Chapter 1403

"Strike while the iron is hot! Fourth Highness, what do you think this time!" Liang Lin glanced at Han Ming who was lying on the carriage, and thought about it carefully, maybe Han Ming really has a way.

Han Ming got up suddenly, stretched his waist, and then returned to his usual indifference, looked at the sky in the dark night, and said calmly: "Replenish your energy! Divide into two groups! Attack east and west!"

Deng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and glanced at Han Ming's direction. The whole person was silent for a while, he hesitated to speak, but he still held back.

As the night gradually fell, there was the creak of burning wood, the sound of tired soldiers sleeping, and the sound of the wind blowing the grass.

Everything seems to be very peaceful, but behind this tranquility, there will be greater movements hidden.

During the day, it still looks at ease. Where are the soldiers rectifying their military affairs, wiping their sharp guns to a silvery light, and some are still taking out their tattered armor and using their unskilled skills to make up for it.

this day!The pheasants obtained from hunting were roasted with a fragrance, and the soldiers boiled the snow into water!Then throw the cut meat into the pot, sprinkle some precious salt, this is the best meal, in this age of scarcity!Can eat meat!It's the life of the rich.

How can there be meat without wine, even though there is little!But in the end I tasted this delicacy.

The night is gradually falling, because the sky is getting more and more north, a layer of green light gradually appears in the sky, which contrasts with the night, Han Ming rubbed his wrist, as usual, facing the soldiers, with a serious expression and a slight smile on his lips. It seemed like he had organized a lot of words but couldn't say them. After a while, Han Ming suddenly said the last two words: "After the fight! Go home!"

"Go home... go home... go home!"

"Go home... go home... go home!"

"Go home... go home... go home!"

Those two simple words seemed to have endless power, guiding these soldiers.

"Yue Yun!" Han Ming saw that the time was almost here!It's time to arrange this play.

"The end is here!" Wearing black armor!Holding a silver hammer in his hand, the seven-foot-long Yue Yun stood up and said solemnly.

"I'll give you 1000 people! To attract the main force of the enemy army! You can only retreat but not fight! Lead them out! You are rushing to no man's land! Where are we all meeting!" Han Ming said solemnly.

"Promise!" Although Yue Yun knew that this mission was more dangerous, fortunately it was not difficult!If you want to rush into the enemy's camp, it will be more dangerous.

"Old Liang! Qin Yong! Luo Ren! The three of you follow me to lead the troops to attack the enemy! Be sure to finish them off with one blow!" Han Ming gave the order calmly.

Deng Yu was a little dazed, so many people had ordered him, why didn't he be the only one, and was about to go forward to ask for a job, but Han Ming took the lead in calling Deng Yu's name.

"Deng Yu!" Han Ming glanced at Deng Yu, exhaled, with a helpless expression on his face.

"The last general is here!" Deng Yu was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what task Han Ming would arrange for him, although he was a little reluctant!But still had to do it.

"Fifty rides for you!" Lead these captives to grope in no man's land!Find a way out for the retreating army.

"This...!" Deng Yu only felt that his brain was a little buzzing, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Compared with their tasks, Deng Yu was so easy and unnecessary, and in order to protect him, Han Ming dispatched Command to let him go!To prevent him from being charged as a deserter.

"This... This is what the scouts did! I won't do it!" Deng Yu waved his hand, although it was his own intention!But let him leave Han Ming alone!It is really impossible.

"This is the general's order! Lao Liang disobeyed the general's order! What crime should he deserve!" Han Ming said solemnly, looking at Liang Lin who was at the side.

"Thirty duty! Demotion to three ranks!" Liang Lin said solemnly.

"Yeah!" Han Ming nodded, and said calmly, "Let's temporarily remove the Thirty Army Staff, and demote him to the commander of a thousand commanders! Let the troops be handed over to the generals..."


"Your Highness Fourth!" Deng Yu was taken aback, and was about to step forward to break up with Han Ming, but Han Ming ran out of time, looked at the soldiers around him and said, "The victory or defeat depends on one move! Soldiers! Follow me! "

"Four...!" Deng Yu was about to step forward, but the general in front of him stopped Deng Yu, and said calmly, "General! Follow me!"

"Fuck you!" Deng Yu was about to push the soldier away, but he remained motionless, staring at Deng Yu and said: "The order must not be violated! General Deng! Come with me!"

The Beidi tribe, compared with the Shanrong, is much more lonely here. There are faintly visible fires here, and there are black shadows running around here and there from time to time.

There are thousands of guards at the gate.

Yue Yun stared at the soldier in the eye circle!With a sudden breath, he looked at the soldiers behind him and said, "The family and the country have been at peace for a hundred years! Just look at the present, kill the enemy and serve the country. I have a general order from the Wei army. Everyone, remember that the master general dies! The deputy general is promoted! The deputy general is dead! The partial general is promoted He will die! The captain will be promoted! Everything will follow my orders! This general will not retreat! Anyone who dares to retreat! Kill without mercy!"

"I'll follow the general's order!" Thousands of soldiers roared suddenly behind them, the voice was not loud, but it aroused the vigilance of the Beidi tribe in front.

A Beidi soldier pushed aside and said, "There are enemies! Pull the bell!"

"Understood!" The soldier didn't dare to be too negligent, and immediately pulled the cowbell.

"Charge!" Yue Yun waved the silver hammer in his hand, and took the lead, his eyes reflected the flames of the big village in front of him.

"Dingling...Dingling..." As the sound of the bell became louder, the Beidi people who were really sleeping began to wake up. The soldiers quickly put on their armor and rushed towards the door with their weapons.

The strong man holds a machete in his hand and guards his mother behind him tightly!brother and sister.

Liang Lin said with a serious face: "There are only a few thousand people! Even if Yue Yun is powerful! He may not be able to hold it!"

"Not necessarily!" Han Ming could deny it!Yue Yun, relying on three thousand back Wei troops, forcibly resisted Bai Qi's attack!It can be seen that Yue Yundao's force is not bad!And that battle also became Yue Fei's battle to become famous, becoming one of the famous generals in the world, and even the common people once joked that there are many famous generals in the world, and those who want to become famous generals!Fight in vain!Even if it is a tie, it is a win, of course it is said so!But there are a few more successful ones.

"Kill!" Yue Yun yelled suddenly, holding the silver hammer in both hands, urging his horse up, and the soldiers behind him burst into flames instantly.

"Horse shooting! Shooting arrows!" Yue Yun shouted suddenly.

"Fire arrows!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Under Yue Yun's command, the rain of arrows shot straight at the soldiers at the door, shooting in random order.

"Go away!" Yue Yun slammed a hammer on the bonfire, and the flames shot up into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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