Warring States Call

Chapter 1409 Trading

Chapter 1409 Trading
"King Yan is here!" Hearing a shout from outside the big tent, Han Yi picked up a rag beside him and wiped his lips, staring at Guo Jia and the others, he said, "Wait and go down first! I will discuss with King Yan alone." Issues!"

"No!" After the four of them finished speaking, they didn't hesitate anymore. They got up quickly, bowed to Han Yi, and then retreated. They also saw Yan Wang Yanxi who came in head-on. After saluting, the four of them retreated.

When Han Yi saw Yanxi arrived, he immediately laughed and said, "King Yan!"

Han Yi stood up lightly, the armor on his body made a clanging sound, Han Yi quickly came to Yanxi's side, and hurriedly pulled Yanxi to walk inside.

Yan Xi was overwhelmed by Han Yi's enthusiasm, she was taken aback for a moment, forced a smile and said, "King Han called Gu over today! But what's the matter!"

Han Yi stroked his beard, shook his head slightly, and said, "King Yan! I'm surprised by this, and I'm here today! It's just to negotiate a deal with King Yan! I just don't know if King Yan is happy or not!"

"Youdao is a state matter, not a family matter! King Han may as well just say it, King Han helped me ascend the throne. This friendship has been inherited alone. In the future, there will be a place for Gu, and Gu will definitely be obliged!" King Yan also said his own words. position!Once Han Yi said something too demanding!He will agree without hesitation.

Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at Yanxi, and said in his heart: If I am willing!The current state of Yan changed hands every minute!It's up to you.

Of course I wanted to think so, but Han Yi would never do that. Han Yi rubbed his wrist, stared at Yan Xi and said, "King Yan is joking! Gu wants someone from King Yan today!"

"An important person! Who!" At this point, Yan Xi couldn't help but become serious. A pair of black pupils stared at Han Yi, looking around Han Yi, only to see Dian Wei and E Lai, looking fierce Staring at herself, Yan Xi only felt a chill in her heart for a moment, but she still resisted the fear in her heart and maintained her composure.

"I won't hide it from you! I want Su Qin!" Han Yi said calmly, rubbing his wrist.

"Su Qin! What use does the King of Han want him for! This person is nothing more than a doctor in my court! He does nothing! He is useless," Yan Xi was stunned, and tried his best to make up for Su Qin. matter.

If his only advantage is that he has the ability to be both right and left, he survived safely under the pressure of Wang Mang and Le Yi, but as for other advantages, or abilities, Yan Xi still can't see it.

"Don't worry about these kings of Yan! Just ask the king of Yan! Will you give him this person? I know that your country of Yan is short of treasury at present! Military affairs are not very abundant! This time I am willing to give you a hundred Zhuge Liannu. King Yan's compensation! What do you think!" Han Yi stroked his beard with a smile in his eyes. He didn't believe that Yanxi could refuse Zhuge Liannu's temptation, and Zhuge Liannu was something that all countries have always been coveting.

All the crossbows in the world come from Han. This is not just for fun. Of course, Han Yi is not afraid that they will build the Zhuge Liannu. There is a self-destruct device in this thing to prevent other countries from building it. Open even if it's over.

Hearing the conditions offered by Han Yi, Yanxi couldn't help but be envious. If equipped with a hundred Zhuge Liannu, it would definitely be a weapon on the battlefield. After drinking a cup, he smiled slightly and said, "There is a saying here! King Han's eyes! Wan Jincai! Those who can enter King Han's eyes must be extremely talented. You, King Han, want to replace me with this point of Zhuge Liannu." A great talent! It's too stingy!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Han Yi became vigilant. This guy was either a little vigilant and thought that Su Qin was an individual who wanted to hire him, or he just wanted to blackmail him.

Han Yi frowned slightly, obviously this was a psychological warfare, and thought: What is the intention of this Yanxi, let's test it first

Thinking of this, Han Yi rubbed his wrist, then smiled and said: "King Yan! If you don't want to! If you are alone, you can't force others!"

If you can't get it, then you will wipe it out, and save some Zhuge Liannu?

Yanxi must be, the whole person is not calm anymore, such a good deal is gone like this, it is still heartbroken, Yanxi hurriedly slapped haha, stretched out three fingers and said: "Why don't you do this, King Han Give me three hundred Zhuge Liannu, this character, I will send it to you today alone! How about it!"

When Han Yi heard this, he said sternly on his cheeks, and involuntarily relaxed, there is hope!We can have a good talk, Han Yi tapped the wine bottle in his hand with his index finger tick-tock, smiled slightly, and pretended to be reluctant to say: "Oh! Forget it! Who told you that I am a brother-in-law? Gu will suffer a little today! King Yan, you now Call someone over! How about ordering someone to bring you the Zhuge Liannu now!"

When Yan Xi heard it, he couldn't help laughing and said, "That's it! Yan Hu, go and call Su Qin over!"

"No!" I saw a young man standing behind Yan Xi, with a respectful expression, but his eyes were very greedy. Han Yi took a sip of wine slowly, looked at Dian Wei behind him, waved his hand, and greeted him nodded.

Dian Wei understood immediately, and went down to do it immediately. Although he didn't know Han Yi's intention, he still did it.

In the big tent of Yan State, Yan Hu looked at Su Qin who was writing the bamboo slips, and smiled slightly: "Congratulations, Mr. Su! You have a good future! King Yan summoned you!"

"Oh!" Su Qin couldn't help being excited when he heard it, and suddenly got up, ignoring the pen and ink on his body, and said excitedly: "The king summoned me!"

"Yes!" Yan Hu nodded.

"Quick, quick! Let's go now!" Su Qin put the writing brush in his hand, picked up the bamboo slips in his hand, blew off the brush and ink on it, then wrapped it up and put it away, and said to Yan Hu: "Please!"

Yan looked at Su Qin in puzzlement and said, "This is...!"

"This is a strong national policy I wrote! Your Majesty can read it first!" Su Qin said with a smile.

"Oh...!" Yan Hu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head in disdain, stood with his hands behind his back, and walked away.

Su Qin looked at Yan Hu's expression, his face was a little puzzled, and he thought: "What does this guy mean...!"

As he walked, Su Qin realized that something was wrong. This was clearly going to Han Yi's big tent. After a while, Su Qin wondered: "My lord! Take me to see the king! Why did you come to Han Jun's big tent!"

"You'll know when you get to the place!" Yan Hu didn't want to tell Su Qinduo, so he left first, and when Su Qin entered the Han camp, he heard the soldiers talking all around: "It's him! The king used three hundred Zhuge companies Crossbow, just to buy him!"

(End of this chapter)

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