Warring States Call

Chapter 1442 The Curtain

Chapter 1442 The Curtain
"No, absolutely not!" Genghis Khan immediately interrupted Boyan's words, his face was solemn, his hands were folded in front of his chest, and his face was solemn: "Absolutely not! These two people have injured several generals in our army. That little devil has a heart. Toughness, letting him go is tantamount to letting go of the devil in the grassland! If the white-armored general does not die here today, he will put great pressure on the soldiers going south! So such a person must die here! Kill here!"

"The biggest pressure right now is to persuade Wanyan Aguda. As long as he is persuaded, even if Shan Rong's troops are unwilling! They will have to attack!" Bo Yan said calmly.

"Hmm! Which one of you has the confidence to persuade Wanyan Aguda!" Temujin said solemnly.

Yes, Chucai and Boyan, look at me!Let me look at you, no one has spoken first, the world is often the most difficult to understand, they are not fully sure.

"The most difficult thing right now is not Yeke Abaoji, but Wanyan Aguda!" Yeke Chucai's face was a little dignified, and he said for a while: "At present, the mountains and dragons are leaderless! Shi Le under him has ambitions. If Yeke dies , Shi Le has the support of the leader, so he must be used by the leader, as for Wanyan Aguda, he and his younger brother have a very good relationship, it's not easy!"

"In that case! Boyan will go to persuade Shi Le first! The others will follow me to Wanyan Aguda's tribe! I will personally persuade him!" Genghis Khan pressed the sword in his arms and said solemnly.

"Your subordinates obey!" Yeqiu Chucai saluted Genghis Khan slowly, and then went to make preparations in person.

And the Allied Army in the city
Before the army!Han Chen rode a war horse and followed the enemy closely, keeping a distance all the time. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He was very puzzled about Han Yi's purpose, but he could only abide by the military orders.

"Your Highness! Look!" Mu Ying looked at the front, and suddenly raised her head, only to see smoke and dust billowing in front of her, but a small group of cavalry charged here, each of them was riding a white horse, and the battle armor on her body had turned into blood armor. The man who hit the arrow.

"Defense! Be vigilant!" Han Chen immediately made his correct judgment and said solemnly.

"Defense!" Jiang Wei shouted immediately after receiving the general order.

"Ha!" Thousands of people suddenly picked up the spears in their hands, shielded them in front of the formation, and waited for them one by one.

"Archers get ready!" Li Jing waved his hand suddenly, staring straight ahead with a pair of tiger eyes, once he judged that it was an enemy army, he immediately shot and killed them with random arrows.

"Drive...drive...!" The leading general held a big sword with a tiger's head in his hand, his expression was exhausted, blood was streaming from his forehead, and he was very excited when he looked at the army formation ahead, as if he had seen hope.

"Go and test!" Han Chen greeted Guo Ziyi, who was behind him.

"Promise!" Guo Ziyi rode a horse and led thirty light cavalry, and greeted immediately: "The enemy is not going to approach! Report your name! No. [-] won't, kill him on the spot!"

"Don't approach the enemy! Report your name! No. [-] won't do it, kill him on the spot!"

"Don't approach the enemy! Report your name! No. [-] won't do it, kill him on the spot!"

When Ji Zhang heard that it was an army from the Central Plains, he immediately shouted: "I am Baima Yicong Ji Zhang! The first captain under Zhao Yun's command! Stop shooting arrows!"

"I am Baima Yicong Jizhang! The first captain under Zhao Yun's command! Don't shoot the arrow!"

"I am Baima Yicong Jizhang! The first captain under Zhao Yun's command! Don't shoot the arrow!"

When the two armies met, they blew themselves up. When Han Chen heard this, he waved his hand immediately, signaling the soldiers under his command to relax their vigilance.

Ji Zhang urged his horse to come, looked at the enemy general and said, "Which country's general is that coming!"

"Han Wang's command!" Han Chen held the horse rope with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"May I ask which general it is!" Ji Zhang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was under King Han's command, and things would be easier to handle.

"It's the current crown prince who is presumptuous in front of you! Hurry up and kneel down!" Mu Ying scolded immediately.

"Ah... this!" Ji Zhang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't hesitate when he saw Han Chen's Xuanhu banner. He was about to kneel down, but Han Chen said, "You can get rid of the armor if you wear it. Talk about the previous situation!"

Immediately, Ji Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, urged his horse to come, looked at Han Chen and said, "The prince please send troops to help quickly, otherwise His Royal Highness will be in danger for his life!"

"How did you escape!" Li Jing was the first to ask, he wanted to analyze the situation with more information.

"General Zhao Yun attracted the main force of the enemy army for us, so we escaped!" Ji Zhang said solemnly.

"Then...!" Li Jing was about to ask more questions, but Han Chen interrupted Li Jing with a wave of his hand, looked at Yang Yichen behind him and said, "Go back and report to the king! Tell him to send reinforcements quickly! The others follow me. Combat!"

"Your Highness! There is a disparity in the strength of the enemy and us! It is useless to rush up now! It is better to wait for the army to arrive and send troops now!" Li Jing's authorities stepped forward to stop Han Chen's impulse.

"A man standing between the sky and the earth, how can he be intimidated!" Han Chen picked up his Great Flame Dragon Chant, stared at Ji Zhang beside him solemnly, and said, "You're okay!"

"The direction of His Royal Highness! The last general can still go back!" Ji Zhang raised the tiger-headed sword in his hand, and his whole person looked radiant.

When Han Chen saw it, he immediately said, "Choose a soldier to go with Yang Yichen and report the battle situation to the king! Be sure to be quick!"

"Obey!" After Ji Zhang finished speaking, he greeted the soldiers behind him and asked him to follow Yang Yichen. After finishing this, Ji Zhang immediately pulled up his horse and left, shouting: "The last general wishes to be the vanguard, drive!"

"Let's go!" Han Chen pulled up his horse and left without hesitation. The tens of thousands of soldiers behind him rushed forward without hesitation.

At this moment, a great battle has quietly drawn the curtain. This war will be the biggest fight, and at the same time, it has also identified the defeat of the grassland. However, Li Shimin did not participate in this war, but returned to Liaodong to strengthen the city walls, develop people's livelihood, and promote talents, because he knew that the next one would be the cold winter period when he fought against Yan. , no one will launch a large-scale war, but this day will always come.

Han Yi sent everyone to let the countries send troops!However, there were very few responses. Ji Fa refused directly because he was unwell. Yang Jian thought about it again and again and did not take any action. Xiang Yu readily agreed and asked to bring his own troops to the south. Because of Xu Shu's relationship with Yan, it was logical. The army sent troops, as for Qin!Zhao!Wu!Liu Bang, however, stood still and didn't know what he was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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