Warring States Call

Chapter 1390 Field Cloth

Chapter 1390 Field Cloth
"Go!" Meng Tian took the spear with both hands, and hit Huanglong straight with one move, and was heading towards Wo Kuotai, the shadow of the spear was trembling, and there were many killing moves for a while.

At this moment, Wo Kuotai was slightly stunned!What a trick!Who is not afraid of death?The two of them are almost exchanging their lives. At this moment, Wo Kuotai narrowed his eyes, whoever is more ruthless is afraid of the other.

"Ding, Wokuo Taihu activates the attribute, the force value is increased by 5, the basic force value is 98, the force value of the purple electric hammer is increased by 1, the force value of the bloody BMW is increased by 1, and the current force value is 105!"

"Boom!" Meng Zhan charged forward with one spear, and the shadow of the spear was as fast as lightning. When the three spears went down, several fragments of the armor in front of Wo Kuotai's chest were picked up, and blood was blooming from the wounds on the left and right sides. A red Bana flower, but it didn't hurt the vitals at all. Wo Kuotai stared at Meng Tian, ​​and said angrily: "Dead!"

"Ding, Wo Kuotai activates the blood injury attribute. If he has not been injured once, his force value will be increased by 1. If the wound is on the throat, the force value will be added by 2. Ding the first three places, if there is no throat wound, the force value will be increased by 3. Kuotai force value is 108!"

"Go!" Meng Tian grabbed the spear with both hands and blocked it in front of his chest, only to hear: "Kang Dang!"

After one move was passed, the two fought inextricably, Wo Kuotai couldn't beat Meng Tian for a while, and Meng Tian couldn't take Wo Kuotai down either.

"This nest is not easy! I'm afraid I'll be discovered after such a delay!" Guo Kan carefully observed the battle situation in this chaotic battle situation!Looking at the battle situation in front of him, he said with a stern expression: "Meng Jiajun! Come with me!"

Hearing Guo Kan's greeting, Meng Wu followed behind Guo Kan with the soldiers behind him. The wise Guo Kan saw Wo Kuotai's flaw at a glance.

Guo Kan pulled the back hook on the fence, pulled the horse rope suddenly, and Guo Kan directly pulled out a Kangzhuang Avenue.

"What is Luo Yi still doing in a daze! Come on!" Guo Kan greeted Luo Yi behind him.

As soon as the words came out, Luo Yi suddenly put on his mask, and said calmly, "Charge!"

"Chirp!" There was only a loud and clear voice, like an eagle hitting the sky.

The eighteen riders turned into eighteen black shadows and scattered away.

On the other side, Zhu Di rode a war horse, looked at the noisy horns on the battlefield, looked in the direction of Meng Zhan, and said solemnly: "The horn of war is sounding!"

"Hmph! I'm afraid it's not that simple this time! Opposite is the cavalry on the grassland! The Meng family army will take the job for me!" Tian Bu behind Zhu Di smiled disdainfully.

"Don't underestimate the enemy...!" Zhu Di frowned slightly. Zhu Di had heard of the name of the Meng Family Army. After all, the demise of Yiqu had a direct relationship with them.

"Let's go!" Zhu Di sneered, got on his horse, showed his weapon, and said calmly, "Come on! Let them see it too! Our [-] Battalion are amazing!"

"Put on the Hu suit!" Zhu Di said calmly, and put on the Hu man's hat with one hand. The clothes pulled from the dead grassland soldiers could still smell the bloody smell on the clothes from time to time. A miserable barbarian army will appear in front of everyone.

"Hey! Don't tell me! This Hu people's sheepskin is really warm and comfortable to wear. No wonder Hu people are so frost-resistant. My little brother is almost frozen to death!"

"Hahahaha! Old Jiang, do you fucking have that thing?" The soldiers behind shouted.

"Get out! You are fucking looking for a cut!" The soldier named Lao Jiang wanted to hit someone angrily, which made the soldiers behind him even more cheerful: "Boss Jiang is not young, find a woman to try, if you want Otherwise, your life will be in vain!"

"Fuck you, uncle...!" Amidst the laughter and squabbles of the crowd, everyone changed their clothes and armor. Zhu Di, who had long been accustomed to the ridicule of the crowd, immediately shouted: "Get ready!"

"No!" The original smiling soldiers quickly returned to their former seriousness. Laughing and fighting are just a way to resolve daily life, but when they really fight, they are all soldiers transformed into wolves.

"Split into two groups! Tian Bu will attract the main force of the enemy! I will poison the river!" Zhu Di smiled lightly, riding his horse as fast as the wind.

"Get the order!" Tian Bu got the general order, ordered [-] soldiers, and rushed towards the enemy in unison.

Zhu Di glanced at Tian Bu who was charging, took his own sheepskin pouch casually, opened the lid, took a sip of strong wine to relieve the depression in his heart, threw the empty wine pouch in his hand suddenly and shouted: "Charge!"


Compared with the vigilant Wo Kuotai, the other big tents were simply fragile. Under Zhu Di's deliberate disguise, few people found out, and even if they found out, it would be a dead end.

"Kill!" Tian Bu took the lead, rode his horse into the hinterland, got entangled with the surrounding soldiers, and shouted to kill all of a sudden.

Li Yuanba, who was recuperating in the big tent, was aroused by this noisy voice!The whole person is involuntarily irritable, he has been bored for more than ten days, but he can't hold back, he can hear the noise outside, and Li Shimin is not there, he doesn't care much, putting on clothes is a big account.

At this moment, Tian Bu rushed into the army to kill Xing Xing, wearing a bearded armor until his body was covered in blood.

"What's going on!" Li Yuanba scratched his head and muttered to himself: "Didn't you say that the people wearing this suit are all our friends! Why do friends kill us!"

"Fourth Highness! Quick! This person is a spy of the enemy army! Fourth Highness quickly shot and killed this person!" Seeing blood spitting out of the mouth, a veteran said solemnly.

"Uncle! My brother said you can't kill him!" Li Yuanba refused to answer.

"Old man, you want to die!" Tian Bu's eyes were fierce, and he made a sudden move!The sharp blade pierced the veteran's chest directly, and blood spilled on Li Yuanba's face.

"Hahahaha!" Tian Bu couldn't help laughing out loud!Staring at Li Yuanba with tiger eyes, he urged the horse to crush Li Yuanba under the horse's hooves, and snorted coldly, "Go to die too!"

"Woo... woo woo...!" Li Yuanba's black eyes exuded scarlet blood at this moment, his tiger eyes stared at Tian Bu, and suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba's giant force attribute is activated! The force value is increased by 10. The basic force value is 108! The current force value is 118!"

The horse under Tian Bu's crotch could not hold down suddenly, Tian Bu's face was shocked, he looked at this little guy carefully, and said with an ugly face: "You are that... brat!"

"Come down!" Li Yuanba didn't answer Tian Bu, but suddenly turned the horse's hooves, and the painful horse collapsed to the ground. Li Yuanba looked at Tian Bu and snorted coldly, "Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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