Chapter 1443

The news of Han Ming's entrapment came back, and Han Yi, who had just left the city with his entire army, changed his expression drastically. He immediately looked at the soldiers under his command and shouted: "Send troops quickly! Hurry up!"

"No!" The generals headed by Jia Fu didn't dare to hesitate to urge their horses up and kill them first.

"Tell Guo Jia quickly! Let him send people to invite all countries to send troops!" Han Yi looked at Jia Xu beside him, and after saying this, he personally led the army and galloped away.

At this moment, outside the big tent of the Qin State, two gentle middle-aged literati confronted each other. The one outside the door was wearing a long robe, with a wooden hairpin on his head, and was seven feet long. But it was Mao Sui, the current him, with a brilliant tongue, can be said to have lost his lips and tongue.

But in front of him was Zhang Yi from Qin State. Zhang Yi pinched her beard, and with a smile in her eyes, she looked at Mao Sui and said, "Let's talk about this matter first! As for the decision, I'll leave it to the king." I’m just doing my best! I still hope Mr. Mao Sui, don’t have too much hope!”

"That's it! Let me say goodbye..." Mao Suijian said for so long, but Zhang Yi still said the same thing, so there is no need to continue the stalemate, just do what you want, it is up to people to make things happen.

"No!" Zhang Yi sent Mao Sui a few steps with a smile on her face, and turned around, her smiling expression was much more serious now.

In King Qin's tent, Ying Zheng was looking at the map, comparing his fingers, not knowing what he was thinking, the ministers on both sides remained silent, and the generals were pressing the swords in their arms one by one, and some had blood on their faces. He hadn't dried himself off yet, and he was still breathing heavily under his nose, as if the previous battle was still unfinished.

"Pfft!" The heavy tent was opened, Zhang Yi stepped in quickly, and said to King Qin who was standing with his hands behind his back: "King Han wants our army to send troops! I have blocked him so far!"

"Yeah!" Ying Zheng nodded, didn't say much, rubbed his wrist, looked at the map and said helplessly: "Get the land in the middle of Sichuan! Build water canals! Get good fields and fertile land for my Daqin soldiers to keep food , The land of Yiqu raises war horses, which can be used by our Daqin iron cavalry to gallop the world! However, this battle! Our army has nothing but losses! But it has lost soldiers and generals! On the contrary, Yan is cheaper! Zhao! This deal! Everyone thinks! My Daqin is in the end Is it a win! Or a loss!"

"There are winners and losers in this battle! There are losers and losers!" Lu Buwei, who had not said anything, stood up, looked at the crowd, stroked his beard, and said calmly: "This battle! It can severely damage all tribes in the grassland. It can also be regarded as establishing the prestige of our Qin State, so that they dare not take Yiqu's idea again! And this loss is the loss of soldiers and generals! It is a waste of people and money!"

"Indeed! Master Lu Buwei hit the nail on the head!" Shang Yang nodded, expressing his agreement with Lu Buwei's statement, staring at Ying Zheng and saying: "But I think! There may be new gains this time!"

"Why!" Ying Zheng turned his head and stared at Shang Yang with a puzzled expression. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but with Shang Yang's shrewdness, Duan Ran would not do anything incompetent.

"This is a great opportunity for our country to separate Zhao! Han! Zhao and Han have been united for three years! This has made it impossible for me, Qin, to go east for 17 years. Now King Han is sending troops from all over the world. If King Zhao refuses to agree, plus Han Yi today If we also send troops from Qin State! Zhao Guo’s face will definitely not be upheld, and the relationship between Han and Zhao will inevitably be cracked! As long as we create conflicts between the two countries, the two countries will inevitably break up as time goes by!” Shang Yang put his hands on his sleeves Here, exhaling hot breath, he looked at Lu Buwei one by one!Zhang Yi!Finally, he returned to Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Your plan is a bit illusory! Let's not say that Zhao Guoguo will not send troops! Once Zhao Guo sends troops! This plan is invalid!" Gan Mao stood up behind him, and he had some doubts about Shang Yang's plan. This kind of thing is really not theirs. can control.

"Then Zhao Guo can't send troops! That Guo Kai next to King Zhao! That's where we start!" Shang Yang came up to Zhang Yi and said with a slight smile, "This matter still needs trouble. Junior brother Zhang Yi, relying on this three-inch tongue to go out!"

"Senior brother, you're exalted!" Zhang Yi smiled slightly, expressing indifference to Shang Yang's affirmation, the two had known each other for a long time, there was no need to put on airs.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Shang Yang looked at Ying Zheng with a smile. They were only responsible for making suggestions, and the real decision-making power was still in Ying Zheng's hands.

Ying Zhenghu stared at Shang Yang, then clapped his hands and said: "This matter is not harmful to our country, Qin, why not give it a try, even if it fails! The loss is only a few hundred gold cakes! But if If it succeeds, the shackles of Qin Guodong will be broken! Zhao Guo, leave it to Shang Yang and Zhang Yi!"

"The ministers will definitely do their best!" Zhang Yi and Shang Yang kowtowed to the ground with sincere expressions.

"This battle is quite interesting! Forget it! Once it's over, it's over!" Ying Zheng looked indifferent, and suddenly said: "The order will go on! Bai Qi will be the general! Zhang Tang! Zhang Xiu, Zi Pu, Zi Hu, dying! Zhongxing! Zhang Yi, Fu Jian, Fu Tong, Zhu Wu, Yan Yan, and Che Ying are generals under his command! Lead a hundred thousand troops! Remember not to go deep alone! It is important to preserve your strength!"

"Deling!" Bai Qi's pale face was a little more gloomy. He was a little excited when he received the general, but now besides distress, he is helpless. There is no such thing as child's play in war.

"Let's all go down and get ready! The things have been spilled! Somehow, Gu will see some effect!" Ying Zheng returned to the throne, rubbed his temples, and said with a tired expression.

"No!" Everyone retreated after receiving the general order.

Yingzheng looked at the map in front of him, and finally there was some embarrassment in his eyes. South Korea has almost blocked all the eastward routes from Qin State, and even going south to Chu State requires some effort!There are many small countries in the south, who is Han Yi's next target?
Zhao Country Camp
"Master Zhang! You and I are the masters! It's inconvenient to meet here, so let's leave each other!" Guo Kai stroked his beard and said calmly, his eyes full of indifference.

"Master Guo, please don't do this! Master Guo, please look!" Zhang Yi quickly waved to the soldiers behind him, and saw dozens of people behind him, carrying several heavy boxes. The box fell to the ground, and there was a sound from the whole ground: "Spray!"

It can be seen how loud the sound was, Zhang Yi stretched out her hand with a smile, opened the treasure chest and said, "Master Guo, please take a look!"

I saw thick gold cakes being moved into Guo Kai's eyes one by one. When Guo Kai saw it, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised up, and he reached out to pick one up!Slightly smiled and said: "Master Zhang! What is the meaning of this!"

(End of this chapter)

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