Warring States Call

Chapter 1410 Su Qin

Chapter 1410 Su Qin
Han Jun Big Tent
Han Yi was happily drinking with Yanxi. After a while, Yanhu brought Su Qin up, bowed to Yanxi and said, "King Yan! He's here!"

When Yan Xi heard this, she also put down the wine glass in her hand, looked at Su Qin behind and said, "Su Qin! Meet King Han soon!"

Han Yi looked up and down! Su Qin glanced at him, and saw that he was seven and a half feet long, with a hint of arrogance between his brows, and a pair of eyes that seemed to have endless magic power, making people feel that he was so sincere. He was wearing a white fox fur coat, His expression was stern and respectful, and he never lost his etiquette.

While Han Yi was looking at Su Qin, Su Qin was also looking at Han Yi. Han Yi was wearing a black heavy armor and a hair crown. With a mature and stable identity, Su Qin immediately bowed to Han Yi and said, "I have met King Han! King Yan!"

"Okay! Get up!" Han Yi waved his hand, and then thought: The system will check his data for me! "

"Ding, Su Qin: Force 71, Commander 100, Intelligence 100, Politics 80"

"That's right!" Han Yi put his hand against his nose, looking excited, but he was suppressed by himself, and stared at Su Qin calmly.

"King Han! I caught the man for you, where is the thing?" Yan Xi looked at Han Yi with a smile and said.

"Things are already outside! King Yan can take care of himself!" Seeing Yan Xi's impatient body, Han Yi smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation to Yan Xi.

Yan Xi didn't intend to stay any longer, she got up slowly and said, "Farewell!"

"Farewell!" Su Qin was about to leave after speaking, Dian Wei and E Lai immediately stopped Su Qin and said, "Sir, where are you going to go?"

"What! The King of Han intends to detain the Minister of Yan! If it gets out! Aren't you afraid of pressure from the allied forces of the princes?" Su Qin didn't intend to force him. How could he be a match for these two big men with his thin body.

Yan Xi, who was walking in front of Su Qin, looked back at Su Qin and said, "You are already King Han's man! Just stay here and show off your strengths!"

"Oh! Your Majesty! I don't understand... Your Majesty...!" At this moment, Su Qin looked like a girl from a good family who had been kidnapped and sold into her waist.

"Stop shouting! The King of Han bought you at the price of [-] Zhuge Liannu! Starting today! You are no longer from the Yan Kingdom!" Dian Wei glanced at Su Qin and said calmly.

"No! This is impossible...impossible!" Su Qin was too excited, and the bamboo slip in his hand was thrown to the ground. Han Yi immediately stepped forward, held it in his hand, opened it slowly, and looked at it carefully .

At this moment, Su Qin laughed loudly. Compared with the original elegance, now besides madness, he is still crazy. After a while, Su Qin said dismally: "I, Su Qin, have the ambition to serve the country!"It can't match the three hundred Zhuge Liannu! "

"Pfft!" Su Qin sat down on the seat, looking a little embarrassed, as if he had been sucked out of his soul.

"For Yan Guo! Whether they will gain or lose is unknown, but Gu feels that this time, Gu has attracted a great talent for me in South Korea! These three hundred Zhuge Liannu... are worth it!" Han Yi smiled and put away Su Qin's bamboo slips, stood behind his back, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Sir, please drink!"

"Give me an altar!" Su Qin now has a feeling of using wine to relieve his sorrows, staring at Han Yi with tiger eyes, but it is no longer the custom of the past, sitting on the seat with his buttocks, Elai and Dianwei are about to Said that Su Qin was rude, but Han Yi waved his hand, indicating that it was okay for the two of them.

Han Yi held the bamboo slips in his hand, stared at Su Qin indifferently, and said with emotion: "Sir! The ten items mentioned on the bamboo slips are all aimed at Gu!"

"Gulu... Gulu... Gulu!" Su Qin suddenly picked up the wine jar, and drank it in a gulp. He only felt a slight burning heat in his lower abdomen. Weak Korea! South Korea is not weak! Why Yan wants to be strong! Yan! Zhao! Qin and the three countries join hands! Only then can Han be prevented from dominating the world! The princes want to destroy Korea!

"The feudal lords who conquered Han will benefit! They must be moved! The Yan Kingdom will benefit greatly, and they can win Qilu! Domination of the world is just around the corner, but Yanxi is a man who is not worthy of a plan." Su Qin said this sadly, and drank again. Take a sip of wine.

"Sir, I have thought about Immortal Han, who will benefit!" Han Yi slowly sat down and stared at Su Qin with a pair of eyes. Fortunately, he dug Su Qin over first. Trouble is coming.

"Does this still need to be said? The king of the world puts himself first! Naturally, the King of Han benefits.

"Wrong! It's the people of the world who benefit!" Han Yi suddenly grabbed the wine in Su Qin's hand, and said with a stern expression: "The people of the world have been suffering from wars for a long time. If they don't fight today, they will fight tomorrow! They have had enough of this kind of life! Don’t think about it anymore! In the past, I went to Ghost Valley alone, but my husband hasn’t changed in these years!”

"Indeed! Zhuge Liang! Sun Bin! Wang Meng! Deng Yu! These people are all flexing their muscles under the command of the King of Han! Even Xu Shu, Xu Maogong, these two younger juniors have become the leading figures in Yan! Sima Yi! Zhang Yi! Shang Yang has become I have become the pillar of the Qin State! Even the dead Pang Fatty has achieved higher achievements than me! How can I have the face to see the master!" Su Qin was furious, and at this point, he could no longer care to answer Han Yi's words. , poured out all the bitterness in his heart, and said with a solemn expression: "I, Su Qin, have read a lot of books! I never thought that I would end up with less than three hundred Liannu! Sad! Sad!"

"You are under Gu's command! Fame and fortune! Opportunity! You can have it all!" Han Yi could only release the bait.

Su Qin tried his best to open his eyes, glanced at Han Yi, and then turned his head more and more: "Although King Han is the master! But it is not what I want! I want! With the power of a weak country! Victory over a strong country! Great achievements Weiye, under the command of King Han! There is no such motivation! I, Su Qin, are abolished!"

"Mister thinks that our country is fighting for the top in the world, whoever is strong and who is weak!" Han Yi said with a serious face.

"Of course the world is strong and the king is weak!" Su Qin answered without thinking, but at this moment Su Qin's mind was broken, he stood up suddenly, looked at Han Yi, his drunken head didn't know what he was thinking.

Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back and said: "Gu doesn't like to be difficult by others! If you are willing! You and I work together to overthrow this chaotic world. Today you are drunk! Tomorrow at this time, give Gu the answer!

Su Qin thought a lot that night, and finally he let go of his original intentions, and when he appeared, he was already standing behind Han Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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