Warring States Call

Chapter 1451 Tuoba Tao's Anger

Chapter 1451 Tuoba Tao's Anger

Yang Jian looked at Boyan, who was standing still, wondering what he was thinking. The two armies were fighting, but Boyan was not in a hurry to send a general to resist Gou Xi's attack. Instead, he looked at a young general behind him, and said with expectation: "Here You have [-] cavalry, and you are sure to stop the enemy army that is killing you!"

The partial general standing behind seemed flattered, and immediately patted himself on the chest angrily and said, "Don't worry, general! Even if the last general is smashed to pieces, he will stop the enemy!"

"Very good!" Boyan admired, and then promised: "If you can stop the enemy army, I will recommend you in front of the leader!"

"Thank you, General!" The soldier burst out with an imposing aura, looked at the soldiers behind him, and shouted: "Men on the grassland, don't be afraid of death! Let these Central Plains people see that our scimitar is not sharp! Kill!"


Yang Jian looked at Helian Bobo who was coming towards him, his brows were furrowed, his tiger eyes stared at Helian Bobo who was rushing towards him, he looked around, and suddenly said: "Yan Xing, Hu Luguang, Ma Shumou , Wang Fuchen, Wang Jizhen, five of you, stop this enemy general for me! Hurry up!"

"No!" Everyone got the order, and immediately urged the horse to go, with a glimmer of elite light in their eyes.

Boyan smiled coldly, staring at the Third Highness Wo Kuotai, nodded slightly with affirmation in his eyes, Wo Kuotai frowned slightly, what is the situation, but looking at Boyan's affirmative expression, Wo Kuotai Kuotai didn't think much about urging his horse away. Originally, his plan was to fight the enemy, but now it was more about entanglement.

Seeing that Wo Kuotai had already set off, Boyan looked at Subotai behind him and said, "I'll leave the rest to you!"

Subotai picked up his own battle axe, with a look of arrogance in his eyes, staring at the tens of thousands of enemy troops calmly, snorting coldly: "Look at me!"

The two armies were at war, and only Ju Yi, Zhang Xutuo, Xiao Mahe, Yang Gun, Xun Linfu, Mengruhu, Guan Hai, and Qiu Rui were all elite generals under Yang Jian's command. Yang Jian was more or less confident.

"Kill!" Su Butai let out a tiger roar, and the battle ax in his hand gave off a frightening cold light. Under the blow of the ax, the soldiers who rushed to him were decapitated and returned. Seeing Guan Hai, he couldn't help being furious , suddenly picked up the big knife in his hand, and said with a cold expression: "Don't be crazy, everyone! Eat me!"

Guan Hai is tall and thick, and looks a bit fierce, Subotai has a dignified expression. At this moment, the hand that used to hold the battle ax with one hand is now held with both hands, and the tiger's eyes are staring at Guan Hai's direction, suddenly Shout out: "God!"

"Ding, the Subotai warrior attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the golden ax is increased by 1, the force value of the bloody BMW is increased by 1, and the current force value is 109!"

"Boom" the illusory energy burst out of the body, condensed on Subotai's two arms, the battle ax in his hand seemed to be much lighter, and Subotai held it in his hand like a tiger, as if it was a blessing.

Guan Hai's complexion changed in shock, the machete in his hand used to be fierce, but now it can't compare with the speed, it's like a candle competing with the bright moon.

"Boom... Boom...!" The huge force was too late for Guan Hai to resist, and his whole body seemed to be destroyed, he chopped off Guan Hai abruptly, and there was a deep ax mark on his chest. People are shocking.

Guan Hai looked at Subutai with disbelief, staring at the people behind him, and said with difficulty: "Be careful...uh..."

"This..." Seeing that Su Butai struck Guan Hai to death with an axe, Qiu Rui was in a state of tranquility, but right now he didn't dare to continue to charge forward, and suddenly swung his gun and said, "Whoever kills this person! Bounty Three boxes! Ten beauties! Official promotion to three ranks!"

money!Beauty and power are often the best way to motivate soldiers to charge forward. Sure enough, under Qiu Rui's command, tens of thousands of people charged forward suddenly, just to end Subotai's life and achieve success.

Of course, this head is not so easy to get. Yang Jian and Boyan are both fighting, they can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and they haven't played a real fight yet, but compared with Tuoba Tao and Shi Le, they are completely small. .

Tuoba Tao's eyes were bloodshot, and the scimitar in his hand rattled under Tuoba Tao's deliberate suppression. Looking at the banners with the characters of Qin waving in the wind, he wished to tear the people of Qin apart.

Shi Le, who was watching from behind, swallowed involuntarily, and looked at Tuoba Tao who looked passionate, Shi Le said cautiously: "Leader Tuoba! You are...!"

"I am equal to the deep blood feud of the Qin people. General Shi Le will not know about it! Please also ask Shi Le's army to help us avenge, I! And the entire Yiqu people will thank General Shi Le for your help. Your story will spread to the west Grassland, remembered by generations of children, a hero like you came out of the grassland." Tuoba Tao seemed to be brainwashing Shi Le again, and every time Tuoba Tao said something, the soldiers behind him became more excited and excited. They have waited too long for this day of revenge.

"But...!" Shi Le hadn't spoken yet, and Tuoba Tao said impatiently: "Soldiers! Our children are being captured ahead! The enemies who rob us of our food are right in front of us! I, Tuoba Tao, and they are born together. Die! Boldly rush forward! You are dead, and the brothers behind will avenge you! Collect the corpses for you, your child and woman! I will be proud of you! Kill!"

"Kill!" Hysterical roars surfaced in this world one after another. They wanted to kill their bullied children, and at this moment they broke out.

Shi Le was riding a war horse, serious and dignified, staring at Mu Huali's direction, and cursed angrily: "I've been tricked!"

But Shi Le had no other choice. The people of the prairie paid most attention to keeping their promises. Shi Le had no other choice, and suddenly shouted: "Charge!"

He Basheng, Tuoba Shiyijian, Erzhurong, Erzhuzhao, Erzhu Shilong, Yuan Xin, Yuan Haowen, Budugen, Qianman, Songtsan Gampo under Shi Le's command are almost Tuoba Tao's current All combat power is gone.

Bai Qi's severed arm was swaying in the cold wind without wind. Looking at the Yiqu banner that was gradually erected, Bai Qi stroked his beard, with a trace of coldness in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "The remaining evils of Yiqu Since it’s here! Let’s be destroyed in this war!”

Bai Qi pressed the sword in his arms, stared at the general behind him with tiger eyes and said: "All officers and men obey orders!"

"Zhang Tang! Zhang Xiu, you two, please lead [-] troops to resist the enemy's attack head-on! Zipu, Zihu, dying! Zhongxing! The four of you stay and wait for the general's order! Zhang Yi, Fu Jian, Fu Tong, you lead [-] troops, attack from the left flank, Zhu Wu, Yan Yan, and Che Ying, pay attention to the movements on both sides! As soon as the enemy shows its weakness, kill it immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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