Warring States Call

Chapter 1454 Red Flame Army

Chapter 1454 Red Flame Army

"Swoosh...slap!" The cold arrow shot out from Yuan Xin's throat. Yuan Xin's eyes were full of disbelief, but the corpse rolled down mercilessly. Wang Bodang tightened his horse, his expression gradually cold and said: " kill!"

"Kill!" The morale of the Qin army also exploded at this moment, and the situation that was vaguely defeated before completely disappeared without a trace under Wang Bodang's two arrows.

Er Zhuzhao looked at the arrogant and domineering Wang Bodang, and immediately urged his horse to go up, and was about to fight Wang Bodang to the death, when Er Zhurong behind him immediately stopped Er Zhuzhao and said: "The general situation is over! You and I run away quickly! Accumulate strength ! It will be of great use in the future!"

"But uncle! The leaders are all dead! Who do we take refuge with?" Er Zhurong said with a grim expression on his face.

"There is only Shi Le left in the Shanrong of Rujia, so we will rely on him. Although we can't become a leader, we can still get a fief for soldiers to cultivate! Now is not the time to be impulsive!" Er Zhurong immediately pulled Er Zhuzhao and Shi Le He led his troops in defeat and fled.

In Er Zhurong's view, Er Zhuzhao has demonstrated the potential and strength of a famous general in this battle. This is a good opportunity for him to dominate Yiqu. What is needed is talent, so he will retain his strength to the maximum extent.

Naturally, Shi Le also lost his will to fight. The defeat of the battle was beyond his imagination, and the soldiers suffered heavy losses. What they were facing was an army of tigers and wolves. If they continued to fight, it would only be cheaper for Temujin, so Shi Le could only order Withdraw the troops, as for whether Yeke and Abaoji are alive or dead, he doesn't care!After all, the current Shanrong doesn't need a defeated leader, what they want is someone who can lead them to glory.

Since then, Shanrong and Yiqu have been confused together, and Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou brothers, because they were dissatisfied with Shi Le's attempt to usurp power, they defected to Genghis Khan three months later, which also aroused internal conflicts in the grassland.

"Pfft!" Wanyan Jindanzi spat out a mouthful of old blood, his whole body was solemn, staring at Xue Ju who was trying his best, Wanyan Jindanzi seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, and he was not with Xue Ju at first. Fight hard, but avoid everywhere.

Naturally, Wanyan Aguda could see the situation of the battle. He stared at Wanyan Jindanzi and Xue Ju who were fighting in front of him. He couldn't believe that the number one warrior of his tribe was actually suppressed by the enemy generals. There was no strength left to resist.

"Leader! Quickly withdraw! Shanrong's soldiers and horses have already retreated! We are fighting! We will definitely lose! Wanyan Jintanzi is a warrior of our clan! If he dies here! This will cause heavy losses to our clan! !” Behind Jin Wushu clutching his chest, with bruises still in his mouth, staring at Xue Ju who was fighting with Wanyan Jindanzi, it was hard to believe that he only lasted one round in his hands.

"But...!" Wanyan Aguda looked a little anxious, looking at Wanyan's golden marble who was about to lose his hold, he sighed secretly: "Withdraw!"


"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Mu Huali was in disbelief. Seeing Wang Baobao who was still entangled with Wu Qi, he immediately called out, "Hurry up and organize a retreat! Hurry up up"

Wang Baobao's face looked tired, his head was covered with cold sweat, and he was fighting against a master like Wu Qi!Even with the method of saving lives, Wang Baobao felt that it was very difficult, and he almost made Wu Qi break through three times within half an hour.

Seeing Mu Huali rushing to rescue him, Wang Baobao immediately said, "I'll leave it to you!"

Mu Huali frowned slightly. It's not that he doesn't know Wang Baobao's strength. It's the first time he's seen someone make Wang Baobao look so tired.

"Withdraw!" When the soldiers and horses retreated, Mu Huali looked at the approaching enemy army, and said coldly, "Tibetan mastiff soldiers!"

"Wow woof... woof woof...!
"Woof... woof... woof woof!" Following Mu Huali's greeting, the barking of dogs all around became louder and louder, and more and more Tibetan mastiffs began to show up on the battlefield. He shouted: "Ah Lulu!......!" The hand in his hand fell slightly again, only to hear: "Pa!"

The surrounding Tibetan mastiffs are like runaway wild horses, rushing forward and biting anyone they see. The surviving wounded on the battlefield are undoubtedly not blocked by their blood. Where to walk around.

"Shots! Shield defense, hold this line for me!" Qin Qiong, who was organizing the defense on the front line, made a decisive decision. Tens of thousands of long spears stabbed out in unison, shields emerged one by one, and the soldiers with weapons behind them all looked serious. , Zhao Jun's pale appearance is vivid in their minds, this is a gamble.

Wu Qi stroked his beard, looked calmly at Jia Fu behind him and said, "General Jia! Do you mind eating dog meat tonight?"

Jia Fu had just returned from gathering his troops, looked at the joking Wu Qi and said, "Don't talk about such useless things! Who wouldn't want to eat meat!"

"Okay! Let's eat dog meat for dinner today!" Wu Qi said with a cold face, at this moment Wu Qi suddenly took off a red fire flag, looked at Wen Pin below and said: "General Wen! This battle will be handed over to your Red Flame Army !"

"Don't worry, general! Just look at my Red Flame Army! Exterminate them!" Wen Pin snorted coldly, and suddenly swung his knife and said, "Go out!"


"Ha!" There was only a greeting, and the three thousand Chiyan army quickly marched out before the two armies cleared the way.

In order to save time, Wu Qi waved his hand and said: "Tell Qin Qiong! The army retreats fifty steps! Give the Red Flame Army room to play!"


"Woo... woo... The army retreated fifty steps"

When Qin Qiong heard the general order, he was puzzled and said: "What are you doing! It seems that there is going to be a big battle!"

"Old Qin, don't worry so much! I want you to withdraw! You just withdraw!" Yu Chigong didn't think too much, seeing the dog barking gradually coming from his ears, his whole scalp was numb, he made a decisive decision, pulled his horse away, and retreated quickly fifty steps.

"Fire oil! Rockets! Get ready!" Wenpin waved his hand suddenly with a calm face.

"Fire oil! Throw" only heard a greeting, and a huge bag of fire oil was thrown out, smashing 30 meters away from Juli Tibetan Mastiff.

"Woof woof... woof woof!" As the barking of the dog became louder, everyone became vigilant.

Mu Huali looked at the funny Wenpin, and frowned slightly. What's the matter?Send these 3000 people to die?
"150 steps!"

"130 steps!"

"One hundred steps!"

"Eighty steps!"

"Fifty steps!"

"Fire the rocket!" Wenpin suddenly opened his eyes, with a cold light in them.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The rockets that filled the sky spread down like rain of fire in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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