Chapter 1388
"How is that possible!" Ye Ke and A Baoji stared at Jia Fu with questioning and terrified expressions, Ma Qiu!Ye Qihui!Dong Zhuo!Obai!Four titans in a row died in Jia Fu's hands, Yuan Gai Su Wen didn't even know if he was alive or not, Xiao Tianzuo!Xiao Tianyou retreated in fright, at this moment Yehu and Abaoji really panicked.

"Ding, Ma Qiu! Ye Huihui! Dong Zhuo! Oboi is dead, the system is about to explode!"

"Lag!" Han Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment. The war was still going on, but Han Yi seemed extremely indifferent, because the main force of Yeke and Abaoji was almost wiped out, and only a few rotten sweet potatoes were left .

"Ding, the effect of Yuan Gai Suwen's dark wound is activated. Once an enemy general is hit by a knife, there is a chance to reduce his basic force by 1 point, and each general can only use it once!"

"Ding, Jia Fu's current basic strength is 106. Due to Yuan Gaisuwen's hidden injury, the basic strength value is reduced by 1. Jia Fu's current basic strength is 105!"

"Kang Dang!" The sound was like a lightning strike, and Han Yi was stunned, and there was still such an effect. In a panic, Han Yi looked at Dian Wei beside him and said, "Is General Jia Fu back?"

"Report to Your Majesty! You have returned!" Dian Wei truthfully reported.

Han Yi didn't have time to think about it, so he got off the chariot and came to the wounded soldiers behind. To put it bluntly, hundreds of medical craftsmen spread a few wolf skins randomly for the wounded soldiers to lie down and rest.

I saw howling here and there, one by one crying for father and mother, and Jia Fu was also carried back. When Han Yi came, Jia Fu had already taken off his armor. In this cold winter, his upper body was only wearing a thin coat. white clothes, and there is an extra gun on the right shoulder blade, on the left abdomen, and on the muscle of the left arm, each has a small throwing knife.

"Jia Fu saw Han Yi coming, and immediately stepped forward and saluted: "Chen Jia...! "

"You don't need to be too polite!" Han Yi quickly took off the party cloak on his shoulders, put it on Jia Fu, and said immediately: "It's cold in the sky! Don't let Jun Wen suffer from the wind and cold!"

"I owe the king's kindness! I failed to defeat the enemy!" Jia Fu immediately blamed himself, and Han Yi quickly patted him on the shoulder, but he was afraid of affecting his wound, and immediately said: "It's okay! Just come back !"

"General Jia Fu! You have to hold on! If you do this again, I'll get the knife for you!" I saw a middle-aged medical craftsman strolling over with a hot red knife in his hand.

"Come on!" Jia Fu was lying on the ground, and the doctor immediately began to draw the knife, took an iron clip and pulled it out suddenly. The severe pain made Jia Fu exhausted. The sweat on Fu's head was as big as a soybean and kept falling. In the end, Jia Fu couldn't hold on and passed out.

The doctor hurriedly pressed the hot red knife on the wound, and the blood was bloody for a while, causing the unconscious Jia Fu to open his eyes again in pain, when the last residual warmth passed!Jia Fu was exhausted and finally fell into a coma. The doctor had no time to think about it, and went back and forth to treat Jia Fu's more than 30 wounds, large and small, and almost half a bowl of blood was lost.

Han Yi couldn't bear it, but at the same time he was determined to pay attention!Yuan Gai Su Wen must die.

The battle between the two armies was very dynamic, which also provided protection for the other two armies.

The Meng family army with [-] iron cavalry joined the [-] battalion commanded by Zhu Di himself, and the two armies converged.

Zhu Di was young and mature, and he looked at the Meng family army with a pair of tiger eyes. Their horses were very sturdy and strong!His body was a lot stronger than the horses of the [-] Battalion, and the armor of the Mongolian Armored Army was mostly iron armor!Everyone is equipped with Qin Changjian and Qin spears unique to the Qin State. Every soldier here shows a murderous aura, and they look like soldiers who have experienced many battles.

But this is not what surprised Zhu Di the most. What surprised Zhu Di the most was the small group of army horses behind the Meng family army. Although they were small in number, they were as silent as death, so quiet that people felt scared.

When Zhu Di was looking at Meng Tian, ​​Meng Tian was also looking at Zhu Di. Although the 3000 men were not as good as Meng's army in terms of number of people and the quality of the soldiers and equipment, but the look in the eyes of the soldiers and horses, Meng Tian felt despised. This is the look of a real Deadpool.

"Meng Tian!"

"Zhu Di!"

The leaders of the two armies communicated, and Zhu Di looked at Meng Tian and said, "This time, my father asked me to fully cooperate with the Meng family army! I also hope that General Meng will not let you down again!"

Meng Tian picked up the Qin spear in his hand, looked at Zhu Di calmly and said, "This time you only need to lead the soldiers to poison the river water! Just leave the rest to me!"

"You...!" Tian Bu behind Zhu Di was about to get angry, but Zhu Di immediately stopped Tian Bu, and said with a slight smile, "No problem!"

"En!" After Meng Tian finished speaking, he led his troops away, without too many words, only calm.

"Why didn't the young master let me teach this arrogant guy a lesson!" Tian Bu said angrily.

"He has the right to be arrogant! We just need to be honest and poisonous!" Zhu Di urged the horse to go forward, and said with a very calm face: "Besides! Such an easy task is much better than their troubles!"

"Huhu! The Boshui camp is set up on both sides of the river. With the transfer of large troops! The whole camp looks empty. There are only a few soldiers and horses in the whole camp. The grain and grass of each village are separated, and their grain and grass are not rice, but live sheep and cattle, which makes Meng Tian feel a little bit difficult for a while.

"Don't panic!" Hearing a yell, a young general stood up and said calmly, "All the animals in the grassland are afraid of fire! As long as each village is set on fire, the animals will surely die if there is no accident. Fleeing in a panic! Only the more chaotic the enemy army is, the more beneficial it is to us!" Guo Kan said calmly, holding the sword in his arms.

"General Guo's words are beneficial! Then let's rush over!" A tiger general stood up behind Meng Tian, ​​with excitement in his eyes. He had a thick back and a big ax in his hand. He looked extremely excited, this person was Hu Che'er.

But Meng Tian said disapprovingly: "Don't worry for now! Hua Xiong!"

"The last general is here!" There was only a slap!Holding a big knife in his hand, Hua Xiong rode a black horse to come behind Meng Tian, ​​and said solemnly.

"Lead a thousand cavalry to attract the main force of the enemy! Remember to fight and retreat, don't get entangled with the enemy!" Meng Tian breathed out!Looking at Hua Xiong with a calm expression, he said.

Hua Xiong immediately got the order and got the order talisman, and led the soldiers under his command to kill the enemy in a mighty way!Morale seemed very great.

Meng Tian rubbed his wrist, looked at Guo Kan who was beside him and said freely: "General Guo! The big battle is about to start! Get ready to hunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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