Warring States Call

Chapter 1402 Deng Yu's Collapse

Chapter 1402 Deng Yu's Collapse

"General Xiaoyue! How old are you! Are you married? Have you never seen this scene before?"

"Let me go!" Yue Yun looked a little annoyed, pushed the guy away with a wave of his hand, and started to return alone on his horse.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" As soon as these words came out, the soldiers laughed even more happily, and the woman wanted to bury her head in the ground when she heard that these people saw it.

"We're back!" Yue Yun rode on a horse, motioned to the soldiers behind him to throw two tongues at Han Ming, then turned around and left.

When Deng Yu saw him, he immediately interrupted: "What's wrong! What's wrong with this brother! Why did you veterans bully him!"

"Hahahaha! Don't care about our business! It's General Xiaoyue who is afraid of the eye of a needle, and there is nothing we can do about it!" the soldiers laughed.

Han Ming sat by the bonfire, staring at the embarrassed man with tiger eyes, and said calmly, "Deng Yu! I'll leave it to you!"

"Okay!" Deng Yu laughed, picked up his bronze sword, rubbed his hands, and said calmly, "Oh! Leave it to me, and I promise you that even his own mother will find out!"

"How far is it from the enemy camp!" Han Ming asked Yue Yun who was behind him.

"There are still ten miles!" Yue Yun finally regained some wisdom when he said this, and immediately added that there are scouts within one mile around the battle! "

"Oh no! There are scouts all over this mile! How did you catch these two guys!" Liang Lin's petite temper also came up, and he folded his hands in front of his chest, teasing Yue Yun, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

When Yue Yun heard this, he immediately waved his hands and said, "Fuck off! Old man Liang!"


Not half a meeting!Deng Yu returned, and there was still a lot of blood on his hands.

Han Ming sat by the campfire, leaning against the fire!With a calm face, he said, "How is it!"

"The force is the same as that of the Shanrong army, 3 people. Their leader Wanyan Aguda also followed Temujin to the south! The population here is about 50! Among them, more than 5 children can already ride horses! You can get Raise weapons and mount horses to kill the enemy! Adding these 3 people! It’s a bit difficult!” Deng Yu sat beside Han Ming, stretching out his hand to warm the fire!With a serious expression on his face, Deng Yu glanced at the soldiers behind him and didn't get too close. Deng Yu immediately added: "We have already completed the mission! The Shan Rong was almost disabled by us last time. There is no need to continue to fight. Go on! This time the tribe is obviously much stronger than the last time! And the commotion has already made a big noise!"

"What's going on!" Liang Lin was a little stunned after hearing this, looked at Deng Yu and said, "What's going on!"

Deng Yu picked up the snow from the ground, rubbed the blood in his hands, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Last time! After the successful attack on Shanrong! Not all of them were killed! There are a few women in the grassland who were married from other tribes! I escaped from the control of those slaves! I snatched the horses and went back to my tribe to report. This Beidi is one of them! This time I am in big trouble! Whether I can go back alive is a problem!"

Han Ming frowned slightly!But still kept his calm.

And Qin Yong, who was adding firewood, picked up a branch, folded it in half, threw it into the bonfire, and said with an ugly face: "Why don't we retreat, we only have 3000 people after all!"

Liang Lin, who had always been somewhat optimistic, also closed his mouth at this moment!With an embarrassing expression on his face, he rubbed his beard with both hands, without saying a word.

"Hit!" Han Ming stood up slowly, and patted the dust on his buttocks!Said with a stern face.

"No! Your Highness, you are not joking!" Deng Yu only felt the cold sweat on his forehead, wiped the sweat from his head and said: "Currently, more than 5000 cavalry are sent out from all tribes to hunt us down! Let's go! Our fate! The real confession is here!"

Han Ming stood up slowly!With a calm face, he said: "Now the tribes on the grassland think we are going back! They will definitely intercept us on the way to the south! We can only go the opposite way! Take Beidi! Then go from... no man's land!"

"Ahem! Fourth Highness, you are not joking! No man's land! Let alone snakes, insects, rats and ants! And the swamp? If you are not careful! Your life will be where it is!" Deng Yu was a little excited, his eyes were red , stood up suddenly, and said with embarrassment: "Fourth Highness! There are more than 8 active troops! We don't want to die!"

Han Ming raised his head suddenly, looked at Deng Yu's crazy eyes, and said calmly, "I'm afraid!"

"Yes! I'm afraid! You are the son of the king! You were born with glory and wealth! Charge and kill in the chaos! Your life is tied to our waists, and you can't die if we die! What about us? We are also destined Ah! Because a small decision of yours may determine the life and death of 3000 people!" After more than ten days of depression, Deng Yu finally broke out, tears streaming down his eyes, his face was red, and he said hysterically: "The People! Everyone has a wife and children! Everyone is a parent! My mother is still waiting for me to go home to fulfill my filial piety? Let me go to die! I don’t agree!"

To put it bluntly, Deng Yu is only 17 years old! Although the 17-year-old is crazy, he also attaches great importance to life, after all, he only has one life!If he dies, he's gone. Deng Yu couldn't take it anymore. Even a strong man would collapse.

Here, Qin Yong also has a look of retreat!When Yue Yun mentioned that my mother was still at home waiting for me to fulfill her filial piety, she also began to feel a little moved!

quiet!Surprisingly quiet around, Deng Yu also felt that he was losing his composure, wiped his nose, and said in embarrassment: "Let's go! Fourth Highness! Go back!"

"I want to leave! Let's go" Han Ming stood up slowly, patted the dust on his buttocks, and did not stop them!Everyone here can go!Han Ming couldn't leave!He hasn't got enough military merits yet, without these military merits, why would he let his mother's name appear in the ancestral hall!And how to make people write books and establish special books.

Han Ming's character was originally a loner, and Deng Yu said that, but he lost interest!Lie directly on the carriage and sleep with him first.

"Deng Yu! Are you crazy!" Luo Ren, who had been standing behind Han Ming without showing his face, stood up.

"You are so stupid! You don't have back pain when you stand and talk!" Deng Yu said with a sigh.

"Apart from you and me here! Who else knows the purpose of His Highness the Fourth Highness!" Luo Ren said with an ugly expression.

"I...!" Deng Yu was speechless for a while, and Zhan stood there for a long time without saying a word!It was like letting go of the riding ball, and sat back on the spot again, not talking, but fortunately, there was not much movement, which did not attract attention.

"His Royal Highness's previous analysis of the battle situation is correct! It is too dangerous to flee back now! As for dealing with Beidi, with the current strength of the troops, we need to think about it in the long run!"

(End of this chapter)

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