Warring States Call

Chapter 1405 Kidnapping

Chapter 1405 Kidnapping
After Wanyan Sheng finished speaking, he yawned, and he looked a little lazy. He looked at the soldiers around him and said, "If you have nothing to do, get back! I'll sleep for a while! I'm sleepy in the middle of the night!"

"Obey!" The soldiers on both sides didn't say anything, and were about to exit the big tent, but suddenly a man rushed out from the tent door, covered in blood, with a cold arrow on his shoulder, staring at Wanyan Sheng with embarrassment, said: "General! It’s not good! A man and horse has been killed outside! It’s coming straight to the big tent!”

"What's the situation!" Wanyan Cheng, who was about to sleep, suddenly raised his head, his face turned cold, and he rushed up with one stride, grabbing the soldier's neck with one hand, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"General!...!" The soldier was about to speak, but he didn't know whether he was exhausted or ran too fast. He didn't catch his breath and passed out. Wanyan Sheng patted his cheek immediately. Completely unresponsive.

"Quick! Go out and have a look!" Wanyan Cheng looked embarrassed, and before he had time to think, he immediately picked up the scimitar in his hand and strode forward, but the scene in front of him made him dare not imagine his own eyes.

Holding a golden hammer, Liang Lin was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers. The front row was shield soldiers, and the back row was Zhuge Liannu soldiers. Once the enemy army charged forward, the power of Zhuge Liannu would be dissipated. Come on, anyone who gets close is a dead word!Those who survived by luck lost their momentum and kept running away, or fought against the enemy, but in the end they would only fall on the pikemen in the third row.

Looking at the battle situation in front of him, Wanyan Cheng became furious, and immediately shouted: "What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and shoot the arrows! Shoot them to death!"

"Obey!" The lieutenants at the side immediately gathered together with bows and arrows, and said with a stern look: "Quick! Let the arrows go! Quick!"

"Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh..."

Arrows rained all over the sky, just listening to the sound made one's scalp tingle, Liang Lin greeted immediately: "Quick! Shield defense!"

"Ding dong ding ding ding ding!" The soldiers on both sides barely defended against the enemy's bows and arrows.

One wave after another, Wanyan Sheng was concentrating on dealing with Liang Lin's hundreds of people, and then another man came out behind him, the number of people was around several thousand, Luo Ren held a hammer , suddenly hit a soldier with a hammer, and the armor was smashed to pieces immediately, and the corpse flew out mercilessly, hitting the soldiers on both sides heavily, and they were turned on their backs.

Wanyan Cheng heard the sound behind him, turned his head immediately, only to see the surrounding chaos, Wanyan Cheng frowned slightly, and immediately said: "Wanyan Chenhu!"

"The last general is here!" I saw a general behind him rushing out, holding a long gun in his hand, with a hulking back and a tiger fur hat, looking menacing, but if you look closely, you can see that he is very mighty.

"Go and lead the troops and block them! Hurry up!" Wanyan Sheng locked his eyes tightly.

"Decree!" Wanyan Chen Hu didn't have time to think, and directly urged his horse up, the cold spear in his hand, under the moonlight, it looked extraordinarily bright.

"Enemy general, don't be rampant! Wanyan Chenhu is here! Give me a shot!"

"Fuck you!" Luo Ren didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he immediately threw a sledgehammer in his hand. The hammer weighing hundreds of catties was like a child's toy in Luo Ren's hands, and was directly crushed. Throw it out.

Wanyan Chenhu didn't take it seriously, such a big hammer could be compared with a small wheel, he didn't believe that this child could dance, he must be threatening others, after thinking about it, Wanyan Chenhu suddenly stabbed him However, what made his face change greatly was that the spear in his hand bent directly at this moment, and finally broke apart, hitting him heavily. At this moment, Wanyan Chen Hu suddenly vomited blood, a mouthful of old blood When I spit it out, I just felt my abdomen was overwhelmed, and the whole person directly fainted to the ground, not knowing life or death.

Wanyan Cheng's expression froze, and he was about to move, but he felt a chill in his throat. When he realized it, there was already a sharp sword in his throat, and the person holding the sword behind him was wearing a military armor, his expression was Handsome, half a head taller than Wanyan Sheng.

"Call your subordinates! Stop it!" Han Ming's cold voice rang in Wanyan Cheng's ear!The whole person is like Shura from hell, and the bronze sword in his hand is one step closer to Wanyan Sheng's throat.

Cold sweat broke out on Wanyan Sheng's head, he stared at Han Ming from the corner of his eye, and said in not-so-fluent Mandarin: "Wolf cub in the Central Plains! I underestimated you! Maybe you put down the bronze sword in your hand now! I can Consider letting you go!"

"Go to hell!" After Han Ming finished speaking, the bronze sword in his hand suddenly began to cut through Wanyan Cheng's throat. Without too much nonsense, Wanyan Cheng seemed to have finally realized Han Ming's killing intent, and immediately waved his hand. He shouted: "Quick! Quick! Stop! Stop!"

It's so arrogant!Do not accept negotiations!If you don't call, you will die.

Soldiers were fighting all around, and their eyes were focused on Han Ming and Wanyan Sheng. No one thought that this matter would not only become difficult, but also very funny, what is this!They lost the battle before it was fought.

"Qin Yong!" Han Yi held the bronze sword in his hand, scaring Wanyan Cheng who was beside him from moving.

"Here we come!" Qin Yong strode forward wearing a blood armor, exhaling heavily, with a serious look on his face.

"Here you are!" Han Ming threw Wanyan Cheng over with one kick, looked at the stunned soldiers around, and said calmly, "Luo Ren! Take someone to release the slave! Hurry up!"


Wanyan Cheng, who was watching from behind, stared at Han Ming heavily and said, "Boy! It's too late for you to let me go! How about this! I'll give you a generous reward! As long as you let me go!"

"Don't worry! I will!" Han Ming pressed the sword in his arms, looked indifferently, glanced at the soldiers around him, Han Ming turned his head to look at Wanyan Sheng and said, "Tell your men to put down their weapons!"

"Grass Valley in the Central Plains! Let go of the general! Otherwise, we won't let you go!" Seeing a big man of eight feet holding a bloody knife in his hand, he said sternly.

"Oh!" Han Ming nodded, and suddenly took out the Zhuge Liannu in his hand: "Swish, swish, swish!"

Shooting three arrows in a row, the soldier was killed instantly. The surrounding soldiers were furious when they saw it. Han Ming glanced at Qin Yong, Qin Yong understood, and immediately pulled out the treasured knife in his arms and stabbed Wan Yancheng. one knife.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Wanyan Sheng broke out in cold sweat, looked at the surrounding soldiers and said, "No!"

Han Ming rubbed his wrist, and said calmly: "I don't want him to die! Take all the people inside! Don't worry! I will let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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