Warring States Call

Chapter 1452 Erzhu Zhao

Chapter 1452 Erzhu Zhao

"The end general understands!" Many soldiers shouted in unison, for the two clans of Yiqu fought each other to the death, they have already formed a deadly enmity with each other, either you killed my uncle this time, or you killed me Father, so the two armies are fighting, either you die or I die, it is useless to talk too much nonsense.

Holding a broadsword in his hand, Zhang Tang led [-] soldiers to charge forward, their cheeks were covered with blood. After fighting for half an hour, Zhang Tang's mutilated broadsword had already chopped off the heads of more than a dozen grassland soldiers, and the blood flowed down the sides of the broadsword The blade fell, and the surrounding grassland soldiers glanced at Zhang Tang, their eyes full of fear, but this fear was only for a moment. After the moment was over, dozens of strong and strong men looked at Zhang Tang, their eyes full of fear. It is the color of anger.

Er Zhuzhao naturally saw the arrogant and domineering Zhang Tang, and suddenly shouted: "The enemy should not be arrogant! I'll meet you now!"

The black iron gun in Er Zhuzhao's hand exuded a bloody smell, and the blood dripped on the ground, revealing the original appearance of the black gun. The rusty iron gun matched Er Zhuzhao's resolute cheek. In comparison, it seems very harmonious.

"I'll meet you soon!" After Er Zhuzhao said this sentence, Zhang Tang's idea was aroused. Zhang Tang saw that there was his own banner behind him, and he saw that it was an enemy general. Zhang Tang snorted coldly One said: "Hmph! Let's see who dies first!"

Zhang Tang suddenly swung his knife and slashed down. Er Zhuzhao frowned slightly, but he didn't say much. The black iron gun in his hand stabbed down as fast as the wind. Although the range is large, the speed in the middle is not slow.

"Ding, Er Zhu Zhao's heroic attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, the basic force value is 100, the force value of the Black Flame Iron Spear is increased by 1, the force value of Yanling Horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 109!

"Puff!" The two horses met, and Zhang Tang fell off the horse. He stared at Er Zhuzhao who was holding the gun in disbelief, and said with an ugly expression, "This is impossible...!"

"Go to the foot of the wolf god and repent!" Er Zhurong suddenly withdrew the spear in his hand, pulled out the scimitar in his arms, cut off Zhang Tang's head, and said sternly: "Go for me!"

"Report! Something is wrong with the general!" I saw a soldier running over with an ugly face and panting, with a cold arrow stuck in his back, and his words were embarrassing.

Bai Qi frowned slightly, but he didn't feel too flustered. He held the sword in his hand and said calmly, "Death!"

"General Zhang Tang... died in battle!" the soldier swallowed his saliva, lowered his head secretly, and said helplessly.

"Zhang Tang died in battle! Who did it!" Bai Qi frowned slightly, but there was no big fluctuation.

"I don't know! I only know that this person is good at using a black gun! The brothers on the left and right are not his opponents!"

"Back off!" Bai Qi looked indifferently, looking at the Tuoba Tao banner in the distance, a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.


Bai Qi squatted down slowly, spread out the map, and randomly placed a few stones on it, showing a trace of determination.

"It's time to use it!" Bai Qi looked dignified, threw away all the stones in his hand, looked at the soldiers behind him, and said calmly, "Is Uncle Wang sure?"

"Please tell me, general!" Uncle Wang looked at Bai Qi with a calm face. He is considered the most capable general. Ever since he burst out, this guy has been wandering between the first and second ranks, because of his bow and arrow talent. , Bai Qi specially borrowed him!The purpose is to deal with Jebe, but Jebe is already dead, but backstabbing is indeed a ruthless move, inadvertently killing the enemy invisible.

Therefore!Bai Qi specially borrowed Wang Bodang, in order to shoot and kill the enemy general with one arrow, thus making a great contribution.

Bai Qi pressed the sword in his bosom, stared at Wang Bodang with a calm expression, and then said: "Tuoba Tao is the leader of Yiqu, a large part of Yiqu's combat power is due to this person's Commander ability, you can be sure! Shoot and kill this person with one blow!"

Wang Bodang didn't speak, but folded his hands in front of his chest, and said calmly, "You can try it!"

"Very good!" Bai Qi had a look of admiration in his eyes, and then he looked at the few generals left behind and said, "Zi Pu, Zi Hu, dying! Zhong Xing!"

"The end is here!" The four stepped forward with solemn expressions.

"The four of you will fight a bloody path for Uncle Wang! Once Tuoba Tao dies! Yiqu will disappear in the long river of history!" Bai Qi said calmly, stroking his beard.


"Zhang Tang...!" Zhang Xiu killed the soldiers in front of him with a sudden shot. Looking at Zhang Tang who died tragically under Er Zhuzhao's gun, Zhang Xiu's whole body was not well. Holding the spear in one hand, his expression was bleak. Staring at Er Zhuzhao, he said solemnly: "Hu dog! Keep the head!"

"Ding, Zhang Xiu's Spear King attribute activates, and his force value increases by 3! If you encounter an opponent with a gun, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points! The current Zhang Xiu's basic force value is 92, and the force value is increased by 3. The current force value is 95. Err The weapon Zhu Zhao uses is a black gun, and the force value is reduced by 3, and the current force value is 106!"

"Shhhhhhhhhh!" Zhang Xiu waved the cold air in his hands to the extreme, and gradually three spear flowers appeared on Zhang Xiu's cold spear.

Er Zhurong, who was watching from behind, immediately reminded: "Rong Zhao be careful! This man is known as the Northern Land Spear King! Be careful!"

"Spear King!" Er Zhuzhao's illusory energy broke through his body, looked at Zhang Xiu and swung his gun down suddenly, shouting: "Break!"

"Ding, Er Zhuzhao's Killing Attribute is activated! He has an instinctive impulse towards famous generals! The force value will be increased by 10, and once the enemy's famous general is defeated, the personal force value will be permanently increased by 1. The current opponent is Zhang Xiu, and Er Zhuzhao's force value will increase. 10, the current force value is 116!"

The illusory energy gradually condensed, Er Zhuzhao's eyes were blood red, and the cold spear in his hand became more obvious.

"Boom!" Zhang Xiu only felt that the long spear in his hand was out of his control, and broke out of his body. Before he could react, Er Zhuzhao's black iron spear had pierced Zhang Xiu's chest.

Zhang Xiu's expression was calm, and he spat out a mouthful of old blood. He stared at Er Zhuzhao, as if the anger on his face had been stripped away, and pointed at Zhang Xiu, with an embarrassed look on his face, he said, "You......!"

"Putong" Zhang Xiu fell off the horse and died. Er Zhuzhao returned with his gun and looked at the dead Zhang Xiu with a disdainful expression on his face, "I thought it was some kind of powerful character! I never thought it would be a vain name!"

"Ding, Er Zhuzhao beheaded Zhang Xiu, a famous general in the northern part of the Qin State, and his basic force value will be permanently increased by 1. Currently, Er Zhuzhao's force value is 101!"

"Er Zhuzhao, it's interesting!" Han Yi narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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