Warring States Call

Chapter 1453 Tuoba Tao died

Chapter 1453 Tuoba Tao died
Han Yi kept hearing news of generals dying in battle, and according to Han Yi's estimation, the total number of generals who died just now, and the number in the report, may be more than 40 people. This is still a conservative estimate. If we continue to For dead people, this figure will only be higher.

When Er Zhuzhao beheaded the general of the Qin State, he was in the limelight for a while. After seeing it, Tuoba Tao was overjoyed and said, "Soldiers! Come on! Kill me!"


With Tuoba Tao's encouragement, the soldiers under his command became more excited. Wherever they went, the Qin army gradually retreated and fled. Bai Qi looked down at the battle situation. Because of Er Zhuzhao's variable, the situation was a little more serious.

Bai Qi stroked his beard, but his face remained unchanged, he stared at the front indifferently, and the sword in his hand began to be gradually wet with sweat.

Zhang Tang and Zhang Xiu, who were attacking from the front, died in battle. The entire frontal battlefield was leaderless. Zhang Yi, Fu Jian, and Fu Tong on the left wing, and Zhu Wu, Yan Yan, and Che Ying on the right wing could all see the changes in front of them.

Except for Che Ying, these six people were all generals of the former Shu. Because of the fall of Shu, Li Xiaogong took a large number of elite soldiers and horses from Shu to the Central Plains, and only these generals who resisted desperately were left drowned. Under Wang Jian's iron hoof, they were finally forced to surrender.

Holding the spear in his hand, Zhang Yi said with a cold expression, "Hurry up! Let's work together! Take down this person together! It must be a great achievement! Go up!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The three of them became tigers. Zhang Yi led Fu Jian and Fu Tong. With some confidence in his heart, he immediately urged his horse up. In front of Er Zhuzhao, looking at the blood-stained Er Zhuzhao, he snorted coldly: "The enemy will die!"

Er Zhuzhao frowned, his eyes were fixed, and the cold spear in his hand pierced straight out, as fast as lightning. Zhang Yi saw it, his face was shocked, and before he could react, he was shot by Er Zhuzhao's black iron gun. The result is life.

Fu Jian and Fu Tong, who were watching from behind, were horrified when they saw it, and immediately pulled out their horses and left. Er Zhuzhao returned with a pistol, and said disdainfully: "Since you are here! Why are you going!"

The war horse under Er Zhuzhao's crotch was a good steed, and within a short while, he rushed behind the two of them, and one shot at a time killed them, and for a while, no one could stop them.

"Hahahahaha! Kill the Qin dog! Kill the Qin dog! Revenge!" Tuoba Tao shouted excitedly, his expression was excited, the scimitar in his hand was flying around, and the whole person was a little crazy, as if the great cause of family reunification was just around the corner .

"The enemy generals are going to be rampant! Watch the arrows!" There was only a shout!Uncle Wang put his hands on the chest in his arms and stepped down to bow, and the bow stretched to the full moon!Standing up suddenly from the crowd, there are four soldiers in front of him who will protect him, in order to get close to Tuoba Tao. Now that the time is right, Tuoba Tao invited himself to the battle in order to boost morale, although he deliberately kept a distance from the enemy , but the battle position is also very high, Wang Bodang suddenly shouted: "Middle!"

"Ding, Uncle Wang activates the attribute of good marksmanship! Strength increases by 7, increases the strength value by 10 when making a sneak attack, and reduces the enemy's strength value by 5 points!"

"Ding, the current Wang Bodang's basic force value is 98, the force value of the green wood bow is increased by 1, and the force value of the green mane horse is increased by 1. It is currently a sneak attack! The force value is increased by 10, and the personal force value is increased by 7! The current force value is 117!"

"Ding, Tuoba Tao's force value is 95, his personal force value has been reduced by 5 points due to Wang Bodang's surprise attack, and the current force value is 90 points!"

"Oh!" Tuoba Tao was taken aback!But it felt like he was surrounded by boundless ice, because Tuoba Tao's arrow was so sudden that even the guards on both sides behind him didn't see it.


Tuoba Tao clutched his big chest, the wallet in front of his chest had been completely pierced, leaving only a small hole, blood flowed out from the wound, Tuoba Tao's whole body softened slightly, and he fell to the ground, He only felt that the moment his body was shot through, his life was ruthlessly passing by.

"Boss! Boss! Boss." Yuan Xin and Yuan Haowen, who followed Tuoba Tao, looked at Tuoba Tao who had been shot, and his whole body was not well. They pointed at Uncle Wang and said, "Quick! Kill him! He killed the chief! Kill him!"

As soon as this sound was heard, Uncle Wang was like an annoying fly, everyone shouted and beat him, Uncle Wang frowned, immediately got on his horse and said, "Get out quickly!"

The four people who were arranged to protect Wang Bodang murmured that it was not good, this time they stabbed a hornet's nest, and secretly murmured that it was unlucky.

"Bastard...!" Yuan Hao asked with a look of sadness in his eyes, he thought he would be able to take revenge this time, but he never thought that Tuoba Tao would die here.

Seeing that Tuoba Tao was hit by an arrow, Er Zhurong's complexion gradually turned cold, and immediately urged his horse to come, looked at Tuoba Tao and said, "Boss...!"

"Call...Call...Call!" Tuoba Tao's breathing became more and more rapid, his tiger eyes stared at the crowd, and there was a lot of unwillingness in his eyes, watching the snowstorm in the sky getting bigger and bigger, Tuoba Tao Ba Tao sighed badly: "I... Tuoba Tao!... I have no face to see my ancestors... You wait and listen! Who can lead the people to recover their homeland! Whether it is...... civilians!... Generals!... Nobles ...Still a slave!...As long as you can return to your homeland, you will regard him as king......Pfft...!"

Tuoba Tao spat out a mouthful of old blood, his whole body was icy cold, his eyes were staring, the direction he was looking at was his homeland, where did he miss the scent of green grass!The sweet voice of the woman, the children playing under the boundless sunset, and the sunset at dusk, unfortunately he couldn't see them all... Such a beautiful scenery!Wouldn't it make people linger.

"The leader...the leader...he killed the leader! We are going to kill him! Kill him!" At this moment, tens of thousands of Tuoba soldiers broke out with unprecedented combat power.

Uncle Wang took the arrow!The anger and killing intent in their hearts were shot out.

"Kill me! Kill!" Yuan Haowen suddenly pulled out his scimitar, leading the way, followed by the soldiers behind him.

Looking at the uncontrollable scene in front of him, Shi Le secretly cursed: "Crazy! They're all crazy! They're all crazy!"

"Soldiers! Follow me to kill!" Zhu Wu held a big sword with a tiger's head in his hand, turned down, and rushed forward, but before taking three steps, he was shot to death by several arrows, and was chased after him. Yuan Xin took off Zhu Wu's head without even looking at him, and all the tiger eyes were Wang Bodang's voice.

Seeing Wang Bodang wearing a white robe in front of him, Yuan Xin suddenly threw Zhu Wu's head over, and said with disdain, "Does Qin Dog only know how to run away?"


"Looking for death!" This sentence completely angered Wang Bodang, Wang Bodang shot the arrow while speaking, he didn't even look at Yuan Xin's direction, he just listened to the sound to identify his position.

(End of this chapter)

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