Warring States Call

Chapter 1447 Rescue

Chapter 1447 Rescue
My baby's huge body, like a collapsed high-rise, collapsed at this moment, splashing countless dust and blood, Han Ming slowly stood up, blood was flowing from his messy hair, now it is snowing, and his hair will gradually fade away. The filaments coagulate together to form a blood scab.

Han Ming was exhausted, supporting his knees with his hands, blood was still flowing from the blood sword in his left hand, the broken shoulder guard on his left shoulder was covered with blood, and the blood on his chest also stained Han Mingdao's lapel red. When the wind blew, it made Han Ming wake up a lot.

"He can't do it anymore! Let's go together, and we will share the credit equally!" Nian Deli looked a little embarrassed, and with the previous lessons learned, everyone had to be smaller.

The corner of Han Ming's mouth raised slightly, and he stared at the remaining five people indifferently. He was already at the end of his strength, and he fought again and again!He couldn't stand it anymore.

The light snow from the sky slowly fell, dripping dew on Han Ming's cheeks. Speaking of which, Han Ming's life was worthwhile. First, he killed the bald tree function, became famous when he was young, and then broke Yebu!After defeating Yan, capture two nobles!Then kill Shihu again!Kill the general in front of the army, and kill the enemy Hu Shahu in a row!Fu Jian!Fu Sheng!Iron Man!Monk Feiba!My baby!It can be said that the military exploits are illustrious, and this life is worth it......

"Surrender!" The silver hammer in Nian Deli's hand slammed down, and it was getting bigger and bigger in Han Mingdao's eyes!It was so big that Han Ming wanted to raise the sword in his hand to resist, but his left shoulder had been chopped off by my baby, so he could only let Nian Deli fall in front of Han Ming.

"Pull hard!" Only a sharp voice was heard, Xian Ying got a whip from somewhere, hooked Han Ming's waist, and together with Xie Yundao, they pulled him over.

"Boom!" Nian Deli fell with a hammer, but it fell to the ground, and the dust flew up for a while, and Nian Deli was a little stunned for a while, staring at the fleeing Han Ming, looking at the two beautiful and flowery The woman, looking at Han Ming, who was flamboyant before but now weak and powerless, couldn't help but rejoice and said: "Brothers! Take it together!"

"Die!" The mountain lion camel shouted suddenly, and the gold-plated boring in his hand suddenly stabbed away.

"No!" Xian Ying suddenly lay on Han Ming's body, with her back to the mountain lion camel, trying to block the blow, but the timid Xie Yundao directly covered her eyes, not daring to look at the bloody scene in front of her.

Under the soft fragrance, Han Ming couldn't help thinking of the life in the palace. That year Xuejiao took Han Ming to play, because she offended Yang Yuhuan, and in a rage, Yang Yuhuan immediately ordered the mother and son to be beaten and scolded. To prevent Han Ming from getting hurt is to protect Han Ming so firmly.

"Hoo... huh... huh...!" Resentment!Excitement appeared in Han Ming's eyes.

"Go!" Han Ming suddenly changed hands and took the sword, and pushed Xian Ying away. The mountain lion camel was handed over to Han Mingdao's weapon, making a tearing sound, and finally the gold-plated boring was two centimeters from Han Ming's lower abdomen, but It was blocked by Han Ming abruptly.

The veins on Han Ming's head bulged, and the long sword in his hand screamed. Han Ming, who was depressed in his chest, licked his throat, and spit out a mouthful of warm blood.

"Boy, your life is tough!" The mountain lion camel saw that his weapon could not be dropped, and looked at Han Ming who was desperately resisting, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"Die!" Wanyan Jintanzi, who was chasing up from behind, secretly called for a great opportunity, and suddenly swung his hammer at him.

Han Ming came to Wanyan Jindanzi after watching the chase, and suddenly showed a murderous intent. Jindanzi took a look at this and paused involuntarily, with hesitation in his eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and stabbed.

"Ding! Xue Rengui's magic shot attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 5. Special reminder, if he is equipped with a sky-shaking bow and a cloud-piercing arrow, the second attribute can be activated. Currently, Xue Rengui's basic force value is 105, his force value is increased by 5, and his current force value is 110! It’s the Shocking Bow, plus 1 force value, and the current force value is 111!"

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu' who had not taken Wanyan Jindanzi to establish this immortal achievement, three arrows sounded in the ear, Wanyan Jindanzi was taken aback, and immediately took a step back, and the three arrows that missed were shot immediately On the prairie soldiers behind.

This blow was as funny as Wanyan Jindanzi being frightened away by Han Ming, Wanyan Jindanzi couldn't help but angrily said: "Who! Who is it! Stand up for me! Who!"

"Drive!" Hearing a loud voice, they saw a young man in white armor holding a long halberd and riding a white horse appearing in front of everyone. This attire made the mountain lion camel start to question, and immediately Looking at Zhao Yun, he found that Zhao Yun was still far away, and the mountain lion camel looked hesitantly and said, "Where did this enemy general come from again!"

"Whoosh!" It was the cold arrow in Xue Rengui's hand that responded to the mountain lion camel. He only heard the sound of the arrow, and the morale condensed by this arrow was heavier than before.

"Ding! The second attribute of Xue Rengui's divine shooting! Cloud piercing arrow! Add 3 to the force value, add 3 to the current force value, and the force value is 114!"

"Boom!" Leng Jian turned into a fiery red figure!He went straight to the mountain lion camel that was close to Han Ming.

"Go away!" The mountain lion camel used its tricks to fight back, knocking Xue Rengui's cold arrow over, and said with a cold face: "Who is firing the cold arrow!"

"Don't be mad, the enemy general! Wei Wentong is here!" Hearing a shout, Wei Wentong, who was wearing red armor, urged his horse up, charging forward bravely, and there was also Han Chen's attack. The Huzhe Army and the Xuanhu Army, this soldier and horse rushed up, like two fierce tigers descending the mountain, with a huge momentum.

The panicked grassland soldiers shouted: "It's not good! The enemy's reinforcements have arrived...!"

Before he finished speaking, a cold arrow came and shot him down. This blow made the low-level soldiers even more flustered.

The defeated situation gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Temujin looked at the number of enemy troops, and he couldn't see the end in sight. But Genghis Khan was really unwilling to leave like this, and immediately shouted: "Zhang Hongfan!"

"Subordinates are here!" Zhang Hongfan urged his horse up, with a dignified expression.

"You lead a thousand law enforcement soldiers! Anyone who dares to retreat! Kill without mercy!" Temujin said solemnly with an angry expression on his face.

"Design" Zhang Hongfan saw the tail of the wolf handed over by Genghis Khan, and immediately shouted: "Rush over! Rectify the soldiers!"

"Khubilai! Bring someone to stop the enemy army for me! If you delay, you must also hold me back!" The anger in Temujin's eyes was getting bigger and bigger, and he gradually broke out in a cold sweat as he pressed the scimitar in his arms. Even himself I don't even know what to do next.

Han Chen rode a horse, stared at the chaotic battle situation in front of him, and said solemnly, "Li Jing!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead someone to pester them! The Xuanhu army will follow me to rescue the fourth brother!" Han Chen shouted suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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