Warring States Call

Chapter 1404 Wanyan Sheng

Chapter 1404 Wanyan Sheng

"Ha!" Yue Yun roared, the bonfire scattered on the ground, some hit the tent, and began to burn continuously, shining on everyone's cheeks.

"Go to hell!" Yue Yun slammed his hammer straight up on the lower soldier's head. The blood was accompanied by the sound of fractures, which made everyone feel terrified.

"What's going on!" Inside the central tent, a big man wearing his own leather armor said with a bit of embarrassment.

"General Wanyan! There seems to be a sneak attack!" A soldier came running quickly with a stern expression.

"Who! It's from that tribe!" Wanyan Sheng's face was stern, and his eagle eyes were fixed on the front. There was some anger in his eyes, but he didn't lose his mind.

"Five big tribes unite! No one will be the leader and break this rule" Only one member is about to leave!Holding a saber in his hand, with the help of the firelight, he looked at his cheek with a long scar and a horse's face. He was eight feet long and looked like a tiger. He came to Wanyan Cheng's side, With a calm face, he said, "Besides, it's winter, and it's the truce period! No one will break this rule!"

"It's not from other tribes! Then who could it be!" A gleam of surprise flashed in Wanyan's eyes behind him, and he looked at the general beside him and said, "Monk Chen! What do you think!"

The person who came was none other than Monk Wanyan Chen!

Monk Wanyan Chen patted his clothes, and said calmly: "Listen to the movement, they are the soldiers sent by the Central Plains people. According to the number, there are about a thousand people! It should be them!"

"That's it! Monk Wanyan Chen! You quickly lead the [-] Mahe army and kill them all! And strictly order the soldiers to guard various places, so that you must not repeat the retreat again, and tell the soldiers under your command to let them stay in the sheepfold Let's see if there are any wolf cubs! So as not to cause unnecessary trouble!" After all, Wan Yancheng is Jin Taizong, and he reacted as he should at the first time, with a very serious face, not giving the enemy any counterattack or breathing Opportunity.

Monk Wanyan Chen did not resist Wanyan Sheng's arrangement, and immediately held his chest with one hand, bowed to Wanyan Sheng, and said calmly: "Obey! My respected general!"

Monk Wanyan Chen held his saber in his hand, and led the 400 people behind him, heading straight ahead.

"Boom!" It was another startling hammer, Yue Yun seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and suddenly hit the hammer, and the Beidi soldier himself was thrown out.

Monk Wanyan Chen saw that he was about to give the saber in his hand to the soldier beside him, and took the soldier with both hands, he saw that he was spitting out blood, lacking in energy and blood, and bleeding continuously, it was obvious that he had suffered a huge and serious injury.

"Bastard!" Monk Wanyan Chen suddenly raised his head and stared at Yue Yun, not wanting to vent his anger.

At this moment, Yue Yun's blood armor was shaking, blood and fragments fluttered on his body, and an invisible aura emerged, like a tiger descending a mountain. Compared with the battle against Qin in the past, Yue Yun's growth is not a star and a half, and his body is also stronger than before. It's a lot stronger.

"Kill them! Don't leave any of them!" Monk Wanyan Chen grabbed his saber and stared at Yue Yun through gritted teeth.

Yue Yun sneered, and immediately urged the horse to go, and the silver hammer in his hand fell suddenly.

"Die to me!" Monk Wanyan Chen snorted coldly, and the knife in both hands slashed straight down.

"Dingling!...Crack!" At this moment when the knife came down, Monk Wanyan Chen tried his best with both arms, only feeling that Yue Yun was as stable as Mount Tai, and Yue Yun felt that there was not much strength. He turned his eyes and stared at Monk Wanyan Chen, Seeing that the soldiers around are respectful to him, if he is drawn out!It can attract the main force of the enemy.

Yue Yun made up his mind, immediately let go of his arm, pretending that he couldn't withstand the power of the saber, bit his lip suddenly, spit out blood, stared at Monk Wanyan Chen in pretended horror, and immediately cursed angrily: "Fuck! I haven't had enough to eat yet! Let's fight again next time!"

Monk Wanyan Chen was taken aback for a moment, but immediately exclaimed with joy: "Hahahahahahaha! The enemy generals are going to be crazy! Follow me to take him down!"

I don't know if it's because of Yue Yun's good acting skills, or because Monk Wanyan Chen's IQ is too low, anyway, Yue Yun has spent a lot of money this time, and the vomiting of old blood is worth it.

Yue Yun led the soldiers under his command to lure tens of thousands of monks Wanyan Chen out. Luo Ren held a copper hammer and said, "Fourth Highness! You can go!"

"Wait a minute!" Han Ming's head was covered with cold sweat, Liang Lin glanced at this 16-year-old child, for some reason, Liang Lin felt that he was facing an adult.

"Kill...!" The word shook the sky, and with a prolonged sound, Han Ming suddenly roared like a tiger with breasts!Although the deterrent power is not great, it can still deter the mountains and forests.

After Liang Lin heard this, he waved his hand suddenly and led dozens of cavalry to take the lead. The movement of thousands of troops was really loud and too insolent.

"Dismount!" Liang Lin immediately ordered the soldiers to dismount when they were 800 meters away from the enemy. Holding the Zhuge Liannu in his hand, he said with a stern expression, "Be careful! Shoot at the throat! Be quiet!"

The "Nuo" soldiers got off their horses, held Zhuge Liannu, and advanced in the snow. The cold wind blew the frozen people shivering.

"Let the arrow!" Seeing this, Liang Lin immediately pulled the trigger, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish!"

Dozens of cold arrows shot straight away, more than 30 cold arrows, large and small.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The sound of an arrow waking up the soldier who was really peeing, and he was about to ring the bell.

After Liang Lin saw it, his hands were quick and his eyes were quick, and he stood up suddenly: "Swoosh!"

After two arrows passed, they hit his throat and chest.

"Enemy...Enemy! Hurry up...pull the bell!" The soldier in the middle circle was holding his throat, his face was embarrassed, his hand was still pointing at the bell in front of him, his eyes were still afraid, but he was powerless. In the end, his eyes dimmed and he left safely.

"Jiujiu!" Liang Lin whistled suddenly, Han Ming waved his hand immediately, and Qin Yong immediately said, "Charge!"

The 2000-man army went straight to the enemy. The Zhuge Liannu in their hands was full of cold arrows, and rushed into the enemy camp, only to hear: "Swoosh! Swish!" All soldiers who wanted to approach were killed.

Big tent central
Wanyan Sheng was sitting on the seat, and said with a strong breath: "How's the situation!"

"General Qi! That soldier is not the opponent of Monk Wanyan Chen, he has already led his troops to escape! Monk Wanyan Chen has already led people to chase after him." The soldier on the far left under the big tent said with a serious expression.

"Oh!" Wanyan Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and his whole body relaxed a lot. He patted the snow on his clothes and said calmly, "Since there is nothing wrong! Let the soldiers step up their patrols and be careful. Tomorrow I will call all Clan, capture this soldier and horse together!"

(End of this chapter)

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