Chapter 1398
Cheng Yaojin rolled a carp and rolled under the horse's belly.

"Swish, swish, swish!" After a wave of arrows, Cheng Yaojin's war horse had been shot into a persimmon, and he was carried to the ground, dying, obviously unable to survive.

Cheng Yaojin stood up abruptly, only to see a spear under his crotch, only ten centimeters away from his crotch, Cheng Yaojin's face turned cold, he wiped the sweat on his forehead, and cursed angrily: "His grandma's! He almost lost his children and grandchildren!"

"What are you waiting for! Come back!" Luo Cheng suddenly picked up the shield of the soldier beside him, and threw it over to Cheng Yaojin. Cheng Yaojin, who survived the catastrophe, had lingering fears, immediately picked up the shield, and ran over cautiously.

"It's good luck this time! But it won't be so lucky next time." Yang Zaixing looked at Cheng Yaojin and shook his head slightly. There is some trouble in this formation.

"Old Chen! There is a way to break the ground!" Zhao Hu said with a serious expression.

"Of course there is a way to defeat the enemy! But now time is running out! If you break the formation! Temujin and the others join forces! It is extremely easy to be restrained by them." Chen Qingzhi's face was serious,

"If that's the case! Forget it! There's no need to waste time on it! Now the purpose of the surprise attack has been achieved!" Luo Cheng said solemnly, wiping the sweat from his head.

"Don't panic for the time being! The three armies are out in battle! Try to break through the formation! Wen Tianxiang then watched the enemy's formation! The other two armies guarded the gate. If it doesn't work, retreat immediately! Give it a try first! How about it?" Di Qing released his opinion, Now the situation of the battle is unknown, the only thing they have to do is to collect some data to cope with the next battle.

"You can try it! Just go back like this! Don't be laughed at by them!" Yang Zaixing was the first to support.

"Count me in!" Luo Cheng was also a little unwilling!The meat is on the edge of my mouth, and I am not willing to let go now.

"I agree!" Meng Zhan rubbed his wrist and said calmly

"If that's the case! Then charge!" Yang Zaixing made a decisive decision after finishing speaking, urging his horse up, and the two armies clashed with flesh and blood, every blow was like lightning.

"Ding, the Wuyan Light Formation attribute is activated, reducing the enemy...!"

"Ding! Now Di Qing! Wen Tianxiang's civil and military attributes are activated, avoiding the negative effects of the enemy army..."


As time goes by, the air gradually becomes more and more bloody, thick and makes people want to nausea, but with the exhaustion of physical strength!And the numbness of the brain, this kind of thing is not really important.

"Hahahahaha! The grass dog sees that I will kill you today, the blood will flow like a river!" Meng Haigong laughed loudly, waving the big knife in his hand, with a look of arrogance in his eyes.

Genghis Khan stared at Meng Haigong with a pair of deep eyes, exuding a sense of cruelty, looked at Tuo Lei behind and said, "Go and get me some mutton and milk wine!"

"Father! The water is poisonous!" Tuo Lei said with an ugly expression.

"Then roast it with fire! I'll just sit here today! If he can kill him! I don't mean to live! This life...!" Genghis Khan said with a smile: "Let him take it !"

"Where are the warriors on the grassland!" Genghis Khan leaned on the grass, looking lazy.

"the end will be"


"we are at!"

Shuchi, Chagatai, Wo Kuotai, and Tuo Lei were sitting around Genghis Khan holding their swords in their arms. Tuo Lei was holding a freshly flayed sheep and was setting a fire for barbecue. The remaining three looked grim. Dow stared ahead.

Kuoliejian, Chilaowen, Borhu, Borshu, Jebe, Mountain Lion Camel, Subutai, Yelu Chucai, Helian Bobo, Kublai Khan, Boyan, Choros Yexian and others, Standing on both sides, holding the scimitar in his arms, he organized the men and horses under his command to wrap Genghis Khan tightly inside and out.

Monk Flying Cymbals and Taoist Tieban hid in the dark, with a pair of thin eyes, like poisonous snakes in the midst of the night, when the time came, they would kill the enemy immediately.

The three brothers, Tie Lei Yinya, Tie Lei Babao, and Tie Lei Mo'er, rode on horses, staring at Meng Haigong in front of him, and shouted: "I'll meet you soon! Thief!"

"Zhang Hongfan is here! The enemy will stop!"

"Tie Lei Eight Treasures, I will come to help you!" Liao Sangao shouted, followed by Liao Long, Liao Hu, and the two of them.

The seven generals rushed straight up like a tiger pouncing on its prey. Meng Haigong saw that his legs and feet were a little weak, but he still had some confidence, and suddenly shouted: "Let me charge!"

"Enemy general! Hugh's arrogance! Zhu Rong is here!"

"Marseille is flying!" I saw a female general, urging her horse out, holding two Xiuchun knives in her hand, and 24 flying knives around her waist. When necessary, the flying knives will be thrown out.

The two female generals illuminated their appearance in the dark night, and their roars made the soldiers who charged even more excited.

"What a wild girl! Enough strength! Watch me capture him!" Tie Lei Babao said calmly, waving the weapon in his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

The sky was dark and night, unable to see the face of the comer, Ma Saifei could only listen carefully, closed his eyes slightly, pulled out the throwing knife in his arms, and said in a muffled voice: "Go!"

"General Tie Lei, be careful of hidden weapons!" The Taoist Tie Ban who was standing behind heard that the sounds of soldiers around here were wrong, and quickly reminded Tie Lei Ba Bao not to be careless.

"Ah!" Tie Lei Babao looked stunned for a moment, immediately attached himself to the horse's back, shook his whole body, hit three throwing knives in a row, and screamed loudly!Although it didn't hit the vital point, the design of the throwing knife is really uncomfortable. The blade is fifteen centimeters long and is made of bronze. It is extremely sharp, with a sharp front and a wide back. With a little force, the long knife will stab inside!making the wound bigger and bigger.

"Ding, Marseille Fei's Knife attribute activates, one hit reduces the enemy's force value by 3 points, the current Iron Thunder Eight Treasure hits 3 knives, reduces the Iron Thunder Eight Treasure's force value by 9 points, the base force value is 101, and the current force value is 92!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Masai Feizhong Dao is activated. If the enemy forces a fight, every two points of strength added will decrease the personal strength by 1, and after the strength reaches 10, the base strength will be permanently reduced by 5!"

"Drink!" As soon as Tie Lei Babao exerted his strength, he only felt a piercing pain from these three places, one of them was accidentally carried under the horse, and passed out.

"Smelly bitch! You're courting death!" Tie Lei Yin Ya was furious when he saw him, and he rushed up his horse suddenly, killing Ma Saifei with the cold knife in his hand.

"I'll fight you!" Zhu Rong shouted, and was about to fight Tie Lei Yin Ya.

The Liaohu behind was urging his horse up, and the big knife in his hand suddenly slashed down. At the very moment, under the light of the fire, it looked like a burning knife, which made people thrilling.

(End of this chapter)

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