Chapter 1450

Mu Huali stroked his beard, stared at the white Qin Jun with tiger eyes, licked his lips involuntarily, looked at Shi Le aside and said: "Now the whole mountain has no master! You must be the next mountain Chief Rong! But if the leader of my family disagrees, your position on this grassland will be difficult!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Le frowned slightly and said, "What do you want!"

"Simple! You Shanrong still has 15 troops, and the Qin State in the Central Plains only has 10 troops. You and Tuoba Tao join forces and go to kill Bai Qi together! What do you think!"

"Are you kidding me? If we wipe out Qin's troops, our army will almost die! I can at most resist the enemy!" Shi Le naturally understood what Mu Huali meant, he couldn't make fun of his soldiers' lives.

Mu Huali smiled slightly, rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "Let's do it! If Tuoba Tao doesn't retreat! You can't retreat! If you really want to retreat! How about you retreat with Tuoba Tao!"

"Yes!" Shi Le snorted coldly, turned over and rode on the horse, stared at the front with a serious expression, took a deep breath, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Is this sure? This guy won't run away!" Wang Baobao said while riding a horse, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"I'm just using soldiers from Shanrong! Tuoba Tao hates Qin State to the bone! Waiting for this opportunity now is not a day or two, such a good opportunity! Do you think they will give up!" Mu Huali Jie With the wine bag in his arms, he took a sip of strong wine, and his whole body was warm, as if he was overlooking the entire battle situation.

"Then let's move on...!" Wang Baobao said solemnly.

"Let's go next! Concentrate our strength! Destroy Xiang Guo first! Can you withstand the attack of the Han army?" Mu Huali looked at Wang Baobao with some doubts.

"You can try your best!" Wang Baobao rubbed his wrist, looked at the [-] cavalry behind him, looked at Mu Huali calmly and said, "I'll give you an hour! When these [-] children die time! I have nothing to do!"

"I'll leave it to you!" With a deep smile, Mu Huali suddenly pulled up the rope and shouted, "Come with me!"

Wanyan Aguda was naturally not to be outdone, and in the end he locked his eyes on Sun Quan.

A big battle was about to break out. Wu Qi pressed the sword in his arms, his expression became colder and said: "Three thousand shields! Three thousand long spears...!"

Wu Qi began to quickly arrange the formations. At this moment, Wu Qi rolled out nine large square formations in a row. Each large formation echoed each other and was connected with each other. Wang Baobao looked at such a precise tactics, Wang Baobao didn't think about how to break the formation, and kept staring at Wu Qi with sharp eyes. After a while, Wang Baobao said calmly: "Keep the formation! Let me rush in! Anyone who dares to take a step back will be killed!"

"Charge... woo woo woo... woo woo..." When the sound of killing came out.

None of the soldiers in the Nine Palaces Formation moved, but they tightened their weapons even more.


As the weapons were exchanged, the shouts of killing shook the sky, Wu Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, his tiger eyes looked in Wang Baobao's direction, and his brows were secretly locked: Is this a life for a life?Let's see who spends who!

Wu Qi looked at Qin Qiong behind him!Yuchi Gong said: "Continue to use the Jiugong Formation! A wave of perdition continues to push forward! Who dares to retreat! Shoot and kill!"

"No!" Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong didn't dare to hesitate, they got the general order and went down to carry out the order, both of them were planning to consume the enemy.

Boyan stared at Yang Jian's army and horses, and saw that there were many battle flags, and the soldiers under his command were all wearing heavy armor, and their expressions were decisive. At first glance, they looked like soldiers who had experienced many battles. Sure enough, no matter how small a mosquito was, it was still meat. At this moment, Boyan But I really dare not take it lightly.

Yang Jian usually doesn't show off the mountains and dews, but Yang Jian's emphasis on war should not be underestimated. In the chaotic era of the Warring States Period, if you want to survive, you must compare your strength and look at your military strength.

The generals under Yang Jian's command lined up in order, namely Yan Xing, Hu Luguang, Ma Shumou, Gou Xi, Wang Fuchen, Wang Jizhen, Ju Yi, Zhang Xutuo, Xiao Mahe, Yang Gun, Xun Linfu, Mengruhu, Guan Hai , Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, and Qiu Rui, all of which almost condensed the power of the entire Sui Kingdom.

Boyan frowned slightly, but looked at Yang Jian, but he was not in a hurry to make a move. Often only one move is enough for masters.

"Gou Xi led the soldiers and horses to rush over to me! Deng Qiang! Zhang Hao is a partial general! This station is going to make a name for yourself! Don't let the enemy underestimate us!" Yang Jian said with a serious expression.

"Promise!" The three of them got the order, and Gou Xi's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, riding a horse and suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms and shouted immediately: "The whole army charges!"

"Kill kill kill...!"

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment, estimating his beard, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and immediately said: "Helian Bobo!"

"The last general is here!" There was only a thunderclap, and He Lianbo held his mace in his hand, and when he took a quick look, he was riding a black horse, staring fiercely at him. to the enemy ahead.

Boyan looked at it, with a look of admiration in his eyes, and then said: "[-] soldiers and horses for you! Assault the enemy's flank, if the enemy army rushes to intercept you! You just pester them! If they don't, Then you keep going!"

"Understood!" He Lianbo let out a low growl, picked up his mace, and immediately shouted: "All come with me!"

"Drive!" The [-] army marched straight towards the enemy without the slightest hesitation or hesitation.

Gou Xi rode on a war horse, watching the enemy rushing towards him, squinting his eyes, looking at Yang Jian's unhurried expression, and immediately said: "Don't worry about them! Keep going forward!"

Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao looked at each other, took a deep breath, stared at the front indifferently, and immediately shouted: "Charge!"

Deng Qiang is a man of eight feet, wearing black iron armor, plus his black weapons!Black scarf!black face!The white cloak on the back is obviously out of place, but the war horse under the crotch is a divine horse, as fast as the wind, carrying Deng Qiang, a living black whirlwind.

Compared with Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao is much better. Zhang Hao has a face with Chinese characters, holds a spear in his hand, wears a black iron armor, and has no beard on his fair face. Compared with Deng Qiang, a black evil star Looking up, Zhang Hao looked much cuter. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, their aura only increased but not diminished.

Bo Yan's expression darkened, and he looked at Wo Kuotai behind him and said, "Third Highness! You lead [-] elites, take a detour, and ambush the enemy's right side. Once the time is right, Third Highness can charge up by himself!"

"Understood!" Wo Kuotai said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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