Warring States Call

Chapter 1407 Water Sources

Chapter 1407 Water Sources
"Pfft!" There was only a shout, and three figures in distress emerged from the dense jungle.

The leader was Deng Yu. His hair was disheveled, he was riding a war horse, he was breathing heavily, and his expression was difficult. There were many frightened birds flying around on the branches of the trees. The other two were not much better, even One was pale.

"What's going on inside!" Liang Lin behind Han Ming looked at Deng Yu who was in a panic, and was even more confused about this no-man's land.

"Not so good! There are dead trees everywhere, and there are many animal corpses around! The surrounding area is intertwined, it's not easy to make a way out! It's almost impossible to get through! Deng Yu said with an ugly face.

"Looking at the time! If we evacuate quickly now, I'm afraid it won't be enough! We need a man to contain the enemy!" Liang Lin stroked his beard and looked around. Surrounded by scenery, the front is endless, except for the trees or trees, and I don't know where it leads.

"Come on! I'll lure them away!" Deng Yu greeted with a stern expression on his face.

"Stop leaving, the enemy general! Put down my general!" Monk Wanyan Chen brandished the treasured saber in his hand, rode on a horse, and chased after him closely. The 3000 soldiers and horses behind him were all staring at Han Ming and the [-] people!shame!It's so fucking embarrassing.

"What should I do!" At this moment, the morale of the army is fluctuating, 3000 people are against [-], this number is not very impressive.

"Don't delay here! Go in!" After Han Ming finished speaking, he suddenly urged his horse up, and the halberd in his hand flew up and down, opening the way for the army first.

"This!...! The soldiers on the left and right squinted and looked around, seeing that they had no choice but to go in.

Monk Wanyan Chen looked shocked, and immediately said: "The enemy general should leave! Put down my general!"

"Stop stepping forward! Be careful of his life!" Qin said with a dignified expression, holding the knife on Wanyan Cheng's neck with his discarded hammer.

"Boy! You believe me! If you enter here, you will surely die! You let me go! I guarantee gold and silver treasures! Land! Women! I will give you whatever you want!" Wanyan Cheng looked at the no man's land behind, swallowed Swallowing his saliva, he made a final struggle. He was really a little scared of the fear behind him.

"Hmph! Thank you very much! It's a pity that your mutton smells too strong, I can't get used to it! Come with me!" After Qin Yong finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed Wanyan Cheng's neck and stepped back.

"Presumptuous!" Monk Wanyan Chen was about to step forward, when Deng Yu behind him suddenly bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot towards Monk Wanyan Chen, with a calm expression, he said, "Go forward again! Let's fight to the death, let's see if it is true." He dies first! We should die first!" Deng Yu said with a gloomy expression as he patted Yan Sheng's shoulder.

"You...!" Monk Wanyan Chen has nothing to do now, he can't just watch Wanyan Cheng die in front of him.

"General, what should we do! The leader is back, blame him! We can't explain it!" The soldier behind said solemnly.

"Yeah! This time even the leader's family was taken away! We are in such a stalemate, there is no way out! The general orders, and fight them," the soldier on the side breathed heavily.

Before Monk Wanyan Chen gave the order, Luo Ren carried a small doll no taller than a human head in one hand, and placed it on the grass, staring at Monk Wanyan Chen vigilantly with tiger eyes, patted his hands, and said to scare them: " Let’s all go back! I’ll feed you to the wolves if you don’t leave!”

"Wow! Wow wow wow!" The two little dolls were frightened and cried loudly. Luo Ren didn't care much, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Monk Wanyan Chen immediately rode a war horse, brought the two children back, and stared at the enemy troops entering the no-man's land solemnly. Monk Wanyan Chen immediately ordered: "Tell your brothers! Keep the mouth here! , to prevent them from escaping, if they can stay in this no-man's land for three days, they are considered powerful!"

"But what if they took it for three days!" said the general behind with a serious expression.

"If they hold on! It's just turning into a corpse, and we can explain it to the leader!" Monk Wanyan Chen stroked the child's forehead, looking worried. This time Wanyan Cheng was more or less Life is at stake, and if I don't keep it all together, I'm going to lose my head.

In the no-man's land, Han Ming looked at the many trees, and sent more than 30 scouts around to investigate the situation.

"Wait a minute! Stop!" Liang Lin held the weapon in his hand, looked around, and said solemnly.

"What's wrong!" Deng Yu said with an embarrassed look on his horse.

"I don't know what danger is here yet! But the potential danger has been exposed!" Liang Lin rubbed the sweat from his brow. As a veteran of many battles, he has not a single bit of military experience.

"What's the matter, what's wrong!" Deng Yu said solemnly.

"Marching and fighting! What is the most important thing about setting up camp!" Liang Lin got off his horse, stroked the wet soil, compared it with the soil in front of him, and reached a conclusion in his eyes.

"Rely on water to camp!" Deng Yu said with a stern expression.

"That's right! Take a look!" Liang Lin stretched out his left and right hands, and said solemnly: "This is the soil under our feet! It's relatively wet! This is the soil in front! It has become very dry! There is no water ! We can't go very far!"

"It's been a snowstorm for the past few days, how can there be no water here! Damn it!" Deng Yu looked at the two pieces of soil with different humidity!His face was a little embarrassed.

"Yue Yun!" Han Ming glanced at Yue Yun behind him, and greeted immediately.

"The end is here" Yue Yun rode out on a horse!Said solemnly.

"You bring 300 people! Go to the periphery to collect snow! Melt them and store them! Be sure to fill every pocket!" Han Ming also knew the seriousness of the matter. Although he didn't want to say so much, he had to Did not say.

Order! "Yue Yun didn't hesitate either, knowing that this was a moment of life and death, he couldn't be neglected, so he got the general order and led his troops to melt the snow.

"Young man! I have to say! You are a wise military leader, but under the power of nature and under the curse of the wolf god, you cannot be his opponent! Let us go, we will not kill you, Grassland People don't take revenge on their benefactors!" Shu Ping, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, because no one can survive in this no man's land.

Han Ming glanced at Shupingping behind him, and said calmly, "Oh!"

"You...!" Shu Ping felt that he was being ignored, and the anger in his heart came out without anger.

"Be honest!" Luo Ren shook the hammer in his hand, scaring everyone so that they dare not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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