Warring States Call

Chapter 1395 Seven Stars of the Big Dipper

Chapter 1395 The Big Dipper (Part [-])
"Temujin! Don't pretend anymore, the whole camp is in a mess! Our pastures, war horses, and the fat that the warriors need are all gone, and there is not enough food. How can you let my subordinates fight! You You know, hunters and loyal dogs haven’t had enough to eat, and they won’t be able to hunt prey in the severe winter!” Wanyan Aguda stared at Temujin solemnly, and in the entire grassland today, he is the only one who dares to challenge Temujin. Wan Yan Aguda.

As for Yegu Abaoji, who used to be against Wanyan Aguda, he looked very decadent at the moment, and he didn't know what he was thinking with his deep eyes!The eyes no longer have the arrogance and rebelliousness of the past, but only loneliness.

"Ha ha ha ha hiccup! Chief Wanyan, you only saw the scene in front of you. It is true that there is no food for our warriors to fill their stomachs, but I see endless food! They are waiting for us to get it ourselves!" Genghis Khan Smile!There was a domineering look in his eyes.

"What do you mean! Temujin!" Wanyan Aguda didn't understand what Temujin meant, he stroked his scimitar, his eyes thoughtful.It seems that as long as he looks at him, the warriors behind him will rush up and tear Temujin into pieces.

Even Tuoba Tao, who originally supported Temujin, chose to remain silent after experiencing the pain of losing soldiers and generals.

Prairie people are just that!If it is beneficial, it will gather, and if it is not beneficial, it will disperse. Genghis Khan stroked his beard. He knew that there would be such a result, so he also prepared for the worst.

"If this continues! The victory of the war will not be able to recover the loss of food and grass! If this continues! It will always be us who suffer! Otherwise, go back and let the children meet their father! Warriors enjoy their own women, there is no need to waste Time!" Ye Ke and A Baoji were also hit hard in this battle, the general in his hands was dead!Death of death!Most of the main force in the army died.

"Leaders of the grasslands, don't worry! People in the Central Plains can destroy our grain! We can also rob them of their grain. This place in Zhongshan is the best place to harvest grass!" Temujin slowly sat down in the middle of the big tent. position, with a sudden wave, Tuo Lei could understand, and immediately shouted: "What are you doing in a daze! Come in!"

After the sound, a few beauties with bumps and convexities came in with fake smiles on their faces, holding goat's milk wine and fat dripping from the meat, and brought them in front of them.

Temujin laughed and said, "Only when the stomach is full can we think about countermeasures! Do you think so?"

"Boss...boss...boss...it's not good." He could only hear a call from outside the big tent, and the atmosphere that was a little more harmonious at first seemed a little more tense at this moment.

Wanyan Aguda immediately got out of the big tent, and said solemnly: "What are you talking about! Are you looking for death?"

However, Wanyan Aguda was stunned by the side in front of him. The soldiers around him hooked their shoulders, and none of the soldiers were holding their stomachs, with ugly faces.

Wanyan Aguda looked puzzled and said, "What's going on!"

"The river water...is poisonous! The soldier boiled the mutton with the river water, and his stomach ached! So far, 3000 people have died!" After the soldier finished speaking, he spit out a mouthful of black heart!The whole person fell into a coma.

"What's going on!" Genghis Khan heard more and more commotion outside, and walked out immediately!With a puzzled look on his face, he said, "What happened!"

"What's the matter! The river is poisonous! More than 3000 people have died! There are already tens of thousands of people suffering from abdominal pain. This is to kill us here!" Wanyan Aguda said with a serious expression.

"What!" Temujin's Yeke Abaoji looked solemn, and immediately looked around!Most of the soldiers are clutching their bellies.

Ye Ke and A Baoji looked extremely flustered, and immediately said: "I'll go back and have a look first!"

"Wait!" Temujin immediately stopped the flustered Yegu Abaoji, pressed the scimitar in his arms, and said calmly: "In this situation, I don't care about these patients! If the guess is right! There will be an attack on the camp! We must be prepared!"

"I agree with Temujin's point of view!" Li Shimin, who had been silent all this time, stood up, pressed the bronze sword in his arms, and said solemnly: "This time the enemy's plan has succeeded! They will definitely sneak attack the enemy to expand the results of the battle! "

"How dare you guarantee that the enemy army will come to sneak attack! If these brothers are not treated in time! How can I feel sorry for their parents and brothers! Wife!" Wanyan Aguda stared at Li Shimin.

"I didn't force you to take precautions! If I was leading this war, I would definitely not give up this great opportunity!" After finishing speaking, Li Shimin fell into meditation like an old monk, whispering a few words to the soldiers behind him , is to look at Genghis Khan.

"I think what they said makes sense...!" Nurhachi also agreed.

"Here we come!" Nurhachi had just finished speaking when Genghis Khan had already sensed it, his tiger eyes staring ahead.

"Wow woof... woof woof... woof woof...!" With the barking of the Tibetan mastiff soldiers!Everyone is vigilant.

"Here we come! There is still time! Hurry up!" Li Shimin made a decisive decision and led the dozens of guards beside him!Quickly returning to his big tent, seeing that Li Shimin had made a move, several prairie leaders who were still in a state of confusion immediately stepped up.

Genghis Khan pressed the scimitar inlaid with gems, and said with a solemn expression: "Who is it! After such a vicious plan, this person should be beheaded!"

"Hahahahaha! The grass dog is dead!" Hearing a shout, a big man in heavy armor and holding a spear rushed out!Tens of thousands of soldiers were still following under his command, and the banner with the Qin character on his back was fluttering as it was blown by the wind and snow. This man was none other than Meng Haigong, and the four generals behind him were Meng Liang!Zhu Rong!Marseille fly!The four generals Wang Shuang rushed straight to Genghis Khan's camp with overwhelming momentum.

"Pang Nuan of Zhao Guo is here! The enemy will be captured before he has nothing to do!" After Meng Haigong, another general came out!With a purple gun in his hand, he calls himself Pang Nuan!Behind him were Hu Zhe, Jia Yan, Le Cheng, Xu Shang, and Kong Qing, who were the generals in this battle.

"White-robed ghost generals! Demons and monsters!" Only a low voice was heard, the general in white armor was as emaciated as a ghost, coughing a few times from time to time, who could it be if it wasn't Chen Qingzhi?And behind him there are seven generals, namely Tanlang Zhaohu!Po Jun Yang Zaixing, Wu Qu Di Qing, Lian Zhen Luo Cheng, Lu Cun Meng Zhan, the giant Cheng Yaojin, and Wen Qu Wen Tianxiang sitting beside Chen Qingzhi.

Since the Seven Stars gathered together!This is their first time together!It was also specially arranged by Han Yi. He wanted to know what kind of power the seven stars would have when they came together.

(End of this chapter)

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