Warring States Call

Chapter 1400 The Falcon

Chapter 1400 The Falcon
"Jiujiu!" On the light blue sky, there is an animal that looks like an eagle. His body length is about 30 centimeters. Looking at his thin figure, he seems to have not kept up with the nutrition. The back of the neck is white, and the top of the head is light brown. .The contrasting color of the head is less, the black lines under the eyes are not obvious, and the eyebrow lines are white.The upper body is mostly brown with slightly horizontal spots, which contrasts with the dark brown of the wingtips. It is a real Saker. His eyes reveal the figure of the cavalry below, and he keeps circling over the cavalry, as if waiting wearing something.

There are more than 3000 people in this group, everyone is armed with weapons, and the smell of blood is everywhere on their bodies. This disgusting smell can be smelled from a long distance. If they are not Han Ming and others, who can they be? Woolen cloth?
"Hey! What's the matter with this bird! Why does it always follow us! It's been three days! It didn't dare to approach us when it saw us, and avoided us all the way! But it didn't leave!" A young general behind Han Ming Scratching his head, he saw that he was holding a pair of golden hammers, his expression was very puzzled, he was wearing heavy armor, his back was heavy, he looked quite strong, but he gave off a childlike feeling.

Han Ming followed the trend and raised his head, the sun was shining, Han Ming could only squint his eyes, watching the Saker flying around his head.

Liang Lin was riding a war horse, breathing hot air, holding a branch in his hand, and there was a piece of blood dripping on the branch. Liang Lin came to Han Ming and said: "You saved it, it is very grateful to you, and has been following you, If my guess is right! Eat this piece of flesh! It's yours!"

After Liang Lin finished speaking, he put the branch in his hand in front of Han Ming, and said calmly.

This falcon was too thin and small. At that time, an old wolf pretended to be dead, trying to lure this falcon to eat his body. Of course, this stupid bird was also fooled!In the end, they got into a fight with hungry wolves. At that time, Han Ming was restless and unable to sleep for the past few days. Finally, he felt a little drowsy. He was woken up by these two animals, and immediately copied the gun. One shot ended After killing the old wolf, the karma has come to an end.

"Hahahahahaha! Are you the ones who are worthy of taming it? This is a falcon, a hunter who can fight against golden eagles! Are you worthy? This is the god enshrined in our grassland, how could you subdue it!" Ye Lihu Staring at Han Ming with a tired body, he thought he was using this method to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

Han Ming turned around slowly with tiger eyes, glanced at Yegu Lihu who was like a dead dog, lightly clamped the horse's belly, stepped forward slightly, and raised the branch in his hand, the whole movement was silly.

"Chirp...!" The Saker in the sky was still hovering in the sky as usual!He didn't intend to come down, as if he had succeeded in his plan, Ye Lihu laughed loudly and said, "A dog from the Central Plains! You are really stupid! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...!"

"You fucking court death!" Hearing this, Deng Yu was a little furious, and wanted to draw his sword and kill this idiot. Anyway, there are so many hostages here, one more him is not much!There is a lot less of him.

"Chirp" The Saker falcon hovering in the sky did not know why it became restless, and it kept circling downwards, as if it was testing. Humans and animals are often careful to establish a relationship foundation. Only dogs and horses are used to it. Not so resistant, but other animals are different. In terms of human thinking, this thing is very dangerous, so don't get close to it.

Finally, when the hunter was still three meters away from Han Ming, Han Ming suddenly plucked the flesh from the branch and threw him into the sky.

Seeing the prey, the Saker falcon flew over suddenly, held it in its mouth, and swallowed it whole. After benefiting from it, it still kept hovering at a low altitude, as if discussing with Han Ming: Give me some more, give me some more I'll come down after a few.

Ye Ke Lihu is a little embarrassed at the moment, he has seen people who dig out eggs train sakers, and when he is willing to accept your food, it means that he does not reject this person, which is often the basis for building trust.

The thought of Li Hu's face became a lot more embarrassing, and he immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Woo... woo woo woo... woo woo"

Li Hu imitated a shallow wolf howl, and the Saker falcon hovering at low altitude immediately lifted off quickly, as if he had lingering fear.

"What are you messing with! Hit me!" Deng Yu was a little annoyed, and immediately came up and punched Ye Kui and Li Hu in the face, his whole body was very angry.

Han Ming patted the blood on his hand, looked at Liang Lin behind him and said, "Don't waste time! Let's go!"

"Wait first!" Liang Lin said, he greeted the soldiers behind him, and took another piece of meat, which was not too big or small, and handed it to Han Ming, saying: "Having a bird in the sky on the grassland is equivalent to having an extra eye." !They can watch the terrain for us! This is a very good companion! He can help us stay alive!"

Han Ming took the flesh and blood suspiciously, staring at the falcon in the sky with a somewhat irritable expression.

"You learn to whistle! Put your thumb and index finger together, and whistle in your mouth! Like this!" Liang Lin took the lead to cover up for Han Ming, only to hear: "咻咻!"

The sound was like shooting an arrow, but there was still a difference. Han Ming looked a little irritable, but he still followed what Liang Lin said, but there was no way to blow it.

Li Hu, who was behind, was beaten and looked at Han Ming with a hearty laugh. Angu was so full of tears that he didn't know what to say.

"Hoo!" Han Ming suddenly blew, and stretched out his left hand at this moment, still holding the flesh and blood. The Saker Falcon, which had been hesitant before, finally flew down and landed on Han Ming's arm slowly. Eat the flesh and blood in Han Ming's hand!It also seemed unsatisfactory.

After Liang Lin looked at it, he smiled lightly and said, "It's done!"

"No...no...it's impossible...impossible!" Ye Lihu looked embarrassed, he felt that his belief had deceived him!Abandoned himself.

Han Ming patted himself on the shoulder, then waved his hand, and the Saker immediately flew to Han Ming's shoulder, and stayed there obediently.

Han Ming glanced at the dead dog-like Yegu Lihu below, and said calmly, "The next one is that tribe!"

"The next place seems to be Beidi!" Deng Yu said solemnly, grabbing a wise man from the grassland.

"Hehe...hehe..." This wise man is only in his 30s!Dirty, half shirtless on this cold day, obviously caught on the day of work, and grabbed a pair of pants before he even had time to put on his clothes.

Han Ming glanced at the young man who was older than himself, and said calmly, "I'll give you a chance to tell me the location, clothes! Food! And water! And those women, you can have them all. If you make a mistake, You understand………!"

(End of this chapter)

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