Chapter 1408

"Ding! Meng Liang is now dead in battle! The system is about to blow up three people! Please prepare the host!"

Han Yi, who had just woken up, was woken up by the sound. He rubbed his messy hair, breathed heavily, and said calmly, "Come on! Show!"

"Ding, because Meng Liang was killed by Genghis Khan, all the superstars belong to Genghis Khan
"Ding, the current No. 1 Zhang Guaiya: force 72, commander 90, politics 91, intelligence 91, currently implanted as a captured Central Plains cultural officer, and currently working as a counselor under Genghis Khan's command!"

"Damn it! How many people have been captured!" Han Yi lifted the quilt and stretched his waist. After staying in Wenrou Township for a long time, his body is not too neat, and getting up from bed is a bit tiring. chirping.

"Ding, Qu Tutong, the second person who hit the list at the moment: force 97, commander 95, politics 83, intelligence 75, currently implanted. The general who stands out for this war has been appreciated by Genghis Khan!"

"Ding, the last person on the list, Mu Huali: strength 99, commander 98, politics 87, intelligence 90. The current implantation identity is Temujin's young friend, and he brought [-] soldiers under his command to join Temujin and help him! "

"Damn it! The four members of Mu Huali are incredible, they are indeed one of the four heroes of Mongolia." Han Yi's whole body became more energetic. This is probably a general under Genghis Khan who can show off his wrists.

Han Yi rubbed his brain, looked at Dian Wei who was guarding outside the big tent, and said hello, "Dian Wei!"

"In" Dian Wei trots in!Said with a stern face.

"Is there any news about Ming'er!" Han Yi rubbed his temples, picked up the armor on the hanger, and put it on neatly.

"Not yet... not yet!" Dian Wei's expression was a little dull, Han Yi heard that something was wrong, he immediately turned his head, looked at Dian Wei and said, "It's been a few days!"

" days!" Dian Wei said truthfully.

"Seven days?" Han Yi frowned, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and said immediately: "Hurry up! Send more people to look for it, no matter what! Find them! You want to see people! You want to see corpses!"


Outside the big tent, the heavy snow has stopped. After more than a month of continuous fighting, the weather has begun to stabilize and gradually warm up.

The longer the time drags on!The more unfavorable it is to the various places, Han Yike never thought that it would be completely unrealistic to rely on the power of these vassal states to eliminate these guys. First of all, with Genghis Khan, this matter is not that simple. Secondly, the way of fighting on the grassland, One of them is based on the goal of hitting if you can beat it, and running if you can't beat it. It is completely impossible to kill him.

Too many crimes just hurt their vitality and let Han Yi have room to go south. After all, Yan Guo is already in his pocket!As long as this Le Yi dies!The country of Yan is definitely Han Yi's.

To be honest, Han Yi really couldn't bear Le Yi. After all, this guy has some strength, but he won't die. What if he gets involved with Su Qin!Like the Six Kingdoms cutting down swallows!It would be miserable for myself.

"Su Qin!" Han Yi frowned, and the whole person was in high spirits!Up to now, I haven't heard of the character of Su Qin from Yan State. It can be seen that Su Qin is not valued in Yan State. If he can be drawn over, Han Yi stroked his beard, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and started his own plan.

"Dian Wei! Go invite King Yan! Just say that there is only good wine! Invite him to have a drink together!" Han Yi smiled slightly.

"No!" Dian Wei agreed, and strode out.

Xu Shu has sent letters in the past few days, and Le Yi has seen Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong in the army!The two brothers are not easy to do now, and Han Yi really has a headache for this matter for a while.

"Dianwei!" Han Yi hurriedly called Dianwei to wait.

"What's wrong with the king!" Dian Wei who had just walked to the door suddenly stopped and looked at Han Yi with a puzzled expression.

"Go get Guo Jia and Jia Xu first! Liu Ji! Xie An!" Han Yi rubbed his wrist and said with a sad face.


After a while, the four people rushed over, Han Yi looked at the four people in a hurry, greeted the evil outside and brought them four sets of bowls and chopsticks, Han Yi said calmly: "It's cold! The Hutoujun boiled some bone soup! Gentlemen, drink it first! Warm up your body!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After hearing Han Yi's sympathy, everyone began to be grateful to Dade.

Han Yi waved his hand, signaling them to chat while eating. After they were full, Guo Jia took out his own wine gourd, opened the wine gourd and smelled the aroma of the wine inside. After all, even Han Yi acquiesced.

"The four of you are called here this time! I want you to talk about the countermeasures for the situation in Yan! Le Yi is the number one general of Yan, and he is resistance to unify Yan! If you don't get rid of him! Our army invaded the country of Yan, fearing that we would lose our troops. After all, although Li Shentong died in the hands of Murong Ke on the surface! To put it bluntly, it is because of Le Yi's well-organized deployment! "Han Yi didn't explain the secret to the four of them. , but avoid the seriousness and talk about Le Yi's problem, anyway, the goal is Le Yi, there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's so troublesome to use it! It's over if you just send someone to kill it!" Guo Jia was a little drunk, pretending to be confused. is the best.

Just like Jia Xu, although he has made great contributions, but now he just keeps his mouth shut, and if he speaks too much, he will lose it. Needless to say this truth.

Liu Ji has only worked hard so far and has no credit for it. Now he is going to exert his strength. He stroked his beard and said calmly: "I'm afraid I will have to rely on Mr. Guo's strategy this time!"

"Oh!" Han Yi frowned slightly, and said suspiciously: "How to say!"

"Divorce!" Liu Ji put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands!Wiping his mouth, he said with a stern expression: "King Yan has just ascended the throne and wants to subdue the army's morale, and Le Yi is the biggest obstacle. Now the war is raging. Once the war is over, Murong Ke's rise will make the original inseparable." Kai Leyi's situation has changed, as long as Le Yi's military misconduct is spread in Yandu! With King Yan's temperament, suspicion will inevitably arise! When the time comes, the king will be a corporal! Le Yi enters Korea! It must be a success!"

"This is a good plan!" Han Yi stroked his beard, and the matter of having breakfast solved Le Yi's problem, even though Han Yi had Wu Qi under his command!Han Xin!Yue Fei!A commander-in-chief like Sun Wu, but the Qin and Zhao countries work together!Han Yi must be prepared to crush the two countries!Comparing the North also requires someone to keep an eye on.

(End of this chapter)

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