Warring States Call

Chapter 1392 Tibetan Mastiff

Chapter 1392 Tibetan Mastiff
"General! The distance is about the same! Let's fight them!" A lieutenant beside Hua Xiong said with a stern expression while riding a horse with a spear in his hand.

Hua Xiong also turned his head and looked at the distance between the two armies and the distance between the grassland tents. If the delay continues like this, if the speed is not enough, will the soldiers return to help? If that is the case, it will be self-defeating.

"Brothers! Let's go! Fight them!" Hua Xiong suddenly turned his horse's head and said solemnly.

"Hahahaha! Don't the wild dogs in the Central Plains run away? Ah! Hahahahaha" Subotai held his battle ax in his hand, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

"Look who runs away! Kill me!" Hua Xiong took the lead, and the tiger-headed sword in his hand went straight to Xiang Subutai, and said solemnly: "Cut!"

"Looking for death!" Not to be outdone, Su Butai swung the sword in his hand and fought with Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong's sword opened and closed, and there was a faint thunder force.

"Go away!" Subotai was furious suddenly, and the big ax in his hand swung down, only feeling the cold light, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

"Ding, the Subotai warrior attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the golden ax is increased by 1, the force value of the bloody BMW is increased by 1, and the current force value is 109!"

"Boom" the illusory energy burst out of the body, condensed on Subotai's two arms, the battle ax in his hand seemed to be much lighter, and Subotai held it in his hand like a tiger, as if it was a blessing.

Hua Xiong raised his eyebrows, his whole body turned cold, he immediately swung the big knife in his hand and snorted coldly: "Fight it! Kill!"

"Ding, Hua Xiong's belligerent attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 3, the base force value is 97, and the current force value is 100!"

"Kang Dang..." After the move was over, Hua Xiong only felt his blood surging, and spit out a mouthful of old blood. The weapon in his hand was also cut off and turned into two pieces. In desperation, Hua Xiong suddenly threw his own weapon. The weapon was opened by Subotai, and the tiger stared at Hua Xiong with a sneer and said, "Wild dog! I will kill you today! Ha!"

Subutai scolded!The big ax in his hand struck again, Hua Xiong didn't have time to think, and immediately pulled out the sword in his arms.

"Hoo... Kacha!" With a crisp blow, Hua Xiong instantly turned into a headless corpse, blood gushing like a spring.

"Looking for death!" Su Butai laughed loudly, and then took off Hua Xiong's head, but the scene in front of him made Su Butai a little shocked. These people did not shrink back because of Hua Xiong's death, but became more and more courageous as they fought. , and Subotai shopping together.

"Revenge for General Hua, kill"

"Since you want to court death! Then you will be fulfilled!" Subotai personally fought with these Qin soldiers. As time went by, when the last soldier fell, Subotai breathed heavily and sat down. On a headless corpse, he cursed angrily: "What an enemy like a hungry wolf!"

"Chirp... quack quack...!"

With more and more flying birds around, and the return of Yanyun's eighteen riders, Guo Kan looked at Meng Tian, ​​who was really inseparable from Wo Kuotai's fight, and said: "Don't want to fight, the general situation has come! Let's go !"

"Okay!" Meng Tian listened!Playing a set of guns and flowers, distanced himself from Wo Kuotai, and jumped out of the battle circle.

When Wo Kuotai saw it, his face was ashen and said: "Where do you think this is? Come if you want! Come if you want? Leave if you want? Give it to me!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Wo Kuotai was about to move forward, but was jumped by the flying arrow, and immediately blocked left and right, and could pass these arrows.

Guo Kan rode his horse and looked back at Wo Kuotai. Although he couldn't understand what he said, Guo Kan immediately smiled and said, "This warrior of the grassland! Look behind you!"

In order to prevent him from being confused, Guo Kan pointed to the messy camp behind him. At this moment, Wo Kuotai's face changed drastically, most of the cattle and sheep were burned and let go!War horses can also run!It's dead, most of the forage was burned, after this blow, Wo Kuotai only felt his scalp go numb, just now he was only concerned about the fierce battle with Meng Tian, ​​and he didn't care about the changes behind him.

"Bastard... bastard...!"

"Farewell... drive!"

"Ding! Hua Xiong! Tian Bu died in battle! Both of them have reached over 95 force values. The system needs 6 people to break the table. Please prepare the host!"

"When the voice of the system sounded here! Han Yi couldn't help suppressing his smile! Jia Xu's strategy can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It not only solved the supply and demand problem of the grassland! It also weakened Ying Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang.

People like Hua Xiong don't have much to lose to Ying Zheng. After all, there are a lot of people like this, but Tian Bu has a different meaning. General Sibu!Now that one is dead, Zhu Yuanzhang is afraid that his heart will die, and the attribute of Sibu will also be weakened!Not bad...an extra meal for Jia Xu.

On the other side, Ying Zheng, who didn't know it, was sitting on the throne, staring at Li Shimin's soldiers and horses. The battle between the two armies was like a meat grinder, and neither of them showed their real muscles.

Looking at the increasingly anxious battlefield, Genghis Khan said calmly, "Tibetan mastiff soldiers! Come on!"

"Woo...Ah...Ah...Ah...Boom...Boom! Boom!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow, woof, woof, woof...!" More and more Tibetan mastiffs began to bark and become restless.

The prairie soldiers on both sides of the horses were constantly rearing their legs, with serious expressions on their faces.

Lian Po, who was directing the battle ahead, was a little at a loss, looked at Li Mu and said, "General Li! The enemy is retreating."

"No... this is not the horn for the enemy to retreat! I have been outside the Great Wall for many years! I know the horn of retreat as soon as I hear it! This is not...!" Li Mu also showed his dignified expression.

"Go! My loyal partner! Go and bring the victory back, and let me dedicate it to the leader! Go!" With a roar, [-] Tibetan Mastiff soldiers charged forward. The bear is big, but the speed is much faster.

"Quick! Shoot the arrows! Quick!" Lian Po reacted quickly in an instant, and Li Mu stopped hesitating, and immediately said: "The chariot crushed it! The pikemen defended."

"Drive! Go!" [-] chariots charged out directly, although a bloody path was crushed, but some dexterous Tibetan mastiffs got on the chariots directly!Opening his bloody mouth, he bit the soldier's thigh, and the huge bite force made the soldier scream.

The horses in the front row were also bitten by the rushing Tibetan mastiffs and dripping with blood. The painful horses began to hesitate to speak, and were finally divided and eaten by more than a dozen Tibetan mastiffs.

"Oops! Careless!" Li Mu's face changed drastically, and he looked at Lian Po and said, "Organize the defense! Hurry up! We must not let them break through the defense line, or we will definitely suffer heavy losses!"

"Organize defense!"

(End of this chapter)

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