Warring States Call

Chapter 1444 His Majesty Hades

Chapter 1444 His Majesty Hades

"Actually, it's not a big deal! I just hope that King Zhao will not send troops!" Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"This matter is not easy to do!" After Guo Kai heard this, his whole face changed. Although he was a close official of King Zhao, but with Lin Xiangru around, King Zhao couldn't listen to his words at all. trouble.

After hearing this, Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Master Guo! You just need to stop the Korean envoy outside the gate and keep him away from it, isn't that all right?"

"This matter is easy to say, but if the king finds out! It will be a dead end!" Guo Kai heard that he was not in a good mood.

"Haha!" Zhang Yi stretched out her hands, closed the whole box, and then said: "If this gold cake is really so easy to handle! Why do you want Mr. Guo! If Mr. Guo is not willing! You can go find it again other people!"

"Hey! Don't don't! Just leave it to the others!" Guo Kai glanced at these gold cakes, and he was very excited, but he didn't send troops, and he wouldn't die.

Zhang Yi stroked his beard, smiled slightly, then looked forward, and said calmly: "Come here and send it to Mr. Guo! Let's go!"


"Thank you...thank you very much" Guo Kai laughed loudly, looking full of energy.

As Zhang Yi expected, Guo Kai led hundreds of people to guard outside the camp, and when he saw Mao Sui approaching, he suddenly shouted: "King Zhao is seriously ill, he must not see anyone" and blocked Mao Sui outside!He even added a stick to his body, and Mao left in a huff.

on the grassland

Wanyan Aguda was riding a war horse, followed by Wanyan Jindanzi, Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Yangunai, Wanyan Zongxiong, Wanyan Zonggan... and so on. Under the protection of Ren and Deng Yu, they came to Wanyan Aguda with a calm expression, not like his age.

Wanyan Agu looked Han Ming up and down, and saw that his eyes were like tigers, but they were icy cold and terrifying. Under the pressure of hundreds of thousands of troops, he looked ordinary and without any waves, which made Wanyan Agu look like a tiger. Some doubts, is the boy in front of him really a teenager?

"Young man! Let my brother go! I can give you a way out! You can take the two behind you and leave! One life, three lives for you! You are worth it!" Wanyan Aguda's horse snorted Snoring, the whole person looked condescending.

Han Ming was silent, just watching Wanyan Aguda silently for a second!Two seconds...three seconds!Behind Wanyan Aguda, Wanyan Jintanzi and the others couldn't help thinking about the scimitar in their arms.

"What! Don't you want to? Or do you want to die!" Wanyan Aguda stared at Han Ming with a pair of tiger eyes, his calmness made Wanyan Aguda fall into peace.

Han Ming suddenly raised his hand, while Wanyan Jintanzi and the others, who were tense, pulled out the scimitar from their arms. The sound of the sword made the atmosphere on both sides tense to the extreme.

Han Ming scratched his hair, stared at Wanyan Aguda calmly, and said calmly, "You can't take him away! You can't keep him either!"

After Han Ming said this sentence, he turned his horse's head around, leaving a deep shadow on Wanyan Aguda's back. Han Ming's meaning was very clear, you can't take Wanyan Cheng away!You can't keep them.

"The leader asked me to kill him!" Wanyan Jintan's veins bulged out of anger.

Wanyan Aguda immediately held down the impulsive Wanyan golden marble, calming his emotions and saying: "He is very strong! He can kill the bald tree with one blow. If you are not prepared to kill with one blow, don't be impulsive!"

"Bastard...!" Wanyan Jintanzi was furious, but he had no choice but to sigh secretly.

Wanyan Agu rubbed his wrist, turned his horse's head, glanced at Wanyan Sheng's direction, and said silently in his heart: Brother...I'm sorry!
At this moment, Yeke Abaoji also woke up, looking at Shuyu Ping, Yeke Zhigu and others beside him, after understanding the past, the arrogant and domineering Yeke Abaoji fell silent at this moment.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ! Destroy them!"


Han Ming picked up the Qingming Qingtian Halberd in his hand, stared at the front with a tiger's eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Go home alive!"

"Go home alive!"

"Go home alive!"

"Go home alive!

Any encouragement is not as true as this sentence. At this moment, everyone is surrounded by Han Ming, surrounding Han Ming together.

"Shoot up! Let the arrow go!" Wang Baobao said calmly while pressing the sword in his arms.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The arrow rain all over the sky charged forward, Deng Yu watched it, and suddenly shouted: "Stop! Put your head up to defend!"

"Bump bump" the rain of arrows all over the sky was blocked, and Yeke Abaoji was tightly trapped. Hearing the sound of cold arrows from his head, Yeke Abaoji shouted: "Is Shi Le crazy? it's here!"

"Papa papa!" However, the only response to Yejia Abaoji was the sound of falling arrows.

"Shoot directly!" Wang Baobao ordered again when he saw that the enemy was blocking him, and the cold arrow just now didn't yield much.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Front block! Hurry up!" Deng Yu gave the order without any time to think.

"Shoot up! Shoot straight!" Wang Baobao didn't hesitate too much, only hearing the cold arrows from all directions shooting straight at the enemy.

"Defend! Quick!" Han Ming suddenly raised the shield in his hand, but the cold arrows around him were too dense, and more than 300 people were hit by arrows in a row.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," in under the influence of gravity, Han Ming fell to the ground, and a big hole was exposed in the original defense," Han Ming said."

When Deng Yu saw him, his complexion changed drastically. He immediately came to Han Ming, faced Han Ming, pressed him under his body, and shouted: "Don't move!"

"Crack...crack...crackcrack!" A series of four arrows hit Deng Yu's back, scales and blood continued to emerge from his back, Deng Yu was about to bite him, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Quick...quick! Defend! Hurry up!" Han Ming showed a panic on his plain face, Han Ming looked at Deng Yu and said, "It's okay...it's okay...you won't die...you won't die !"

“Hoo hoo… hoo hoo… hoo hoo…!”

In spring, a spring snow falls slowly, making the tender grass that has just sprouted start to shiver.

This situation reminded Han Ming of that snowy night, the snowy night when Xuejiao left.

"Ah... ah!" Deng Yu's teeth were about to crack, and blood flowed from his back, staining his back red.

"It's going to be okay! Hold on! I'll take you out! Kill out!"

"Your Majesty Hades... Go back alive! The last general... is not afraid of death!" Deng Yu fell into a coma after finishing the last sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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