Warring States Call

Chapter 1391 Zhu Di

Chapter 1391 Zhu Di
When Tian Bu recognized that this brat was the one who fled in a hurry from Lu Bu he beat up last time, Tian Bu's face turned livid, and he mobilized all his strength, holding his own weapon in both hands, and shouted angrily, "Get out!"

"Ding, Tian Bu's heroic attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, the base force value is 98, the force value of the Hushan step knife is increased by 1, and the current force value is 104!"

"Looking for death..." Li Yuanba's eyes were red, and he slammed into the horse under Tian Bu's crotch suddenly. Bu's thigh made him unable to move away, and the precious knife in his hand disappeared.

At this moment, Tian Bu's eyes showed a look of fear. He stared at Li Yuanba with tiger eyes, swallowed, and said, "No...it's not allowed...not reconciled...not reconciled!"

fear!Danger!Fear!Panic!These negative emotions came to his mind. Tian Bu only felt this deadly sense of oppression from Ran Min and Lu Bu, and even Li Yuanba's sense of oppression surpassed these two.

"Go down and accompany Uncle!" Li Yuanba suddenly came to Tian Bu's body and stepped on Tian Bu's shoulder, only to hear his flesh and bones being broken, and Tian Bu only heard: "Crack...! Ah!" followed by a scream.

"Let me go... let me go!... Boom!" Along with Tian Bu's begging for mercy, Li Yuanba's punch came oncoming. Flying out with blood.

Li Yuanba didn't intend to stop, but he punched down again, gradually Tian Bu's shouts became smaller and smaller!There was more and more blood on the face, and in the end, only the sound of real fractures could be heard.

"Fourth...Fourth Highness...it's okay!" The soldier behind looked at Li Yuanba who was possessed like a demon, and kindly stepped forward to remind him. Li Yuanba suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a cold expression. This look made everyone confused. Get excited.

With Tian Bu as an early bird, Zhu Di naturally came to the lake. Most of the river here was covered with thick ice. Zhu Di looked around and said randomly: "Don't be dazed, chisel Open the ice cubes! Throw things in!"

"No!" The soldiers on both sides got the general order and quickly dug through the ice.

Heavy snow slowly fell from the sky, and Zhu Di breathed out a breath of hot air, which turned into water vapor and dissipated in the world.

"Hula Suoga...!" Hearing only a greeting, three or four prairie soldiers held buckets in their hands, watching Zhu Di and others sneaking here in barbarian clothes!He greeted with a puzzled expression, but of course Zhu Di couldn't understand.

"Hmm!" The vigilant soldiers around were about to pull out their swords to kill people, Zhu Di immediately blocked the movement of the two people around him, patted their hands, gave them a look, and signaled the others to put away their weapons as well. Zhu Di turned around, put on an eager smile, trotted all the way over, waved his hands falsely, looked at the four people, and made a superficial observation based on his own observation.

"Gagulaha Shao..." The soldiers in the grassland looked at the friendly Zhu Di, and relaxed their vigilance, speaking a bunch of languages ​​that Zhu Di couldn't understand. The general meaning was that you belonged to that tribe, why didn't you see him? over you.

Zhu Di laughed, the sweat on his forehead was about to drip, and the cold sweat on his back kept coming out. Zhu Di pointed to his ears and mouth, which meant that he couldn't speak, and looked at the four of them with a pair of tiger eyes.

The one on the left at the back held the weapon, and was the first to deal with it, and then...... Zhu Di's eyes observed the four of them meticulously.

And those four prairie people also relaxed their vigilance. When the fourth person's hand left the scimitar in his arms, Zhu Di suddenly pulled out the dagger in his arms, and sealed his throat with a sword. As a result, the person in front of him was killed. The faces of the three surviving people were shocked, but Zhu Di didn't hesitate any longer. He killed the first person he had just aimed at with his knife, and one of the remaining two was about to draw his knife, while the other was calling for his companion.

Which one is more important, Zhu Di didn't have time to think about it, he went up with his sword, and ended up killing the shouting guy, for this reason!Zhu Di was also stabbed.

"Young Master!" The two soldiers behind trotted over immediately. Seeing that he was outnumbered, the only survivor turned around and ran away, summoning his companions to take revenge.

"Young Master!" Hearing only a greeting, the soldiers behind threw their quiver and bows and arrows directly to Zhu Di. Zhu Di immediately bent his bow and set his arrows, aimed at the soldier with his tiger eyes, and said coldly, "Meet!"

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow pierced through the wind, piercing the throat.

"Young master is good at archery!" The soldiers on both sides flattered.

"Stop talking nonsense...!" Zhu Di threw the longbow to the soldiers beside him, and said randomly, "Dispose of the corpse! Don't let the enemy see it!"


"Young master, how is your injury?" The soldier said on the sidelines with a worried look on the wound on Zhu Di's upper left arm.

Zhu Di shook his arm, and said calmly: "It's not in the way! Hurry up"

"Boom!" It was only heard that a huge ice block was cut through a well-sized hole at this moment.

Zhu Di took a deep breath, rubbed his cold hands, and said calmly, "What are you doing in a daze? Take the things out! Throw them in!"


Behind every soldier there was a bag of cloth bags the size of a chopping board, and all the thumping and thumping were thrown into the water, [-] people, [-] bags were in the water, and there were even some faintly floating down the river. poison bag.

Seeing that everything was almost ready, Zhu Di greeted immediately: "Let's go! Go back!"

"Report! The young master is not good! General Tian Bu died in battle!" Only the soldiers behind him trotted over, their expressions extremely embarrassing.

"What!" Zhu Di looked shocked, looked at the scattered dozens of people behind him, and immediately greeted, "Where are the remaining soldiers?"

"They're all dead...!"

"Go! Go!" Zhu Di didn't have time to think about it!The Three Thousand Battalion is Wu's sharp weapon, and it must not be broken here.


In order to bypass Li Yuanba, Zhu Di took Meng Tian's offensive route specially to avoid unnecessary losses.

But without the obstruction of the Wokuotai at the entrance, Yanyun Eighteen naturally braved the wind and waves to destroy the dead, and shepherds were released continuously, and even some tents were set on fire, and the smoke was lingering for a while.

The fodder in the racecourse is burning!After the laxatives were applied, dozens of stables were even opened, and hundreds of excellent war horses were released.

The entire prairie war was filled with flames of war and chaos, and Subotai and Huaxiong also started a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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