Chapter 1445
"Deng Yu...Deng Yu...alive...alive!" Han Ming's eyes turned red, and the blood in his eyeballs spread all over Han Ming's eyes.

"This ridiculous life! It's time to end! Drive!" Han Ming suddenly grabbed the Qingming Qingtian Halberd in his hand, rode on the horse under his crotch, and suddenly urged the horse to come out. The shield in his hand firmly protected his vitals, The silver halberd with a sharp cold light in his hand exuded a terrifying cold light at this moment.

"Fourth Highness..." Zhao Yun looked from behind, his face changed drastically, and immediately urged his horse to mount up, shouting: "Quick... Hurry up and protect Fourth Highness! Quick!"

Wang Baobao stroked his beard with a smile, and said calmly, "Arrows shoot...!"

"Wait!" I saw Li Yuanhao riding a war horse, staring at Wang Baobao solemnly, first gave a chest hug to Genghis Khan, looked at Wang Baobao and said: "My leader will send a few generals to go get him, In exchange for Wanyan Sheng, please give us some time from Genghis Khan!"

"Did you capture it? This is a breast tiger!" Wang Baobao stared at Li Yuanhao with a worried expression, but the doubt in his eyes did not diminish. He knew Han Ming's combat power somewhat, but now he is not as good as Wan Jian All together, shoot it to death, once and for all.

"Are you questioning the strength of our army?" Li Yuanhao became energetic when he heard this, and stared at Wang Baobao with unquestionable eyes, as if he was about to crush him to death.

Wang Baobao stroked his beard, looked at Temujin behind him, Temujin nodded calmly, he hoped that Han Ming would kill more generals of the enemy army, so as to disintegrate the forces on the grassland.

Seeing this, Wang Baobao looked at Li Yuanhao and said, "I'll give you a period of time in Wolf Valley! If you don't come back by then, don't blame us!"

"Thank you!" Li Yuanhao immediately urged the horses, and shouted: "Attack!"

"I'll come first!" Wanyan Jindanzi urged his horse up, wearing an iron helmet and yellow camel leather armor.He has a fierce appearance, shaking his head from side to side like a black lion; he is majestic in stature, with a hulking back and waist, like a ferocious lion wagging his tail.In his hand, he was holding two black and purple hammers!The double hammers danced, looking at this appearance, he looked like Li Yuanba, the only difference was that he was riding a war horse.

"Anta! Kill!" He only heard a greeting, and he was also a warrior, who charged forward first. After seeing Wanyan Jinbanzi behind him, he thought: I don't know how deep this kid is yet, let him go first!It's not too late for me to meet this boy.

Thinking of this, Wanyan Jindanzi immediately patted the chest of the horse under his crotch. The horse, which was impatient before, slowed down at this moment, and instead let Fu Jian, who came up later, catch up, but Fu Jian was not so cautious. , urging the horse up, the weapon in his hand gave off a horrifying cold light.

Lian'er Xinshan, Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Yegunai, Hu Shahu, etc. followed closely behind, flocking to him.

"Death!" Han Ming's voice was like a hungry ghost crawling out of hell. The aura on his body was condensed at this moment, and the weapon in his hand turned into a blood-red sharp blade at this moment. When the spear came into contact with Han Mingdao's silver halberd, it instantly shattered into pieces. When it moved, a mouthful of old blood spit out from his chest, which directly penetrated his chest.

But Han Ming didn't hesitate, he retracted his weapon in an instant, his body was full of lightning, and the next second he stared at Hu Shahu in front of him, his expression became colder, and he swung his halberd suddenly. At this moment, Hu Shahu looked at Hu Shahu in disbelief. Xiang Han Ming, his head was like a falling ball, spinning around, and finally saw his headless corpse, which was ruthlessly knocked away by Han Ming, and he was unable to open his eyes, and the whole person fell into the boundless darkness.

"Ah! This...!" The soldiers around looked at each other, Wanyan Jinzhuan, secretly glad that he was not impulsive just now, but now he claims to be the number one under Wanyan Aguda's command, if he doesn't go now... I'm afraid it will be embarrassing. Grandma went to the house, at this moment Wanyan Jinzhu gritted his teeth, and suddenly urged the horse up, the blood in his expression was condensed at this moment, his expression was solemn, and he shouted: "Drive!"

"Ding, the Wanyan Golden Bullet's Bravery attribute activates, and the force value is increased by 5. If the opponent is from the Central Plains, the force value is doubled. The current Wanyan Golden Bullet's basic force value is 102, and the Black Purple Golden Hammer's force value is increased by 1. Clouds and smoke become rain. The force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 114!"

"Ding, the Wanyan Gold Marble is affected by the attribute of King Han Mingming, the force value is reduced by 8 points, and the current force value is 106!"

"Suppression!" Han Ming was expressionless, and the green color that appeared in the entire sky at this moment was condensed at this moment, as if he was about to become a Martial God of Shura.

"This... this...!" Wanyan's golden marble was a little out of breath under the enormous pressure!Are you a human?
"Don't be presumptuous, the enemy general! Eat another [-] iron plates!" Only a loud shout was heard!A Taoist with braids on his head suddenly swung twelve iron plates, as fast as lightning, and the black iron plates laughed like twenty centimeters long letters, emitting bursts of strange fragrance.

"Iron plate! Let me help you again!" Hearing a greeting, another warrior came out from behind, and threw a flying stick in his hand. With this blow, under the joint efforts of the two, each thrown There is an ethereal energy condensed on the weapons.

"Ding, Feiba and Shang Feiba's attribute activation force value increases by 10, Feiba's sacrifice reduces the enemy's force value by 3 points, and it cannot be immune! The base force value is 100, the crotch lion's roar increases the force value by 1, and Feiba's force value increases by 1 , the current force value is 112!"

"Ding, the iron attribute of the iron plate Taoist is activated, the force value is increased by 12, the base force value is 100, the force value of Agrimony under the crotch is increased by 1, the force value of the iron plate is increased by 1, and the current force value is 114!"

"Ding, Feiba's iron plate attribute is activated, Feiba monk! Two Taoist Iron Masters are present, and their force value instantly increases by 8. Currently, Monk Feiba's force value is 120, and Taoist Iron Plate's force value is increased by 122!"

"Looking for death!" The anger in Han Ming's eyes was getting bigger and bigger, and the shield in his hand suddenly flew out, sweeping straight at Monk Feiba.

"Kang Dang!" The two weapons collided together, sending out countless sparks, and finally fell to the ground together. When Monk Feiba saw him, he couldn't help being shocked and distressed. Needs to be rebuilt.

Seeing that Monk Feiba's Feiba was gone, the iron priest couldn't help laughing and said, "This son will surely die today, no one can live under the iron plate of a poor Taoist!"

"Ding, Han Pluto attributes are immune to enemy negative attributes!"

Han Ming turned his eyes sideways, and suddenly took the Qingming Qingtian Halberd, and suddenly fought towards the four weapons. For a moment, the flames shot up into the sky, and Han Ming suddenly shouted: "Go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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