Warring States Call

Chapter 1396 Seven Stars of the Big Dipper

Chapter 1396 The Big Dipper (Part [-])
Not to be outdone, Xiang Yu sent Xue Ju and his son, together with Fang Jie and Shan Xiongxin, to bring [-] troops to join the battle. Zhu Yuanzhang was furious because of Tian Bu, but because of Zhu Di's great contribution , I am quite satisfied with this son, and directly asked the remaining Sanbu to follow Zhu Di to participate in this battle.

"It's really complete!" Temujin's eyes were still indifferent, staring at the tens of thousands of people.

According to Han Yi's order, Chen Qingzhi immediately coughed, and said calmly, "Follow your majesty's order! Avoid Li Shimin and Temujin's troops! We will destroy Yeke Abaoji first!"

"Okay! Let's have a big fight!" Cheng Yaojin laughed loudly, his eyes were full of arrogance, but behind this arrogance was caution and prudence.

"Old Cheng! Put your little belly away! Don't reveal your secrets for a while!" Only a greeting was heard!Meng Zhan came here with a smile, although there was a smile in his eyes, but after so many years, Meng Zhan is no longer the little kid he was back then, he has shed immature ideas, and some are just steady.

"Go, go, little brat!"

"Charge!" Chen Qingzhi's hoarse voice sounded slowly, as if a hungry ghost in the endless hell was about to climb out of his cage.

"Ding, Chen Qingzhi's ghost general attribute is activated, and he personally leads the soldiers. The soldier's force value increases by 1∽10 points, and the force value of all generals increases by 5∽6 points. He has insight into the enemy's loopholes and reduces the enemy's general's force value by 3 points. Cancel the skills of all enemy soldiers!"

"Ding, Chen Qingzhi's ghost activates the second attribute. If the enemy's soldiers are twice as many as his own, the force value of his soldiers will be increased by 1. Currently, there are 15 soldiers in the army of Yeke and Abao, and 2 people on our side. The force value of all soldiers Plus eleven!"

"Ding, Zhaohu is affected by the attribute of the ghost general, and the force value is increased by 5 points, the current force value is 108, and the force value of the White Tiger Seven Star Sword is increased by 1, and the current force value is 109!"

"Ding, Luo Cheng is affected by the attributes of Chen Qingzhi's ghost general. The force value is increased by 6, the base force value is 105, the force value of the jade-faced cold spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 112!"

"Ding, Cheng Yaojin is affected by the attribute of Chen Qingzhi's ghost general, the force value is increased by 6, the base force value is 92, the mountain ax force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 99!"

"Ding, Yang Zaixing is affected by Chen Qingzhi's ghost general attribute, the force value is increased by 5, the base force value is 104, the force value of the white horse and silver spear is increased by 1, and the current force value of Yang Zaixing is 110!"

"Ding, Di Qing is affected by the attributes of Chen Qingzhi's ghost general. The force value is increased by 6, the base force value is 100, the force value of the Changhong Spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 107!"

"Ding, Meng Zhan is affected by the attribute of Chen Qingzhi's ghost general, the force value is increased by 6, the base force value is 101, and the current force value is 107!"

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang is affected by the attribute of Chen Qingzhi's ghost general, the force value is increased by 5, the base force value is 87, and the current force value is 92!"

"Ding, the ghost will have negative attributes. Every time it is activated, Chen Qingzhi's force value will be permanently reduced by 1 point. When the force value is reduced to 15 points, Chen Qingzhi will face death. Currently, Chen Qingzhi's force value is 30, which is reduced by 1 point, and the force value is 29!"

A dense mass of people headed straight for Yeke Abaoji's camp. Unlike other scattered armies, Chen Qingzhi's [-] army was divided into seven sections, led by seven people himself.

"Repel the northern barbarians! Give me back the world! No one in life has died since ancient times! Keep your loyal heart and history!" Wen Tianxiang rode a horse, kissed Mao Shishi, and stared straight ahead with a pair of eyes full of indomitable meaning, like It is to vent the anger that is squeezed in my heart.

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang's Danqing attribute is activated, improving the morale of one's own side! The force value of soldiers is forced to increase by 3!"

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang's Wenqu attribute is activated, and the blessing of the heavenly official! Reduce the probability of soldier death! There is a 50.00% chance to avoid the enemy's assassination!"

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang's loyal bone attribute is activated. Facing enemies in the grassland, he will not surrender to death, and will not retreat after death. The overall force value will be increased by 2! Facing Genghis Khan's troops, the attribute will be doubled!"

"The whole army is attacking!" Yang Zaixing stared straight ahead as he galloped forward, a monstrous killing intent burst out in his heart.

"Soldiers! The time for revenge has come! Wash away the shame!" Di Qing was also not to be outdone, showing his own bronze cheeks.


"Ding, Yang Zaixing activates the attribute of breaking the army, also known as the seven kills. Every time he kills, the force value will increase by 1, which can be repeated seven times in a row. After seven times, the force value will remain unchanged!"

"Ding, the second attribute of breaking the army, charge into the battle! Acute vanguard! Invincible, strengthen the soldiers to fight by 1∽3 points! Yang Zaixing's command ability increases by 3"

"Ding, Yang Zaixing is currently in command of 93!"

"Ding! The attribute of Di Qing's martial arts is activated! Martial arts descended from the sky, and the spirit of fighting in arms! The commander adds 1! The force value increases by 10, and the force value of the general under his command is increased by 5 points, the commander by 1 point! The soldier's force value is 8 points!"

"Ding, Di Qing's current base force value is 107, add 10 to the force value, and the current force value is 117! Add 2 to the commander, 98 to the base commander, and 100 to the current commander!"

"Ding, the seven-star attribute is activated! There is not one more seven-star general on the battlefield, reduce the enemy's force value by 1 point, and the current seven are present! Reduce the enemy's force value by 7 points, and the special system is only effective for force values ​​​​below 135! Above 135 effects Half off!"

"Ding, the first attribute of the seven stars is activated, the seven are integrated, the first activation can increase the basic force value of one person by 7 points, and it will disappear afterwards! And there will be no negative influence! The current designated generals are Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Yao Add 7 to the gold force value, and the current force value is 106!"

"Ding, the second attribute of the seven stars is activated, and the attribute of Lieutenant Cheng Yaojin can be switched back and forth among the seven at will! Whenever life is in danger, there is an [-]% chance of dodging!"

"Ding, the third attribute of the seven stars is activated, the seven-star formation, the warrior will not die! The army soul will not die! Wen Tianxiang will not die, and be loyal to his home country!"

The monstrous killing intent and the gathering of these seven people gradually boosted the morale of the soldiers under his command.

Ye Ke and A Baoji stared at this powerful army, and immediately looked at Xiao Tianzuo who was at the side!Xiao Tianyou and the two immediately said: "What are you doing still in a daze! Stop them!"

"Ding, Xiao Tianzuo! Xiao Tianyou's embarrassment attribute activates...!"

Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou looked at the mighty [-] enemy troops coming, and for some reason, they felt that this army seemed to have the aura of thousands of troops!For a while, he didn't know what to say, but fortunately Xiao Tianzuo came to his senses, and immediately waved the big embarrassing spear in his hand, shouting: "Rush over!"

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang! Di Qing's combination of civil and military skills is activated! Offset any negative effects of the enemy!"

"Break..." Yang Zaixing pointed the white horse shadow gun straight ahead, full of momentum.

"Ha... open!" Seeing that Cheng Yaojin held the mountain ax in his hand and killed the prairie soldier in front of him with one move, he shouted happily.

"Kill the Enemy and Serve the Country"

(End of this chapter)

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