle shouted: "Swing!"

"Kang Dang!" Hearing this sound, Shi Le shot a cold arrow and was immediately sent flying by Jia Fu.

"Go!" Yuan Gai Su Wenhu stared at Jia Fu who was fighting, and suddenly took out the flying knife from his arms, his face gradually became hidden, his eyes fixed on Jia Fu, his force value was too strong!Yuan Gai Suwen didn't dare to be too careless, he could only wait for the time to act, when the time came, he would definitely kill with one move, and because of Shi Le's emptiness, Jia Fu opened his door wide, Yuan Gai Suwen made a decisive decision, It was patched up with a knife.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Yuan Gai Suwen's cuts were as fast as a gust of wind, and no one saw the speed of his strikes.

"Ding, Yuan Gai Suwen's flying knives attribute activates, reducing the enemy's force value by 2 points, and increasing each person's force value by 2 points, a total of 10 flying knives!"

"Ding, the current force value of Jia Fu is reduced by 6 points, Jia Fu's current force value is 113, Yuan Gai Suwen's force value is increased by 6, the basic force value is 100, the willow leaf flying knife's force value is increased by 1, the black tiger horse's force value is increased by 1, the current force value Value 108!"

The tiny willow-leaf flying knife was not very audible in the cold wind. Coupled with the surrounding noise, Jia Fu only felt a slight strangeness, and immediately protected the vital parts. While watching, his lower abdomen and left shoulder He had already been hit by two small flying knives, the one at the throat was blocked by Jia Fu's halberd and bounced off.

"Hahahahaha! Sue to die!" Dong Zhuo laughed loudly and came straight to kill with a big knife.

Ye Haohui and Ma Qiu who were behind also showed surprise eyes, rushing towards Jia Fu.

"Death!" Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianzuo stabbed with their wolf swords and spears from two different directions. Jia Fu's face was startled, and he immediately divided his efforts. The silver halberd Xue Taisui raised one hand and blocked Xiao Tianyou's wolf for the time being. Dao, the big hand suddenly stretched out, grabbing Xiao Tianzuo's embarrassed spear, the strong force made Jia Fu's blood boil, he licked his throat, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xiao Tianzuo looked at it, ignored the pain coming from the tiger's mouth, continued to intensify his strength, looked at Jia Fu with a smile and said, "Just grab it! You will surely die!"

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Jia Fu spat out a mouthful of old blood, his eyes turned red, he stared at Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou with tiger eyes, and said calmly: "I, Jia Fu, have fought in the battlefield for more than ten years! With you bastards Chicken tile dog! Not worthy! Let me show you what it means to be crushed!"

"Ha! Luanji" Jia Fu's eyes were red, and the silver halberd Xue Taisui in his hand showed a dazzling light at this moment. Every time the cold light passed, there would be a deep scar on Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou's bodies, and the flesh and blood flew all at once. .

"Ding, Jia Fu's 28 Constellation Ditu Raccoon attribute is activated. It is the Eastern Constellation. It can only be activated in the Eastern Conquest, and the personal force value will be increased by 8 points in the East. It is intentional. The current location is the Liaodong Peninsula, which is the east. The force value increases. 11, Jia Fu's current force value is 124!"

"Boom!" Scarlet blood burst out of Jia Fu's body, gradually covering Jia Fu's whole body.

"Ants! Die!" Jia Fu fought for Xiao Tianyou's wolf knife with a halberd, and the silver halberd Xue Taisui stabbed at Xiao Tianzuo suddenly.

"Ding, when the Xiao Tianzuo embarrassment attribute is activated, when your life is in danger, you can temporarily resist the enemy general's 4 points of force damage. Special note: 130 points or more are invalid!"

Jia Fu's move was really too sudden, Xiao Tianzuo didn't have time to think about it, he dropped the weapon in his hand and left, Xiao Tianyou was naturally not stupid, only Dong Zhuo and the other three were left to charge forward.

"Death!" A simple word, like an invitation from the King of Hades, enveloped the three of them.

"Ding, Xiao Tianzuo! Xiao Tianyou withdrew from the battlefield! The embarrassment attribute is invalid! Jia Fu's force value is increased by 7, and Jia Fu's force value is currently 131"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh therefore then hit Dong Zhuo's throat with a halberd Feeling that his throat could not move, Jia Fu snorted coldly: "Come here!"

"Huh!" A good man's head fell to the ground immediately, including the original Oboi, Jia Fu had beheaded four people in a row.

"Huh...!" Jia Fu suddenly took out the small silver hammer on the horse, stared at the direction of Yuan Gai Suwen, and snorted coldly: "Give it back to you!"

"Ding, the Jia Fu strike hammer is activated, reducing the enemy's force value by 3 points!"

"Ding! The current force value of Yuan Gai Suwen has been reduced by 3 points, and the current force value of Yuan Gai Su Wen is 105!"

"Hoohoo!" The scarlet hammer turned into a shooting star and went straight to Yuan Gai Suwen. If this hammer hits him, he will either die or be half disabled.

Yuan Gai Suwen didn't have time to think about it, he grabbed a soldier and stood in front of him.

"Boom! Bang!" The huge shock force caused Yuan Gai Suwen to fall off his horse directly. Before the dead ghost could scream, he was completely dead. Yuan Gai Suwen, who was knocked off his horse, fell into a coma , I don't know whether it is life or death.

Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou, who survived the catastrophe, looked at the fainted Yuan Gai Su Wen, and they couldn't help but feel lingering fears about what kind of existence they had provoked.

Shi Le was also secretly rejoicing!Immediately pulled Yuan Gai Suwen who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and hurriedly retreated.

"Block me to death!" Jia Fu yelled suddenly, and the soldiers on both sides surrounded and suppressed Jia Fu were all timid for a while!They retreated one after another. At this time, Yang Ye led his troops to Jia Fu's side and said solemnly, "How are you, General Jia?"

Jia Fu breathed heavily and said, "Quick! Help me!"

"How is it possible!" Ye Ke and A Baoji stared at Jia Fu suspiciously and terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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