Warring States Call

Chapter 1389 Wokuotai

Chapter 1389 Wokuotai

"Ha!" Hua Xiong rode up on his horse, the white cloak on his back moved with the wind, and the saber in his palm shone coldly under the sun, making Hua Xiong look majestic and heroic, while Hua Xiong The momentum of more than 1000 cavalry behind them was extremely large, and within a short while they attracted a large number of enemy troops.

And the tent they attacked this time was indeed Genghis Khan's barracks.

Inside the camp, I saw a big man wearing suede, holding a piece of sheep bone in his hand, coming out of the big tent, staring at the front with tiger eyes, and said arrogantly: "What's going on!"

"General! It's not good! People from the Central Plains are calling!" I saw a young general with a calm expression, as if he didn't care about the sneak attack of the Central Plains people.

The big man suddenly threw the sheep bone in his hand, pulled out the scimitar in his arms, and shouted suddenly: "Warriors! Slaughter these lambs with me!"

"Ah woo woo woo... ah woo woo woo!"


As the horn sounded continuously, Subotai, who was staying in the camp, put on his own armor, picked up the big ax in his hand, and charged out.

"Subutai! Come back! Our task is to hold the camp, don't fight in the field, come back!" Wo Kuotai, who was eight feet long in black armor, stood up, his black hat covered his sight, and looked at Subotai rushed out, Wo Kuotai felt a faint worry in his heart.

Meng Tian, ​​who was in the original place, picked up the spear in his hand, and the black armor exuded a solemn taste under the sunlight. The cavalry behind them were all ready to go, their eyes were like tigers, and they only needed an order from the master. You can knock down the enemy.

"Meng Family Army! Charge!" Meng Tian yelled suddenly, his legs pinched the horse's belly, and the painful horse immediately kicked off its four hooves, and ran forward at a fast speed.

"Great Qin Wannian! Fight to the death and never retreat!" The Meng family army around them roared in unison. The [-] soldiers in the front row were mostly spearmen, as pioneers, and there were [-] crossbow cavalry on each side for the Mongolian army. The family army cleared the way, and Meng Wu personally led the cavalry in the back to clear up the remnants and defeated generals in the back.

"Charge to the front!" Meng Tian roared his own voice, the spear in his hand was like a bright light to guide the front, and a group of people galloped forward in a mighty manner.

"Ding, Meng Tian's external attributes are launched! Facing the enemies in the grassland! The force value is increased by 7! The commander is increased by 1! The overall force of the Meng family army is increased by 5!"

"Ding, the current basic force value of Meng Tian is 99, the force value of the Daqin Bronze Ge is increased by 1, the force value of Qin Ju is increased by 1, the current force value is 108, the commander is 97, the current attribute is increased by 1, and the commander is 98!"

"Ding, Meng Ao is affected by Meng Tian's attribute, the force value is increased by 5, the father and son attribute is activated, the force value is added by 1, the current base force value is 99, and the current force value is 105!"

"Ding, Meng Wu is influenced by Meng Tian! Strength increases by 5, brother attributes increase by 1, current base strength is 100, Meng's Tiger Head Spear increases by 1, Heiye Yulin increases by 1, and current strength is 108!"

"The enemy is coming! Not good!" Relying on his sharp sense of hearing, Wo Kuotai immediately looked in the direction of Meng Zhan. Wo Kuotai was startled by this glance, and immediately said: "Quick! Don't be stunned." Go! Come on! Tell Subutai to come back quickly!"

"Zhang Hongfan! Lead troops to resist these Central Plains people. I will ask my father to reward you with a beautiful pasture. Hurry up!" Wo Kuotai is worthy of being an emperor in history. An irresistible temptation.

Behind Wo Kuotai, a man from the Central Plains came out wearing a grassland leather armor, looked at the enemy army charging into the formation, and frowned involuntarily. Zhang Hongfan murmured:... Qin Jun... It's not easy to fight...

But Zhang Hongfan didn't have time to think about it. This was an opportunity, a chance to wash away his shame. Zhang Hongfan suddenly got on his horse and rode a steed. Holding a big knife with a tiger's head in his hand, he greeted the surrounding grassland cavalry and shouted suddenly: " Come with me!"

"Damn people from the Central Plains! Hit me!" I saw a soldier guarding the gate of the camp, bowing his bow and shooting an arrow, and heard: "Swoosh!" The cold arrow in his hand turned into silver light and shot straight away.

"Crack!" The arrow hit the arm of a Mengjia army soldier. The long arrow pierced through the armor and caused a lot of sparks. Decided, he snapped off the arrow feather on his arm and threw it aside.

"Strong Bow!" The courage of the soldiers was seen by Meng Tian, ​​and he only heard a loud shout, and the two rows of soldiers beside him suddenly ignited and drew their arrows!The movements are uniform, Meng Zhan closes his eyes at this moment, carefully feels the vibrations from the horseshoes on the ground, and silently calculates in his heart... three hundred steps... two hundred steps... one hundred steps... let go ! "

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh! "Tens of thousands of cold arrows shrouded the enemy at the gate of the camp.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh therefore.

Zhang Hongfan looked at it, and couldn't help but feel cold, but he was about to kill, and he immediately encouraged the morale of the army: "Go for me! The wolf god protects us! Our warriors will rest in peace in his arms!"

"Kill!" The enemy, which was several times larger than the Meng family's army, rushed towards the enemy under the unified command of Zhang Hongfan.

Meng Tian is now wearing a black hairband on his head!The word Qin stands proudly on it!Meng Tian suddenly pulled out his spear and shouted, "Great Qin Wannian!"


Rows of cavalry formations!Dash open, thousands of Mongolian cavalry, not afraid of the number of enemies at all!Riding a war horse, holding a long gun!Meng Tian took the lead in the charge, holding a spear in his hand, staring at Zhang Hongfan who was in command of the army, and suddenly shouted: "You traitor who forgets his ancestors and betrays his country, you will die!"

"Go!" Meng Tian suddenly threw the spear in his hand into the killing fire. Zhang Hongfan only felt a burst of coolness behind his back, and immediately turned over and rolled off the horse, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Just wait for this group of Grass Valley! Two-legged sheep dare to come to intercept the camp, looking for death!" With the sledgehammer in Wo Kuotai's hand, seeing that Zhang Hongfan didn't survive a round, he was defeated!Uncontrollably furious, he took his purple electric hammer and urged the horse to come.

"General Meng, follow!" Guo Kan who was behind threw the Qin spear in his hand to Meng Tian.

"Go!" Meng Tian took the spear with both hands, and hit Huanglong straight with one move, and was heading towards Wo Kuotai, the shadow of the spear was trembling, and there were many killing moves for a while.

At this moment, Wo Kuotai was slightly stunned!What a trick!Who is not afraid of death?The two of them are almost exchanging their lives. At this moment, Wo Kuotai narrowed his eyes, whoever is more ruthless is afraid of the other.

(End of this chapter)

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