Warring States Call

Chapter 1449 Comatose

Chapter 1449 Comatose
"decisive battle!"

"decisive battle!"

"decisive battle!"

There were roars one after another, and the soldiers under Genghis Khan's command showed a grand killing intent at this moment.

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at the coalition forces coming from a distance. Zhao Yun immediately shouted: "Reinforcements are coming! Everyone follow me closely! Drive!"

"Hurry up! Go!" Under the siege of Genghis Khan, the soldiers who were originally dead silent, apart from the will to support them, some encouraged them over and over again, encouraging them to still have hope of survival, but now the hope is In front of them, how could they give up? At this moment, the morale of the tens of thousands of remnants burst out at this moment, like a lion that started a prairie fire.

"Rush out!" Han Chen glanced at Han Ming who couldn't move, pulled him up suddenly, put him on the horseback, looked at Bai Wenbao beside him and said, "Come on, brother Xue!"

"Decree!" Bai Wenbao didn't say much, and urged his horse up, the hard hammer in his hand exuded a terrifying chill.

As soon as Zhao Yun rode Juechen, the gentian silver gun in his hand flew up and down, like a tiger general killed from the darkness, he heard a sound of blood armor, he didn't know whether it was his own or someone else's, holding guns in both hands, the generals on the left and right were not Zhao Yun The opponent, together with Jia Fu, who came to meet him in front, worked together to break the weak enemy army and forcibly kill a bloody path.

"Bastard!" Tuo Lei looked solemn, looked at Han Ming who was running away, suddenly bent his bow and set his arrows, and said with a hint of annoyance: "Zhong!"

"Whoosh!" The long arrow pierced the wind, and there were too many cold arrows around. No one noticed the sudden arrow. Han Chen was only focused on running forward, but he didn't pay attention to the cold arrows from behind.

"Touch!" The arrow just hit Han Mingdao's back. Han Ming's drowsy expression became sober at this moment. I just feel more and more tired, so tired that I can't even open my eyelids, and my chest is heavy. In three breaths, Han Ming spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the whole person is unconscious. The soldiers around him simply surrounded him. Han Ming was not hacked to death by random knives.

Tuo Lei retracted his bow and looked at the fainted Han Ming, with the corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes were a little smug. Looking at Han Ming from his angle, this guy was already dead, and Tuo Lei felt relieved that he could go back to deal with Genghis Khan.

Mu Huali was riding a war horse, looking at more and more enemy troops in the Central Plains, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, if this war is won, it must be a hard battle, and now this war continues, in addition to showing the courage of the grassland In addition, it is also to prevent these Central Plains people from thinking of going north.

Just as the saying goes that persimmons are soft, Mu Huali is also not kind, looking at Boyan behind him, he immediately said: "There are too many enemy troops, but there are fewer soldiers with Sui flags in the east! You can grasp this battle! Injure the enemy heavily!"

Boyan's white fox fur looked warm under the cold wind. Boyan said calmly, "Give me three generals! I can severely damage the enemy!"

"You choose yourself!" Mu Huali said calmly, glancing at the general behind him.

Uncle rode his horse, paused for a while and said: "Wo Kuo Tai, Su Bu Tai, He Lian Bo Bo!"

"Okay! I'll leave it to you!" Mu Huali didn't say much, and looked at the soldiers behind him on his horse, and immediately shouted: "Get ready! Go back!"

Naturally, Nurhachi also noticed that there were more and more enemy troops, but his eyes were focused on the Yan State. They are old opponents, so naturally they have nothing to say. If they can weaken the strength of the Yan State in this battle, it is also his responsibility. Victory, at least going south in the future will not be so troublesome.

"Quick! Your Highness has been hit by an arrow! Get out of the way! Quick!" Zhao Yun said hoarsely, the spear in his hand still wanted to drip blood.

The soldiers on the left and right heard Zhao Yun's greeting, and immediately dispersed to the left and right to make way for Zhao Yun. Han Yi looked from afar, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Woo... puff!" Zhao Yun rode the horse too fast, and an arrow hit the horse's leg, knocking Zhao Yun to the ground. Zhao Yun turned over three times before stopping. Holding his chest, he coughed suddenly, and his whole body was pierced with tingling pain.

When Han Yi saw it, his face was shocked, and he got off his horse immediately, and suddenly helped Zhao Yun up and said, "Quick! Find a doctor! Hurry up!"

"Your Majesty... Your Highness... was shot by an arrow! Save him quickly!" Zhao Yun pointed to Han Ming who was coming on horseback, with a tired look on his face.

"Because of this son! I almost lost an orphan and lost a general! Don't worry about him! Zilong go to heal quickly! Hurry up! Please Bian Que!" Although Han Yi was concerned about Han Ming in his heart, at this opportunity to win people's hearts, he also How can you miss it? Although hypocrisy is a bit hypocritical, this move is still very lethal to a loyal person like Zhao Yun.

Sure enough, Zhao Yun was moved now when he saw Han Yi's eyes, and he was even more sincere towards Han Yi, but Han Yi hurriedly helped Zhao Yun up and sent him to the soldiers behind him. Only then did Zhao Yun retreat from the battlefield.

And Han Yi has come to the front of the formation at this moment, looking at the cavalry that came from a distance, Han Chen is covered in blood, looking at Han Yi and said: "The fourth brother is seriously injured and unconscious! Please call the doctor!"

Han Yi looked at the unconscious Han Ming, and Han Yi was furious, but reason told him that he should keep calm now, but his palms were rattling, Han Yi suddenly waved his sleeves, and said coldly: "Send Ming'er to heal quickly!"

"No!" Liang Lin's scalp was numb, he didn't say much, he glanced at the remnant soldiers behind him, and then retreated.

The anger in Han Yi's heart seemed to be unable to be suppressed anymore. Han Yi suddenly pressed the sword in his arms, and immediately shouted: "Tell Han Xin! Wu Qi! The whole army launched a general attack! Let them pay me! I want to make them bloody!" Flow like a river!"

"Don't be angry, my lord! Now is not the time to act impulsively! If our army rushes too far ahead, we will definitely suffer heavy losses with the enemy. After all, this is our elite! Snipe and clam fight! The fisherman wins!" Li Jing who just came back later , Hearing that Han Yi was going to launch a general attack, the whole person was dignified.

Han Yi glanced at Li Jing and scolded angrily, "What are you! How dare you point fingers!"

"If you go down again, you won't be able to do it! The prince's mansion will be Li Jing! If you go down to death, please be careful, King Han!" Li Jing immediately took off his helmet, placed it in front of him, and kowtowed to Han Yi.

When Han Yi heard Li Jing's name, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his neck, and then he felt impulsive, and immediately said: "The whole army is handed over to Wu Qi! The generals are waiting for Wu Qi to dispatch!"

(End of this chapter)

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